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(Trick runtime simulation executive scheduler.)
#ifndef SEGMENT_HH
#define SEGMENT_HH
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "sim_services/ScheduledJobQueue/include/ScheduledJobQueue.hh"
namespace Trick {
class Segment {
/* This 1 argument constructor creates a new segment, but does not associate any job classes
with the enter and exit job queues. */
Segment( std::string segment_name ) ;
/* This 3 argument constructor associates the enter_job_class_str with the enter_jobs queue and
exit_job_class_str with the exit_jobs queue. This should be the normal constructor to use. */
Segment( std::string segment_name , std::string enter_job_class_str , std::string exit_job_class_str ) ;
virtual ~Segment() {} ;
/* getters and setters */
std::string get_segment_name() ;
void set_segment_name(std::string in_segment_name) ;
void set_enter_job_class_name(std::string job_class_name) ;
void set_exit_job_class_name(std::string job_class_name) ;
/* Called by the executive as we enter this segment. The previous segment string is
sent to this routine. An empty string is sent as the prev_segment if no segment
was set previously. */
virtual int enter( std::string prev_segment ) ;
/* Called by the executive as we exit this segment. The next segment string is
sent to this routine */
virtual int exit( std::string next_segment ) ;
/* Used by the executive to pull in all job_classes and their queues */
std::map < std::string , Trick::ScheduledJobQueue * > & get_job_queues() ;
/* Name of this segment to be used in S_define job tags */
std::string segment_name ;
/* Job class string for entering this segment */
std::string enter_job_class_name ;
/* Job class string for exiting this segment */
std::string exit_job_class_name ;
/* Maps job class names to job queues. All job classes a user wants the executive
to recognize must reside in this map. This is the only thing the executive
reads to get a segment's job classes. */
std::map < std::string , Trick::ScheduledJobQueue * > job_queues ;
/* holds jobs to execute when we enter segment */
Trick::ScheduledJobQueue enter_jobs ; /**< trick_io(**) */
/* holds jobs to execute when we exit segment */
Trick::ScheduledJobQueue exit_jobs ; /**< trick_io(**) */
} ;