#include "trick/VariableServer.hh" #include "trick/tc_proto.h" void exit_var_thread(void *in_vst) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst = (Trick::VariableServerThread *) in_vst ; Trick::VariableServer * vs = vst->get_vs() ; // tc_disconnect(&vst->get_connection()); vs->delete_session(vst->get_pthread_id()); // Tell the variable server that this thread is exiting. vs->delete_vst(vst->get_pthread_id()) ; // This will deleting the vst object from within the object itself. exit_var_thread // is called from within Trick::VariableServerThread::thread_body. // I am claiming this is safe as this is the last thing routing is the last thing // that touches vst. The C++ FAQ says it's safe if you can say this. (Alex 6/9/14) delete vst ; }