#include #include "../include/units_conv.h" #define TOL 1e-13 /* double tolerance(int exp) { return pow(10, exp); } */ /*********************WARNING****************************************** * 1. new_units allocates memory for a Units_t object using new * Use clean_up_Units_t() to deallocate the memory and set the pointer to NULL * * 2. Do not call clean_up_Units_t() on unitialized pointers! * Initialize/Define pointers at declaration * Declared pointers that don't point to a valid address or NULL will * cause an error **********************************************************************/ void clean_up_Units_t(Units_t** ptr) { if(*ptr != (Units_t*) NULL) { delete *ptr; } else { std::cerr << "WARNING: Call to clean_up_Units_t() on a NULL pointer" << std::endl << "Calling function should check for non-NULL value of pointer" << std::endl << "before calling clean_up_Units_t()" << std::endl; } *ptr = (Units_t*) NULL; } TEST(UnitsInterface, BogusUnit) { Units_t *Bogus = (Units_t*) NULL; std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ((Units_t*) NULL, Bogus = new_units("foo")); } TEST(UnitsInterface, Newton_to_Pound) { UnitsConvFn_t Newton_to_Pound; UnitsConvFn_t Newton_to_Pound2; Units_t* Newton = (Units_t*) NULL; Units_t* Pound = (Units_t*) NULL; double pounds; ASSERT_EQ(CONV_OK, conv_fn_s("kg*m/s2", "lbm*ft/s2", &Newton_to_Pound)); Newton = new_units("kg*m/s2"); Pound = new_units("lbm*ft/s2"); ASSERT_NE((Units_t*) NULL, Newton); ASSERT_NE((Units_t*) NULL, Pound); ASSERT_EQ(CONV_OK, conv_fn_u(Newton, Pound, &Newton_to_Pound2)); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&Newton_to_Pound, &Newton_to_Pound2, sizeof(UnitsConvFn_t))); pounds = convert_units(1.0, &Newton_to_Pound); ASSERT_NEAR((1.0/(0.4535923697760192*0.3048)), pounds, TOL); clean_up_Units_t(&Newton); clean_up_Units_t(&Pound); ASSERT_EQ((Units_t*) NULL, Newton); ASSERT_EQ((Units_t*) NULL, Pound); }