#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fcntl.h> #include <iomanip> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "trick/DebugPause.hh" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.hh" Trick::DebugPause * the_debug_pause = NULL ; Trick::DebugPause::DebugPause() { debug_pause_flag = false ; the_debug_pause = this ; } int Trick::DebugPause::debug_pause(Trick::JobData * curr_job) { // The target job was copied to sup_class_data in Trick::ScheduledJobQueueInstrument::call() Trick::JobData * target_job = (Trick::JobData *)curr_job->sup_class_data ; int sem_ret ; if ( target_job != NULL ) { // Pause for all job classes that are not initialization or for init jobs greater than phase 1. if ( target_job->job_class_name.compare("initialization") or target_job->phase > 1 ) { message_publish(MSG_NORMAL, "%12.6f pausing before %s\n" , exec_get_sim_time() , target_job->name.c_str() ) ; do { sem_ret = sem_wait(debug_sem); } while ((sem_ret < 0) && (errno == EINTR)); if (sem_ret != 0) { perror("Call to sem_wait"); fflush(stderr); } } } return(0) ; } int Trick::DebugPause::debug_signal() { sem_post(debug_sem); return(0) ; } int Trick::DebugPause::debug_pause_on() { std::map<std::string , Trick::JobData *>::iterator it ; std::stringstream sem_name_stream ; if ( debug_pause_flag == true ) { return(0) ; } debug_pause_flag = true ; sem_name_stream << "itimersepmaphore_" << getpid() ; sem_name = sem_name_stream.str() ; debug_sem = sem_open(sem_name.c_str(), O_CREAT, S_IRWXU , 0); exec_instrument_before("instruments.debug_pause.debug_pause") ; //TODO: turn off real-time clock if on. return(0) ; } int Trick::DebugPause::debug_pause_off() { if ( debug_pause_flag == false ) { return(0) ; } debug_pause_flag = false ; exec_instrument_remove("instruments.debug_pause.debug_pause") ; debug_signal() ; sem_unlink(sem_name.c_str()) ; //TODO: turn back on real-time clock if on before debug_pause started. return(0); }