#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trick/JITInputFile.hh" #include "trick/command_line_protos.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/env_proto.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.hh" #include "trick/TrickConstant.hh" Trick::JITInputFile * the_jit = NULL ; //TODO: Move JITLibInfo code into the JITLibInfo object. Trick::JITInputFile::JITInputFile() { the_jit = this ; JITLibInfo li ; li.library_name = "S_main" ; li.handle = dlopen( NULL , RTLD_LAZY ) ; file_to_libinfo_map["S_main"] = li ; } /** @details -# Test if the input file on the command line ends in .cpp or .cc -# If it does save the input file locally and clear the command line argument so the cpp input file will not go through the input processor. */ int Trick::JITInputFile::process_sim_args() { std::string cpp = ".cpp" ; std::string cc = ".cc" ; std::string & ifr = command_line_args_get_input_file_ref() ; if ( ! ifr.empty() ) { if (! ifr.compare( ifr.length() - cpp.length() , cpp.length(), cpp) or ! ifr.compare( ifr.length() - cc.length() , cc.length(), cc) ) { input_file = ifr ; ifr.clear() ; } } return 0 ; } /** @details -# If the incoming file name has already been successfully compiled, return 0 -# Get the basename of the input file -# Get the root name of the input file (no extension) -# Set all of the output file names based on the output directory and the input file root name -# Make the output directory -# Open the makefile for writing -# Create a makefile that will compile the input file to a shared library -# Call make to compile the library file. -# Extract the return status from the system call. -# If the compilation was unsuccessful, exec_terminate -# The library compile successfully. Add library name to map */ int Trick::JITInputFile::compile(std::string file_name) { std::ofstream outfile ; std::ostringstream ss ; std::string output_directory ; std::string object_fullpath_name ; std::string library_fullpath_name ; std::string makefile_fullpath_name ; std::string input_file_rootname ; std::string input_file_basename ; std::string dep_file_name ; struct stat output_dir_stat ; int ret ; size_t pos ; // If the incoming file name has already been successfully compiled, return now. if ( file_to_libinfo_map.find(file_name) != file_to_libinfo_map.end() ) { return 0 ; } // get the basename of the input file if ( (pos = file_name.find_last_of("/")) != std::string::npos ) { input_file_basename = file_name.substr(pos + 1 ) ; } else { input_file_basename = file_name ; } // get the root name of the input file (no extension) if ( (pos = input_file_basename.find_last_of(".")) != std::string::npos ) { input_file_rootname = input_file_basename.substr(0, pos) ; } else { input_file_rootname = input_file_basename ; } // set all of the output file names based on the output directory and the input file root name output_directory = std::string(command_line_args_get_output_dir()) + "/jitlib" ; makefile_fullpath_name = output_directory + "/Makefile." + input_file_rootname ; object_fullpath_name = output_directory + "/" + input_file_rootname + ".o" ; library_fullpath_name = output_directory + "/lib" + input_file_rootname + ".so" ; dep_file_name = output_directory + "/" + input_file_rootname + ".d" ; // make the output directory ret = stat( output_directory.c_str(), &output_dir_stat) ; if ( ret == -1 and errno == ENOENT ) { mkdir(output_directory.c_str(), 0775) ; } else if ( ret == 0 and ! S_ISDIR(output_dir_stat.st_mode)) { std::string error_message = "JITInputfile could not create directory " + output_directory ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } // open the makefile for writing outfile.open(makefile_fullpath_name.c_str()) ; // create a makefile that will compile the input file to a shared library outfile << "# JITInputFile auto generated Makefile. Paths are relative to the simulation directory" << std::endl ; outfile << "# To manually use this file go to sim directory and use \"make -f " << makefile_fullpath_name << " \"" ; outfile << std::endl << std::endl ; // rule to link shared library outfile << library_fullpath_name << ": " << object_fullpath_name << std::endl ; outfile << "\t" << get_trick_env((char *)"TRICK_CPPC") << " -shared -o $@ $<" << std::endl << std::endl ; // rule to compile cpp file outfile << object_fullpath_name << ": " << file_name << std::endl ; outfile << "\t" << get_trick_env((char *)"TRICK_CPPC") << " " << get_trick_env((char *)"TRICK_CXXFLAGS") ; outfile << " " << get_trick_env((char *)"TRICK_SYSTEM_CXXFLAGS") ; outfile << " -MMD -c -fPIC -o $@ $<" << std::endl << std::endl ; // rule to clean outfile << "clean:" << std::endl ; outfile << "\t rm -f " << object_fullpath_name << " " << library_fullpath_name ; outfile << " " << command_line_args_get_output_dir() << "/" << dep_file_name << std::endl << std::endl ; // dependency file outfile << "-include " << dep_file_name << std::endl ; outfile.close() ; // call make to compile the library file. ss << "make -s -f " << makefile_fullpath_name << std::endl ; ret = system(ss.str().c_str()) ; // extract the return status from the system call. ret = WEXITSTATUS(ret) ; // If the compilation was unsuccessful, exec_terminate if ( ret != 0 ) { std::string error_message = "JITInputfile shared library creation failed" ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } // The library compile successfully. Add library name to map JITLibInfo li ; li.library_name = library_fullpath_name ; file_to_libinfo_map[file_name] = li ; return 0 ; } /** @details -# Check if we have compiled this library yet -# If we have not compiled the library then exec_terminate -# If the library handle is NULL, try and open the library -# If the library open fails, exec_terminate -# Look up the symbol run_function -# If the symbol is not found exec_terminate. -# Call the function */ int Trick::JITInputFile::run(std::string file_name , std::string run_function ) { int (*call_me)(void) = NULL ; int ret = 0 ; // Check if we have compiled this library yet. if ( file_to_libinfo_map.find(file_name) == file_to_libinfo_map.end() ) { // If we have not compiled the library then exec_terminate std::string error_message = "JITInputfile library not found for " + file_name ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } JITLibInfo & li = file_to_libinfo_map.find(file_name)->second ; // if the library handle is NULL, try and open the library. if ( li.handle == NULL ) { li.handle = dlopen( li.library_name.c_str() , RTLD_LAZY ) ; // if the library open fails, exec_terminate if ( li.handle == NULL ) { std::string error_message = "JITInputfile dlopen failed on " + li.library_name ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } } // Look up the symbol name call_me = (int (*)(void))dlsym( li.handle , run_function.c_str()) ; if ( call_me == NULL ) { std::string error_message = "JITInputfile could not find function " + run_function ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } else { // We found the function, call it! ret = (*call_me)() ; return ret ; } } /** @details -# If the file_name is not empty -# Compile the file_name -# If the file compiled successfully -# Execute the run_function */ int Trick::JITInputFile::compile_and_run(std::string file_name, std::string run_function) { int ret = 0 ; // If the file name is not empty if ( ! file_name.empty() ) { // Attempt to compile the library. ret = compile(file_name) ; if ( ret == 0 ) { // If the compilation was successful execute run_function. ret = run( file_name , run_function ) ; } } // Return 0 or the return value of compile/run. return ret ; } /** @details -# If the incoming file name has already been added, return 0 -# Add library name to map */ int Trick::JITInputFile::add_library(std::string lib_name) { // If the incoming file name has already been added, return 0 if ( file_to_libinfo_map.find(lib_name) != file_to_libinfo_map.end() ) { return 0 ; } // Add library name to map JITLibInfo li ; li.library_name = lib_name ; li.handle = dlopen( li.library_name.c_str() , RTLD_LAZY ) ; file_to_libinfo_map[lib_name] = li ; return 0 ; } void * Trick::JITInputFile::find_symbol(std::string sym) { std::map< std::string , JITLibInfo >::iterator it ; for ( it = file_to_libinfo_map.begin() ; it != file_to_libinfo_map.end() ; it++ ) { void * ret = (*it).second.find_symbol(sym) ; if (ret != NULL) { return ret ; } } return NULL ; } /** @details -# Call compile_and_run with the input_file from the command line */ int Trick::JITInputFile::init() { // Compile and run the input file. It's ok if input_file is empty. return compile_and_run(input_file) ; }