# - Find LLVM headers and libraries. # This module locates LLVM and adapts the llvm-config output for use with # CMake. # # A given list of COMPONENTS is passed to llvm-config. # # The following variables are defined: # LLVM_FOUND - true if LLVM was found # LLVM_CXXFLAGS - C++ compiler flags for files that include LLVM headers. # LLVM_HOST_TARGET - Target triple used to configure LLVM. # LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS - Directory containing LLVM include files. # LLVM_LDFLAGS - Linker flags to add when linking against LLVM # (includes -LLLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS). # LLVM_LIBRARIES - Full paths to the library files to link against. # LLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS - Directory containing LLVM libraries. # LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH - Backend corresponding to LLVM_HOST_TARGET, e.g., # X86 for x86_64 and i686 hosts. # LLVM_ROOT_DIR - The root directory of the LLVM installation. # llvm-config is searched for in ${LLVM_ROOT_DIR}/bin. # LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR - Major version of LLVM. # LLVM_VERSION_MINOR - Minor version of LLVM. # LLVM_VERSION_STRING - Full LLVM version string (e.g. 6.0.0svn). # LLVM_VERSION_BASE_STRING - Base LLVM version string without git/svn suffix (e.g. 6.0.0). # # Note: The variable names were chosen in conformance with the offical CMake # guidelines, see ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/readme.txt. # Try suffixed versions to pick up the newest LLVM install available on Debian # derivatives. # We also want an user-specified LLVM_ROOT_DIR to take precedence over the # system default locations such as /usr/local/bin. Executing find_program() # multiples times is the approach recommended in the docs. set(llvm_config_names llvm-config-9.0 llvm-config90 llvm-config-8.0 llvm-config80 llvm-config-7.0 llvm-config70 llvm-config-6.0 llvm-config60 llvm-config-5.0 llvm-config50 llvm-config-4.0 llvm-config40 llvm-config-3.9 llvm-config39 llvm-config) find_program(LLVM_CONFIG NAMES ${llvm_config_names} PATHS ${LLVM_ROOT_DIR}/bin /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin NO_DEFAULT_PATH DOC "Path to llvm-config tool.") find_program(LLVM_CONFIG NAMES ${llvm_config_names}) # Prints a warning/failure message depending on the required/quiet flags. Copied # from FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake because it doesn't seem to be exposed. macro(_LLVM_FAIL _msg) if(LLVM_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_msg}") else() if(NOT LLVM_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "${_msg}") endif() endif() endmacro() if(NOT LLVM_CONFIG) if(NOT LLVM_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING "Could not find llvm-config (LLVM >= ${LLVM_FIND_VERSION}). Try manually setting LLVM_CONFIG to the llvm-config executable of the installation to use.") endif() else() macro(llvm_set var flag) if(LLVM_FIND_QUIETLY) set(_quiet_arg ERROR_QUIET) endif() set(result_code) execute_process( COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG} --${flag} RESULT_VARIABLE result_code OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLVM_${var} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ${_quiet_arg} ) if(result_code) _LLVM_FAIL("Failed to execute llvm-config ('${LLVM_CONFIG}', result code: '${result_code})'") else() if(${ARGV2}) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${LLVM_${var}}" LLVM_${var}) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(llvm_set_libs var flag components) if(LLVM_FIND_QUIETLY) set(_quiet_arg ERROR_QUIET) endif() set(result_code) execute_process( COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG} --${flag} ${components} RESULT_VARIABLE result_code OUTPUT_VARIABLE tmplibs OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ${_quiet_arg} ) if(result_code) _LLVM_FAIL("Failed to execute llvm-config ('${LLVM_CONFIG}', result code: '${result_code})'") else() file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${tmplibs}" tmplibs) string(REGEX MATCHALL "${pattern}[^ ]+" LLVM_${var} ${tmplibs}) endif() endmacro() llvm_set(VERSION_STRING version) llvm_set(CXXFLAGS cxxflags) llvm_set(HOST_TARGET host-target) llvm_set(INCLUDE_DIRS includedir true) llvm_set(ROOT_DIR prefix true) # The LLVM version string _may_ contain a git/svn suffix, so match only the x.y.z part string(REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+" LLVM_VERSION_BASE_STRING "${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}") if(NOT ${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} MATCHES "^3\\.4\\..*") llvm_set(ENABLE_ASSERTIONS assertion-mode) endif() # Versions below 4.0 do not support components debuginfomsf and demangle if(${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} MATCHES "^3\\..*") list(REMOVE_ITEM LLVM_FIND_COMPONENTS "debuginfomsf" index) list(REMOVE_ITEM LLVM_FIND_COMPONENTS "demangle" index) endif() # Versions below 6.0 do not support component windowsmanifest if(${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} MATCHES "^[3-5]\\..*") list(REMOVE_ITEM LLVM_FIND_COMPONENTS "windowsmanifest" index) endif() llvm_set(LDFLAGS ldflags) # In LLVM 3.5+, the system library dependencies (e.g. "-lz") are accessed # using the separate "--system-libs" flag. if(NOT ${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} MATCHES "^3\\.4\\..*") llvm_set(SYSTEM_LIBS system-libs) endif() string(REPLACE "\n" " " LLVM_LDFLAGS "${LLVM_LDFLAGS} ${LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS}") string(STRIP ${LLVM_LDFLAGS} LLVM_LDFLAGS) llvm_set(LIBRARY_DIRS libdir true) llvm_set_libs(LIBRARIES libs "${LLVM_FIND_COMPONENTS}") # LLVM bug: llvm-config --libs tablegen returns -lLLVM-3.8.0 # but code for it is not in shared library if("${LLVM_FIND_COMPONENTS}" MATCHES "tablegen") if (NOT "${LLVM_LIBRARIES}" MATCHES "LLVMTableGen") set(LLVM_LIBRARIES "${LLVM_LIBRARIES};-lLLVMTableGen") endif() endif() # Versions below 4.0 do not support llvm-config --cmakedir if(${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} MATCHES "^3\\..*") set(LLVM_CMAKEDIR ${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIRS}/cmake/llvm) else() llvm_set(CMAKEDIR cmakedir) endif() llvm_set(TARGETS_TO_BUILD targets-built) string(REGEX MATCHALL "${pattern}[^ ]+" LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) # Parse LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH manually from LLVMConfig.cmake; including it leads to issues like # https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues/3079. if(EXISTS "${LLVM_CMAKEDIR}/LLVMConfig.cmake") file(STRINGS "${LLVM_CMAKEDIR}/LLVMConfig.cmake" LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "^set\\(LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH (.+)\\)$") string(REGEX MATCH "set\\(LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH (.+)\\)" LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}") set(LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) message(STATUS "LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH: ${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}") endif() endif() # On CMake builds of LLVM, the output of llvm-config --cxxflags does not # include -fno-rtti, leading to linker errors. Be sure to add it. if(NOT MSVC AND (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL "Clang"))) if(NOT ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS} MATCHES "-fno-rtti") set(LLVM_CXXFLAGS "${LLVM_CXXFLAGS} -fno-rtti") endif() endif() # Remove some clang-specific flags for gcc. if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) string(REPLACE "-Wcovered-switch-default " "" LLVM_CXXFLAGS ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS}) string(REPLACE "-Wstring-conversion " "" LLVM_CXXFLAGS ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS}) string(REPLACE "-fcolor-diagnostics " "" LLVM_CXXFLAGS ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS}) # this requires more recent gcc versions (not supported by 4.9) string(REPLACE "-Werror=unguarded-availability-new " "" LLVM_CXXFLAGS ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS}) endif() # Remove gcc-specific flags for clang. if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "Clang") string(REPLACE "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized " "" LLVM_CXXFLAGS ${LLVM_CXXFLAGS}) endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+).*" "\\1" LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR "${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}" ) string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*[A-Za-z]*" "\\1" LLVM_VERSION_MINOR "${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}" ) string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*[A-Za-z]*" "\\1" LLVM_VERSION_PATCH "${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}" ) if (${LLVM_VERSION_STRING} VERSION_LESS ${LLVM_FIND_VERSION}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported LLVM version found ${LLVM_VERSION_STRING}. At least version ${LLVM_FIND_VERSION} is required.") endif() # Use the default CMake facilities for handling QUIET/REQUIRED. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LLVM REQUIRED_VARS LLVM_ROOT_DIR LLVM_HOST_TARGET VERSION_VAR LLVM_VERSION_STRING)