#! /usr/bin/perl # # Usage: mis_dep # # Description: Given a source file, this program will find all library # dependencies that this source file's object will depend on. # The dependency tree is built using the library dependencies # from the TRICK HEADERs in the source files. TRICK_CFLAGS # are used to actually find all files in the dependency tree. use lib $ENV{"TRICK_HOME"} . "/bin/pm" ; use Cwd ; use File::Basename ; use strict ; use mis_dep ; my ($all_mis_depends, %rcs_tags) ; my ($k , $a) ; my @all_depends ; my %temp_hash ; my $wd ; # prepend current dir name if none given $wd = cwd() ; foreach (@ARGV) { $_ = $wd . "/" . $_ if ( !/^\// ) ; } $all_mis_depends = mis_dep(\%rcs_tags , @ARGV) ; print "\n" ; foreach $a ( sort keys %$all_mis_depends ) { traverse_tree($a, 0, %{$$all_mis_depends{$a}} ); print "\n" ; } foreach $a ( sort keys %$all_mis_depends ) { print "$a\n"; @all_depends = () ; # push all depends for all files onto one array foreach $k ( sort keys %{$$all_mis_depends{$a}} ) { if ( $k ne "last_look" ) { push @all_depends , @{$$all_mis_depends{$a}{$k}} ; } } # remove duplicate elements %temp_hash = {}; @all_depends = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @all_depends ; foreach $k ( sort @all_depends ) { print " $k\n"; } }