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synced 2024-12-21 14:07:51 +00:00
* Disambiguate python use #1250 Changed all calls to /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/env python3. Removed execute permissions on a lot of files that are not executable. closes #1250
71 lines
2.6 KiB
71 lines
2.6 KiB
PURPOSE: (Simulate a lander.)
#ifndef _lander_hh_
#define _lander_hh_
#include "PIDController/include/PIDController.hh"
class Lander {
double pos[2] ; /* (m) xy-position */
double vel[2] ; /* (m/s) xy-velocity */
double acc[2] ; /* (m/s2) xy-acceleration */
double pitch; /* (rad) pitch angle */
double pitchDot; /* (rad/s) pitch angular-rate */
double pitchDDot; /* (rad/s2) pitch angular-acceleration */
double nozzle_angle; /* (rad) */
double main_engine_offset; /* (m) distance of main engine swivel from vehicle center of gravity. */
double thrust_max; /* (N) Maximum thrust that the main engine can produce. */
double rcs_thrust; /* (N) Thrust produced when RCS motor is "On". */
double rcs_offset; /* (m) distance of RCS motors from vehicle center of gravity. */
double mass; /* (kg) */
double moment_of_inertia; /* (kg/m2) */
double g; /* (m/s2) - acceleration of gravity. */
int throttle; /* -- Percentage of thrust_max. Range: 0 .. 100. */
int rcs_command; /* -- -1 = counter-clockwise, 0 = no torque, 1 = clockwise */
// Controls from the client
int manual_throttle_change_command; /* add to throttle */
int manual_rcs_command; /* -1 = counter-clockwise, 0 = no torque, 1 = clockwise */
int altitudeCtrlEnabled; /* -- 0= disabled, 1=ensabled */
int downRangeCtrlEnabled;
PIDController* posxCntrl;
PIDController* posyCntrl;
PIDController* energy_controller;
PIDController* velxCntrl;
PIDController* velyCntrl;
PIDController* nozzlePitchController;
PIDController* nozzlePitchRateController;
PIDController* RCSpitchController;
PIDController* RCSpitchRateController;
double RCS_pitch_dot_limit;
double RCS_pitch_ddot_limit;
double x_cmd;
double y_cmd;
double vy_cmd;
double vx_cmd;
double ay_cmd;
double ax_cmd;
double pitch_cmd;
double pitch_dot_cmd;
double pitch_ddot_cmd;
int default_data();
int state_init();
int state_deriv();
int state_integ();
int check_ground_contact();
int control();