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synced 2025-02-04 10:10:39 +00:00
* First commit of SIM_robot. * Updates to kinematic arm with controller * Working well enough, still needs some user interface besides trick-TV * Add end-effector path trace to graphics client. * Singularity control bug, remove printouts, udpate makefile * Improve SIM_robot variable server client. * Tidy up RobotDisplay.java * Tidying up * Removing warnings * Working on documentation * Updating documentation * Updating docs * Adding figures for documentation * Removing some stuff in the README carried over from the template * Tidying up * Position vector finally done * Updating based on feedback * Forward position kinematics completed with notation changes * First pass documentation done? * remove printout * Fix typos in text and filenames * Update README.md * Update README.md * made it smaller --------- Co-authored-by: John M. Penn <john.m.penn@nasa.gov>
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