#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "ClassValues.hh" #include "VariableVisitor.hh" #include "ClassVisitor.hh" #include "Utilities.hh" extern llvm::cl::opt< int > debug_level ; VariableVisitor::VariableVisitor(clang::CompilerInstance & in_ci , CommentSaver & in_cs , HeaderSearchDirs & in_hsd , PrintAttributes & in_pa , std::set< std::string > & fdc ) : ci(in_ci) , cs(in_cs) , hsd(in_hsd) , pa(in_pa) , fwd_declared_classes(fdc) , has_dims(false) , cval(NULL) {} bool VariableVisitor::VisitDecl(clang::Decl *d) { if ( debug_level >=2 ) { std::cout << "\nVariableVisitor Decl = " << d->getDeclKindName() << std::endl ; } return true ; } bool VariableVisitor::VisitType(clang::Type *t) { if ( debug_level >=2 ) { std::cout << "\nVariableVisitor Type = " << t->getTypeClassName() << std::endl ; } return true; } /** We are only interested in global variable declarations that are template class types. If it is a template class we may have to create IO code for the class. @details */ bool VariableVisitor::VisitTemplateSpecializationType(clang::TemplateSpecializationType *tst) { clang::CXXRecordDecl *trec = tst->getAsCXXRecordDecl() ; if ( debug_level >=2 ) { std::cout << "\nVariableVisitor VisitTemplateSpecializationType" << std::endl ; trec->dump() ; std::cout << std::endl ; } /* The getDifinition() call retrieves the resolved template if it exists. The call returns NULL if the template was defined but never used */ clang::TagDecl * td = trec->getDefinition() ; if ( td != NULL and ! has_dims ) { if ( debug_level >=2 ) { td->dump() ; std::cout << std::endl ; } CXXRecordVisitor cvis(ci, cs, hsd, pa, true) ; cval = cvis.get_class_data() ; cvis.TraverseCXXRecordDecl(clang::cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(td)) ; if (cval->isInStandardNamespace()) { if ( debug_level >=4 ) { std::cout << "\nTypedefVisitor VisitTemplateSpecializationType not adding class" << std::endl ; } cval = NULL ; } else { std::string mangled_name = tst->desugar().getAsString() ; size_t pos ; if ((pos = mangled_name.find("class ")) != std::string::npos ) { mangled_name.erase(pos , 6) ; } cval->setName(mangled_name) ; mangled_name.erase(remove_if(mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), isspace), mangled_name.end()); std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), '<', '_') ; std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), '>', '_') ; std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), ' ', '_') ; std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), ',', '_') ; std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), ':', '_') ; std::replace( mangled_name.begin(), mangled_name.end(), '*', '_') ; cval->setMangledTypeName(mangled_name) ; pa.printClass(cval) ; } } return true; }