#include #include #include #include #include "sim_services/MonteCarlo/include/MonteVarFile.hh" #include "sim_services/Message/include/message_proto.h" #include "sim_services/Executive/include/exec_proto.h" Trick::MonteVarFile::MonteVarFile(std::string in_name, std::string in_file_name, unsigned int in_column, std::string in_unit) { this->name = in_name; this->file_name = in_file_name; this->column = in_column; this->unit = in_unit; input_file_stream = new std::ifstream(file_name.c_str(), std::ifstream::in); if (input_file_stream->fail()) { char string[100]; sprintf(string, "Trick:MonteVarFile the input file \"%s\" failed to open", file_name.c_str()); exec_terminate_with_return(-1, __FILE__, __LINE__, string); } buffer = new char[4096]; } std::string Trick::MonteVarFile::get_next_value() { if (input_file_stream->good()) { double file_value; char *current_position = buffer; do { input_file_stream->getline(buffer, 4096); file_value = strtold(buffer, ¤t_position); if (input_file_stream->eof()) { input_file_stream->close(); return "EOF"; } } while (file_value == 0 && current_position == buffer && input_file_stream->good()); // Count the number of columns in the input file char* token; unsigned int ntokens = 0; char temp_str[4096]; strcpy(temp_str, buffer) ; token = strtok( temp_str, " \t" ); while ( token != NULL ) { token = strtok( NULL, " \t" ); ntokens++; } // Verify the input column number is valid if ( (column == 0) || (column > ntokens) ) { char string[100]; sprintf(string, "Trick:MonteVarFile An invalid column number %d, valid column numbers are 1 - %d", column, ntokens); exec_terminate_with_return(-1, __FILE__, __LINE__, string); } if (current_position != buffer) { for (unsigned int i = 1; i < column; ++i) { file_value = strtold(current_position, ¤t_position); } std::stringstream string_stream; string_stream.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10); string_stream << file_value ; value = string_stream.str(); string_stream.str(""); if (unit.empty()) { string_stream << name << " = " << file_value ; } else { string_stream << name << " = " << "trick.attach_units(\"" << unit << "\", " << file_value << ")"; } return string_stream.str() ; } } char string[100]; sprintf(string, "Trick:MonteVarFile the input file \"%s\" is not open for reading", file_name.c_str()); exec_terminate_with_return(-1, __FILE__, __LINE__, string); return NULL; }