Michael Vetter 18f0d7e871 Remove trailing whitespaces
Makes it easier to edit the files. So if we press 'end of line' we are
really at the end of line.
2016-11-08 10:25:07 +01:00

150 lines
5.0 KiB

(Data Record Ascii class.)
(((Alex Lin) (NASA) (2009)))
#ifndef DRASCII_HH
#define DRASCII_HH
#include <string>
#include "trick/DataRecordGroup.hh"
#ifdef SWIG
%feature("shadow") Trick::DRAscii::DRAscii(std::string in_name) %{
def __init__(self, *args):
this = $action(*args)
try: self.this.append(this)
except: self.this = this
namespace Trick {
The DRAscii recording format is a comma separated value file named log_<group_name>.csv. The contents
of this file type are readable by the Trick Data Products packages, ascii editors, and Microsoft Excel.
The format of the file follows. Users are able to change the comma delimiter to another string. Changing
the delimiter will change the file extension from ".csv" to ".txt".
name_1 {units_1},name_2 {units_2},etc...
class DRAscii : public Trick::DataRecordGroup {
/** 'C' printf format for floats.\n */
std::string ascii_float_format; /**< trick_units(--) */
/** 'C' printf format for doubles.\n */
std::string ascii_double_format; /**< trick_units(--) */
/** Delimiter for separating ascii format fields.\n */
std::string delimiter; /**< trick_units(--) */
#ifndef SWIG
@brief DRAscii default constructor.
DRAscii() {}
~DRAscii() {}
@brief @userdesc Create a new Ascii data recording group.
@par Python Usage:
@code <my_drg> = trick.DRAscii("<in_name>") @endcode
@copydoc Trick::DataRecordGroup::DataRecordGroup(string in_name)
DRAscii( std::string in_name) ;
@copybrief Trick::DataRecordGroup::format_specific_header
virtual int format_specific_header(std::fstream & outstream) ;
@copybrief Trick::DataRecordGroup::format_specific_init
virtual int format_specific_init() ;
@copybrief Trick::DataRecordGroup::format_specific_write_data
virtual int format_specific_write_data(unsigned int writer_offset) ;
@copybrief Trick::DataRecordGroup::format_specific_shutdown
virtual int format_specific_shutdown() ;
@brief @userdesc Command to set the printf format for the group's float variable values in the
log file (default is "%20.8g").
@par Python Usage:
@code <dr_group>.set_ascii_float_format("<in_ascii_float_format>") @endcode
@param in_ascii_float_format - printf format string
@return always 0
int set_ascii_float_format(std::string in_ascii_float_format) ;
@brief @userdesc Command to set the printf format for the group's double variable values in the
log file (default is "%20.16g"). If single_prec_only is set, then default is "%20.8g".
@par Python Usage:
@code <dr_group>.set_ascii_double_format("<in_ascii_double_format>") @endcode
@param in_ascii_double_format - printf format string
@return always 0
int set_ascii_double_format(std::string in_ascii_double_format) ;
@brief @userdesc Command to set the group's delimiter string printed between values in the log
file (default is ","). When the delimiter is a comma (","), the log file name
extension will be .csv, otherwise the log file extension will be .txt.
@par Python Usage:
@code <dr_group>.set_delimiter("<in_delimiter>") @endcode
@param in_delimiter - the delimiter string
@return always 0
int set_delimiter(std::string in_delimiter) ;
@brief @userdesc Command to print double variable values as single precision (float) in the log file
to save space (default is false).
@par Python Usage:
@code <dr_group>.set_single_prec_only(<in_single_prec_only>) @endcode
@param in_single_prec_only - boolean true indicates print doubles as single precision
@return always 0
virtual int set_single_prec_only(bool in_single_prec_only) ;
@brief Copies value of variable to ascii buffer
@return always 0
int copy_data_ascii_item( Trick::DataRecordBuffer * DI, int item_num, char *buf ) ;
/** Output stream for the log file */
std::fstream out_stream ; /**< trick_io(**) */
} ;
} ;