#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include "trick/VariableServer.hh" #include "trick/variable_server_sync_types.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include "trick/realtimesync_proto.h" int Trick::VariableServerThread::copy_data_freeze() { int ret = 0 ; long long curr_frame = exec_get_freeze_frame_count() ; long long temp_frame ; if ( enabled and copy_mode == VS_COPY_TOP_OF_FRAME) { temp_frame = curr_frame % freeze_frame_multiple ; if ( temp_frame == freeze_frame_offset ) { copy_sim_data() ; if ( !pause_cmd and write_mode == VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED and is_real_time()) { ret = write_data() ; if ( ret < 0 ) { exit_cmd = true ; } } } } return ret ; } int Trick::VariableServerThread::copy_data_freeze_scheduled(long long curr_tics) { int ret = 0 ; if ( enabled and copy_mode == VS_COPY_SCHEDULED) { if ( freeze_next_tics <= curr_tics ) { copy_sim_data() ; if ( !pause_cmd and write_mode == VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED and is_real_time()) { ret = write_data() ; if ( ret < 0 ) { exit_cmd = true ; } } freeze_next_tics = curr_tics + cycle_tics ; } } return ret ; } int Trick::VariableServerThread::copy_data_scheduled(long long curr_tics) { int ret = 0 ; if ( enabled and copy_mode == VS_COPY_SCHEDULED) { if ( next_tics <= curr_tics ) { copy_sim_data() ; if ( !pause_cmd and write_mode == VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED and is_real_time()) { ret = write_data() ; if ( ret < 0 ) { exit_cmd = true ; } } next_tics = curr_tics + cycle_tics ; } } return ret ; } int Trick::VariableServerThread::copy_data_top() { int ret = 0 ; long long curr_frame = exec_get_frame_count() ; long long temp_frame ; if ( enabled and copy_mode == VS_COPY_TOP_OF_FRAME) { temp_frame = curr_frame % frame_multiple ; if ( temp_frame == frame_offset ) { copy_sim_data() ; if ( !pause_cmd and write_mode == VS_WRITE_WHEN_COPIED and is_real_time()) { ret = write_data() ; if ( ret < 0 ) { exit_cmd = true ; } } } } return ret ; }