#include "sim_services/MonteCarlo/include/MonteCarlo.hh"
#include "sim_services/Executive/include/Exec_exception.hh"
/** @par Detailed Design: */
int Trick::MonteCarlo::master() {
struct timeval time_val;
gettimeofday(&time_val, NULL);
start_time = time_val.tv_sec + (double)time_val.tv_usec / 1000000;
- Run the Phase 0 master initialization jobs. */
run_queue(&master_init_queue, "in master_initialization queue") ;
- If this is a dry run: */
if (dry_run) dryrun() ;
try {
- While we do not have a result for every run: */
while (num_results < actual_num_runs) {
- Spawn any uninitialized slaves.
- Receive any finished runs. */
- Check to see if any dispatched units have timed out. */
- Dispatch the next run to a ready slave.
dispatch_run_to_slave(get_next_dispatch(), get_ready_slave());
} catch (Trick::Exec_exception & ex ) {
/* Handle exception type Trick::Exec_exception. Set the file name and error message.
Return the exception return code. */
except_return = ex.ret_code ;
except_file = ex.file ;
except_message = ex.message ;
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
except_return = -1;
if ( curr_job != NULL ) {
except_file = curr_job->name ;
} else {
except_file = "somewhere in Trick::MonteCarlo::master" ;
except_message = ex.what();
} catch (...) {
/* Handle unknown exceptions. Set the file name and error message to unknown. Return -1. */
except_return = -1 ;
except_file = "somewhere in Trick::MonteCarlo::master" ;
except_message = "unknown error" ;
/** - Shutdown. */
return 0;