/************************TRICK HEADER*************************
    (This comment lists out the other object files that are not included from c++ headers)

#include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm"

##include "ip2/include/ip.h"


// Allow C++ access to the these C functions
extern "C" {
    extern int ip_test_init(LINKED_LIST**) ;
    extern int ip_test(INT_STR*) ;


#define FREQ 1

// SIM_OBJECT: ip2
// This sim object test ip
class ip2SimObject : public Trick::SimObject {

        /*----- DATA STRUCTURE DECLARATIONS -----*/
        char buf[100] ;
        UCHAR_STR   uc_test ;
        SHORT_STR   s_test ;
        USHORT_STR  us_test ;
        INT_STR     i_test ;
        UINT_STR    ui_test ;
        LONG_STR    l_test ;
        ULONG_STR   ul_test ;
        LONG_LONG_STR ll_test ;
        ULONG_LONG_STR ull_test ;
        FLOAT_STR   f_test ;
        DOUBLE_STR  d_test ;
        EVERYTHING  everything ;
        LINKED_LIST linked_list ;
        LINKED_LIST *llp ;

        ip2SimObject() {

            ("initialization") ip_test_init( &llp ) ;

            (FREQ, "scheduled") trick_ret = ip_test( &i_test ) ;

} ;

// Instantiations
ip2SimObject ip2 ;

// Connect objects
void create_connections() {
