#include #include #include #include "trick/JSONVariableServer.hh" #include "trick/JSONVariableServerThread.hh" #include "trick/tc_proto.h" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" Trick::JSONVariableServer::JSONVariableServer() : Trick::ThreadBase("JSONVarServLis"), enabled(true), port(0), user_port_requested(false), listen_dev() { char hname[80]; gethostname(hname , (size_t) 80 ) ; source_address = std::string(hname) ; strcpy(listen_dev.client_tag, ""); tc_error(&listen_dev, 0); } Trick::JSONVariableServer::~JSONVariableServer() { if ( listen_dev.hostname != NULL ) { free(listen_dev.hostname) ; } if ( listen_dev.error_handler != NULL ) { free(listen_dev.error_handler) ; } } const char * Trick::JSONVariableServer::get_hostname() { return listen_dev.hostname; } unsigned short Trick::JSONVariableServer::get_port() { return port; } void Trick::JSONVariableServer::set_port(unsigned short in_port) { port = in_port; user_port_requested = true ; } void Trick::JSONVariableServer::set_source_address(const char * address) { if ( address == NULL ) { source_address = std::string("") ; } else { source_address = std::string(address) ; } user_port_requested = true ; } std::string Trick::JSONVariableServer::get_source_address() { return source_address ; } /* @details -# call tc_init to initialize the listen device -# save the port number if tc_init was successful */ int Trick::JSONVariableServer::init_listen_device() { int ret; ret = tc_init(&listen_dev); if (ret == TC_SUCCESS) { port = listen_dev.port ; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not establish listen port for Variable Server. Aborting.\n"); ret = -1 ; } return ret ; } /* @details -# if enabled -# move listen device to user specified address and port. -# create listening thread */ int Trick::JSONVariableServer::init() { int ret = 0 ; if ( enabled ) { ret = check_and_move_listen_device() ; if ( ret == 0 ) { create_thread() ; } } else { tc_disconnect(&listen_dev) ; } return ret ; } /* @details -# If the source address or port number does not match the current listen device -# disconnect current listen device -# initialize listen device with new source address and port */ int Trick::JSONVariableServer::check_and_move_listen_device() { int ret ; if ( source_address.compare(listen_dev.hostname) or port != listen_dev.port ) { /* The user has requested a different source address or port in the input file */ tc_disconnect(&listen_dev) ; ret = tc_init_with_connection_info(&listen_dev, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, source_address.c_str(), port) ; if (ret != TC_SUCCESS) { message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "ERROR: Could not establish variable server source_address %s: port %d. Aborting.\n", source_address.c_str(), port); return -1 ; } } return 0 ; } /* @details -# Loop forever for new connections -# create a new VariableServerThread when new conection found -# create new VariableServerThread thread */ void * Trick::JSONVariableServer::thread_body() { fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout_time = { 2, 0 }; while (1) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(listen_dev.socket, &rfds); timeout_time.tv_sec = 2 ; select(listen_dev.socket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout_time); if (FD_ISSET(listen_dev.socket, &rfds)) { Trick::JSONVariableServerThread * vst = new Trick::JSONVariableServerThread(&listen_dev) ; vst->copy_cpus(get_cpus()) ; vst->create_thread() ; } } return NULL ; } /* @details -# If the user specified an address and port -# disconnect the current listen port -# initialize listen port to new address and port -# else print message of current port number of listen device */ int Trick::JSONVariableServer::restart() { int ret ; if ( user_port_requested ) { char hname[80]; static struct sockaddr_in s_in; gethostname(hname, (size_t) 80); // Test to see if the restart address is on this machine. If it is not, it's not an error, clear source address if ( strcmp( source_address.c_str(), hname )) { if (! inet_pton(AF_INET, source_address.c_str(), (struct in_addr *)&s_in.sin_addr.s_addr) ) { //printf("clearing source_address\n") ; source_address.clear() ; } } printf("JSON variable server restart user_port requested set %d\n", port) ; tc_disconnect(&listen_dev) ; ret = tc_init_with_connection_info(&listen_dev, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, source_address.c_str(), port) ; if (ret != TC_SUCCESS) { message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "ERROR: Could not establish listen port %d for JSON Variable Server. Aborting.\n", port); return (-1); } } else { struct sockaddr_in s_in; int s_in_size = sizeof(s_in) ; getsockname( listen_dev.socket , (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, (socklen_t *)&s_in_size) ; printf("restart JSON variable server message port = %d\n" , ntohs(s_in.sin_port)) ; port = listen_dev.port = ntohs(s_in.sin_port); } return 0 ; } void Trick::JSONVariableServer::dump( std::ostream & oss ) { oss << "Trick::JSONVariableServer (" << name << ")" << std::endl ; oss << " enabled = " << enabled << std::endl ; oss << " source_address = " << source_address << std::endl ; oss << " port = " << port << std::endl ; oss << " user_port_requested = " << user_port_requested << std::endl ; Trick::ThreadBase::dump(oss) ; }