#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h" #include "PrintAttributes.hh" #include "PrintFileContentsBase.hh" #include "PrintFileContents10.hh" #include "FieldDescription.hh" #include "HeaderSearchDirs.hh" #include "CommentSaver.hh" #include "ClassValues.hh" #include "EnumValues.hh" #include "Utilities.hh" PrintAttributes::PrintAttributes(int in_attr_version , HeaderSearchDirs & in_hsd , CommentSaver & in_cs , clang::CompilerInstance & in_ci, bool in_force , bool in_sim_services_flag , std::string in_output_dir ) : hsd(in_hsd) , cs(in_cs) , ci(in_ci) , force(in_force) , sim_services_flag( in_sim_services_flag ) , output_dir( in_output_dir ) { printer = new PrintFileContents10() ; } void PrintAttributes::addIgnoreTypes() { char * env_var_contents = getenv("TRICK_ICG_IGNORE_TYPES") ; if( env_var_contents != NULL ) { std::string s = std::string(env_var_contents) ; std::stringstream ss(s); std::string item; while(std::getline(ss, item, ';')) { item = trim(item) ; if ( ! item.empty() ) { global_ignore_types.insert(item) ; } } } } /** @details In order for us to create an io_src file for an include the header must: 1. Reside in a user directory ( not system dirs like /usr/include 2. Not reside in an excluded directory 3. Not have ICG: (No) present in the Trick header If the header file meets all of these conditions, a PrintFileContentsBase instance is created for that file name. */ bool PrintAttributes::isIOFileOutOfDate(std::string header_file_name, std::string io_file_name) { struct stat header_stat ; struct stat io_stat ; int ret ; stat( header_file_name.c_str() , &header_stat ) ; ret = stat( io_file_name.c_str() , &io_stat ) ; if ( ret == 0 ) { // If the force flag is true, return that the io file is out of date. // Otherise test if the header is newer than the io file. return ( force || (header_stat.st_mtime > io_stat.st_mtime) ) ; } return true ; } static void _mkdir(const char *dir) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; char *p = NULL; struct stat buf ; size_t len; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),"%s",dir); len = strlen(tmp); if(tmp[len - 1] == '/') { tmp[len - 1] = 0; } for(p = tmp + 1; *p; p++) if(*p == '/') { *p = 0; if ( stat( tmp , &buf ) != 0 ) { int returnValue = mkdir(tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); if (returnValue) { std::cerr << bold(color(ERROR, "Error")) << " Unable to create " << quote(bold(tmp)) << " for writing: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return ; } } *p = '/'; } if ( stat( tmp , &buf ) != 0 ) { int returnValue = mkdir(tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); if (returnValue) { std::cerr << bold(color(ERROR, "Error")) << " Unable to create " << quote(bold(tmp)) << " for writing: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return ; } } } bool PrintAttributes::openIOFile(const std::string& header_file_name) { /** * There are a lot of conditions to be met in order to open an IO file. We store the headers * we have visited so we don't have to retest the them each time a new class/enum is processed. */ if (visited_files.find(header_file_name) != visited_files.end()) { // We have visited this header before. If there is a valid name, append to the existing IO file. if (out_of_date_io_files.find(header_file_name) != out_of_date_io_files.end()) { outfile.open(out_of_date_io_files[header_file_name].c_str(), std::fstream::app); return true ; } return false; } visited_files.insert(header_file_name) ; if (isHeaderExcluded(header_file_name)) { return false; } // map the header to its IO file char* realPath = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()); const std::string io_file_name = createIOFileName(realPath) ; all_io_files[header_file_name] = io_file_name ; // make the parent directories char* name = strdup(io_file_name.c_str()); _mkdir(dirname(name)); free(name); // no further processing is required if it's not out of date if (!isIOFileOutOfDate(realPath, io_file_name)) { free(realPath); return false; } free(realPath); // add it to the map of out of date IO files out_of_date_io_files[header_file_name] = io_file_name ; // write header information std::cout << color(INFO, "Writing ") << out_of_date_io_files[header_file_name] << std::endl; outfile.open(out_of_date_io_files[header_file_name].c_str()); printer->printIOHeader(outfile, header_file_name); if (!cs.hasTrickHeader(header_file_name) ) { std::cout << bold(color(WARNING, "Warning ") + header_file_name) << std::endl << " No Trick header comment found" << std::endl; } return true ; } /** Determines the io_file_name based on the given header file name */ std::string PrintAttributes::createIOFileName(std::string header_file_name) { std::string dir_name ; std::string base_name ; std::string io_file_name ; size_t found ; char cwd[1024] ; char * temp_str = strdup(header_file_name.c_str()) ; base_name = std::string(basename(temp_str)) ; found = base_name.find_last_of(".") ; base_name = std::string("io_") + base_name.substr(0,found) + std::string(".cpp") ; dir_name = std::string(dirname(temp_str)) ; if ( ! dir_name.compare(".") ) { dir_name = std::string(getcwd(cwd, 1024)) ; } else if ( ! dir_name.compare(0, 1, ".") ) { dir_name = std::string(getcwd(cwd, 1024)) + std::string("/") + dir_name ; } free(temp_str) ; if ( hsd.isPathInUserDir( dir_name ) ) { if ( ! output_dir.empty() ) { io_file_name = output_dir + "/" + base_name ; } else { // Put all of the sim_services io_files in ${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/sim_services/include/io_src unless // it is in er7_utils. The er7_utils io_files have duplicate file names so the overwrite each other // leave those in their respective directories. if ( sim_services_flag ) { if ( dir_name.length() >= 8 and ! dir_name.compare(dir_name.size() - 8 , dir_name.size() , "/include" )) { if ( dir_name.length() < 13 or dir_name.compare(dir_name.size() - 13 , dir_name.size() , "trick/include" )) { dir_name.replace(dir_name.size() - 8 , dir_name.size() , "") ; } } if ( dir_name.find("er7_utils") == std::string::npos ) { io_file_name = std::string(getenv("TRICK_HOME")) + "/trick_source/sim_services/include/io_src/" + base_name ; } else { io_file_name = dir_name + "/io_src/" + base_name ; } } else { //TODO: only use build directory if we are ICG'ing a sim // All files go into a build directory based in the current directory. io_file_name = std::string("build") + dir_name + "/" + base_name ; } } return io_file_name ; } return std::string() ; } void PrintAttributes::printClass( ClassValues * cv ) { ClassValues& classValues = *cv; if (classValues.isNameOrFileNameEmpty()) { return; } if (hasBeenProcessed(classValues)) { return; } if (isIgnored(classValues)) { return; } const std::string& fileName = classValues.getFileName(); if (openIOFile(fileName)) { printer->printClass(outfile, cv); outfile.close(); printSieClass(cv); } if (!isHeaderExcluded(fileName, false)) { printer->printClassMap(class_map_outfile, cv); } } void PrintAttributes::printEnum(EnumValues* ev) { EnumValues& enumValues = *ev; if (enumValues.isNameOrFileNameEmpty()) { return; } if (hasBeenProcessed(enumValues)) { return; } if (isIgnored(enumValues)) { return; } const std::string& fileName = enumValues.getFileName(); if (openIOFile(fileName)) { printer->printEnum(outfile, ev) ; outfile.close() ; printSieEnum(&enumValues) ; } if (!isHeaderExcluded(fileName, false)) { printer->printEnumMap(enum_map_outfile, ev); } } void PrintAttributes::printSieClass( ClassValues * cv ) { std::string xmlFileName; if(sim_services_flag) { xmlFileName = std::string(getenv("TRICK_HOME")) + "/trick_source/sim_services/include/sim_services_classes.resource"; } else { xmlFileName = "build/classes.resource"; } std::ofstream ostream(xmlFileName, std::ofstream::app); ostream << " getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__")) << "\">\n"; for (FieldDescription* fdes : printer->getPrintableFields(*cv)) { std::string type = fdes->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__"); std::replace(type.begin(), type.end(), ':', '_'); ostream << " getName() << "\"\n" << " type=\"" << replace_special_chars(type) << "\"\n" << " io_attributes=\"" << fdes->getIO() << "\"\n" << " units=\""; if(fdes->isDashDashUnits()) { ostream << "--\"" ; } else { ostream << fdes->getUnits() << "\"" ; } std::string description = fdes->getDescription(); if(!description.empty()) { ostream << "\n description=\"" << replace_special_chars(description) << "\""; } ostream << ">\n" ; for(int i = 0; i < fdes->getNumDims(); i++) { ostream << " " << (fdes->getArrayDim(i) != -1 ? fdes->getArrayDim(i) : 0) << "\n"; } ostream << " \n"; } ostream << " \n" << std::endl; ostream.close(); } void PrintAttributes::printSieEnum( EnumValues * ev ) { std::string xmlFileName; if(sim_services_flag) { xmlFileName = std::string(getenv("TRICK_HOME")) + "/trick_source/sim_services/include/sim_services_classes.resource"; } else { xmlFileName = "build/classes.resource"; } std::ofstream ostream(xmlFileName, std::ofstream::app); ostream << " getFullyQualifiedTypeName("__")) << "\">\n"; for(EnumValues::NameValuePair nvp : ev->getFullyQualifiedPairs()) { ostream << " \n"; } ostream << " \n" << std::endl; ostream.close(); } void PrintAttributes::createMapFiles() { struct stat buf ; std::string class_map_function_name ; std::string enum_map_function_name ; if ( sim_services_flag ) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_BUILD map_dir = output_dir ; #else map_dir = "trick_source/sim_services/include/io_src" ; #endif class_map_function_name = "populate_sim_services_class_map" ; enum_map_function_name = "populate_sim_services_enum_map" ; } else { map_dir = "build" ; class_map_function_name = "populate_class_map" ; enum_map_function_name = "populate_enum_map" ; } if ( stat( map_dir.c_str() , &buf ) != 0 ) { if ( mkdir( map_dir.c_str() , 0755 ) != 0 ) { // dir does not exist and cannot make the directory. std::cout << bold(color(WARNING, "Warning")) << " Unable to create " << quote(bold(map_dir)) << " for writing" << std::endl ; } } // Write processed code to temporary files class_map_outfile.open(std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str()) ; printer->printClassMapHeader(class_map_outfile, class_map_function_name ) ; enum_map_outfile.open(std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str()) ; printer->printEnumMapHeader(enum_map_outfile, enum_map_function_name ) ; } void PrintAttributes::closeMapFiles() { printer->printClassMapFooter(class_map_outfile) ; class_map_outfile.close() ; printer->printEnumMapFooter(enum_map_outfile) ; enum_map_outfile.close() ; // If we wrote any new io_src files, move the temporary class and enum map files to new location if ( out_of_date_io_files.size() > 0 ) { std::ifstream class_map(std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str()) ; std::ifstream enum_map(std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str()) ; std::ofstream combined_map(std::string(map_dir + "/class_map.cpp").c_str()) ; combined_map << class_map.rdbuf() << enum_map.rdbuf() ; } else { remove( std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str() ) ; remove( std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str() ) ; } } // Make a list of the empty files we processed. // This list is written to the ICG_processed file and used by other processors. std::set PrintAttributes::getEmptyFiles() { std::set emptyFiles; for (auto fi = ci.getSourceManager().fileinfo_begin() ; fi != ci.getSourceManager().fileinfo_end() ; ++fi ) { const clang::FileEntry * fe = (*fi).first ; std::string header_file_name = fe->getName() ; if ( visited_files.find(header_file_name) != visited_files.end() ) { continue; } visited_files.insert(header_file_name) ; if (isHeaderExcluded(header_file_name)) { continue; } char* path = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()); emptyFiles.insert(path); free(path) ; } return emptyFiles; } //TODO: Move this into PrintFileContents10. void PrintAttributes::printIOMakefile() { std::ofstream makefile_io_src ; std::ofstream makefile_ICG ; std::ofstream io_link_list ; std::ofstream ICG_processed ; std::ofstream ext_lib ; // Don't create a makefile if we didn't process any files. if ( out_of_date_io_files.empty() ) { return ; } std::cout << color(INFO, "Writing") << " Makefile_io_src" << std::endl ; makefile_io_src.open("build/Makefile_io_src") ; makefile_io_src << "TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-old-style-cast -Wno-write-strings -Wno-unused-variable" << std::endl << std::endl << "ifeq ($(IS_CC_CLANG), 0)" << std::endl << " TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-unused-but-set-variable" << std::endl << " ifeq ($(shell test $(GCC_MAJOR) -lt 6; echo $$?), 0)" << std::endl << " TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11" << std::endl << " endif" << std::endl << "endif" << std::endl << "ifeq ($(IS_CC_CLANG), 1)" << std::endl << " TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++14" << std::endl << "endif" << std::endl << std::endl << "IO_OBJECTS =" ; std::map< std::string , std::string >::iterator mit ; for ( mit = all_io_files.begin() ; mit != all_io_files.end() ; mit++ ) { size_t found ; found = (*mit).second.find_last_of(".") ; makefile_io_src << " \\\n " << (*mit).second.substr(0,found) << ".o" ; } makefile_io_src << " \\\n build/class_map.o" << std::endl << std::endl << "$(IO_OBJECTS): \%.o : \%.cpp | \%.d" << std::endl << "\t$(PRINT_COMPILE)" << std::endl << "\t$(call ECHO_AND_LOG,$(TRICK_CXX) $(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) $(TRICK_SYSTEM_CXXFLAGS) $(TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MP -c -o $@ $<)" << std::endl << std::endl << "$(IO_OBJECTS:.o=.d): ;" << std::endl << std::endl << "-include $(IO_OBJECTS:.o=.d)" << std::endl << std::endl << "$(S_MAIN): $(IO_OBJECTS)" << std::endl << std::endl << "LINK_LISTS += $(LD_FILELIST)build/io_link_list" << std::endl; makefile_io_src.close() ; /* Makefile_ICG lists all headers as dependencies of Makefile_io_src causing ICG to run if any header file changes. io_link_list lists all io object files to be linked. ICG_process lists all header files to be used by SWIG. */ makefile_ICG.open("build/Makefile_ICG") ; io_link_list.open("build/io_link_list") ; ICG_processed.open("build/ICG_processed") ; makefile_ICG << "build/Makefile_io_src:" ; for ( mit = all_io_files.begin() ; mit != all_io_files.end() ; mit++ ) { makefile_ICG << " \\\n " << (*mit).first ; size_t found ; found = (*mit).second.find_last_of(".") ; io_link_list << (*mit).second.substr(0,found) << ".o" << std::endl ; ICG_processed << (*mit).first << std::endl ; } makefile_ICG.close() ; // Create the list of empty (of classes/enums) header files to be written to ICG_processed. for ( auto& file : getEmptyFiles() ) { ICG_processed << file << std::endl ; } ICG_processed.close() ; io_link_list << "build/class_map.o" << std::endl ; io_link_list.close() ; ext_lib.open("build/ICG_ext_lib") ; for ( auto& file : ext_lib_io_files ) { ext_lib << file << std::endl ; } ext_lib.close() ; } void PrintAttributes::printICGNoFiles() { if ( ! sim_services_flag ) { std::vector< std::string >::iterator it ; std::ofstream icg_no_outfile("build/ICG_no_found") ; for ( it = icg_no_files.begin() ; it != icg_no_files.end() ; it++ ) { icg_no_outfile << (*it) << std::endl ; } icg_no_outfile.close() ; } } bool PrintAttributes::hasBeenProcessed(EnumValues& enumValues) { return hasBeenProcessed(enumValues.getFullyQualifiedName(), processed_enums[enumValues.getFileName()]); } bool PrintAttributes::hasBeenProcessed(ClassValues& classValues) { return hasBeenProcessed(classValues.getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName(), processed_classes[classValues.getFileName()]); } bool PrintAttributes::hasBeenProcessed(const std::string& name, std::set& processedSet) { bool processed = processedSet.find(name) != processedSet.end(); if (!processed) { processedSet.insert(name); } return processed; } bool PrintAttributes::isIgnored(ConstructValues& constructValues) { const std::string& fileName = constructValues.getFileName(); if (ignored_types.find(fileName) == ignored_types.end()) { ignored_types[fileName] = cs.getIgnoreTypes(fileName) ; } std::set& constructs = ignored_types[fileName]; const bool ignored = constructs.find(constructValues.getName()) != constructs.end() or constructs.find(constructValues.getFullyQualifiedName()) != constructs.end() or global_ignore_types.find(constructValues.getName()) != global_ignore_types.end() or global_ignore_types.find(constructValues.getFullyQualifiedName()) != global_ignore_types.end(); if (ignored and verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "ICG Ignore Type: " << constructValues.getName() << " (from " << fileName << ")" << std::endl; } return ignored; } bool PrintAttributes::isHeaderExcluded(const std::string& header, bool exclude_ext_libs) { char* temp = almostRealPath(header.c_str()); if (!temp) { return true; } const std::string path = std::string(temp); free(temp); /** * Exclude files: * - in system directories * - in TRICK_EXCLUDE directories * - in TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE directories * - in TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS directories (if requested) * - whose Trick header comments preclude ICG */ if (!hsd.isPathInUserDir(path)) { return true; } if (hsd.isPathInExclude(path)) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_EXCLUDE: " << underline(path, hsd.getPathInExclude(path).size()) << std::endl; } return true; } if (hsd.isPathInICGExclude(path)) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE: " << underline(path, hsd.getPathInICGExclude(path).size()) << std::endl; } return true; } if (hsd.isPathInExtLib(path) && exclude_ext_libs) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS: " << underline(path, hsd.getPathInExtLib(path).size()) << std::endl; } ext_lib_io_files.insert(header) ; return true; } if (cs.hasICGNo(header)) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "ICG: (NO): " << path << std::endl; } icg_no_files.push_back(path); return true; } temp = realpath(header.c_str(), NULL); if ( temp ) { const std::string real_path = std::string(temp); free(temp) ; if ( real_path.compare(path) ) { if (hsd.isPathInExclude(real_path)) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_EXCLUDE: " << underline(real_path, hsd.getPathInExclude(real_path).size()) << std::endl; } return true; } if (hsd.isPathInICGExclude(real_path)) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE: " << underline(real_path, hsd.getPathInICGExclude(real_path).size()) << std::endl; } return true; } if (hsd.isPathInExtLib(real_path) && exclude_ext_libs) { if (verboseBuild) { std::cout << skipping << "TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS: " << underline(real_path, hsd.getPathInExtLib(real_path).size()) << std::endl; } ext_lib_io_files.insert(header) ; return true; } } } return false; } void PrintAttributes::markHeaderAsVisited(const std::string& header) { visited_files.insert(header); }