#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: MIS 385 2009-10-30 15:10:03Z lin $ use strict ; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/pm" ; use Getopt::Long ; use Pod::Usage ; use Pod::Text ; use File::Basename ; use Data::Dumper ; use Cwd ; use Cwd 'abs_path' ; use mis_dep ; use html ; use cp_cache ; use MIS ; use gte ; use trick_print ; use trick_version ; my $wd ; my (@all_files , $src_dir , @c_files , @cpp_files ) ; my $num_files ; my $contents ; my $curr_file ; my $size ; my ( @inc_paths , $subme ) ; my @all_lines ; my %sim ; my $help ; my ($vt_ref, $icg_dep_ref, $mod_ref, $md_ref, $rcs_tags_ref) ; # override the print format for help message *Pod::Text::seq_i = sub { return "" . $_[1] . "" } ; # set stdout to unbuffered so we see printout immediately. $| = 1 ; # set the default verbose level to 2 $sim{args}{v} = 2 ; $sim{args}{l} = 0 ; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions ( "debug|d|g" => sub { $sim{args}{v} = 3 } , "help|h|?" => \$help , "library|l" => \$sim{args}{l} , "outfile|o=s" => \$sim{args}{o} , "verbose|v=i" => \$sim{args}{v} ) or pod2usage(1) ; pod2usage(1) if $help ; if ( $sim{args}{o} ne "" ) { my ($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ; $thread =~ s/\d+\.// ; local *OUTFILE ; open OUTFILE , ">$sim{args}{o}" or warn "ICG cannot open $sim{args}{o} for writing\n" ; $sim{fh} = *OUTFILE ; print OUTFILE "Output for $0 version $version-$thread at " . localtime() . "\n\n" ; } $wd = abs_path(cwd()) ; #if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-l" ) { if ( $sim{args}{l} ) { open FILE , "S_library_list" or die "Could not open S_library_list\n" ; @all_lines = ; @c_files = grep /\.c$/ , @all_lines; chomp @c_files ; $wd = "" ; } elsif ( $#ARGV eq -1 ) { opendir thisdir, $wd or die "Could not open the directory $wd"; @all_files = grep !/^\.\.\./ , readdir thisdir; $src_dir = grep /^src$/ , @all_files; @c_files = grep /\.c$/ , @all_files; @cpp_files = grep /\.C$|\.cc$|\.cxx$|\.cpp$|\.c\+\+$/ , @all_files; $num_files = scalar @c_files ; if ( $num_files ne 0 and $src_dir eq 1 ) { print "\nMIS ERROR: All source files must reside in the\n" ; print " 'src' directory. Either place all \n" ; print " source files in the 'src' directory, \n" ; print " OR move any source file out of 'src'\n" ; print " into $wd and remove the 'src' directory." ; print "\n\n"; exit(1); } if ( $src_dir eq 1 ) { opendir thisdir, $wd . "/src"; @all_files = grep !/^\.\.\./ , readdir thisdir; closedir thisdir; @c_files = grep /\.c$/ , @all_files; @cpp_files = grep /\.C$|\.cc$|\.cxx$|\.cpp$|\.c\+\+$/ , @all_files; $wd .= "/src" ; } foreach (@c_files , @cpp_files ) { $_ = "$wd/$_" if ( /^[^\/]/ ) ; } } else { @c_files = grep /\.c$/ , @ARGV; @cpp_files = grep /\.C$|\.cc$|\.cxx$|\.cpp$|\.c\+\+$/ , @ARGV; foreach (@c_files , @cpp_files ) { $_ = "$wd/$_" if ( /^[^\/]/ ) ; } $wd = "" ; } my @non_yacc_files ; foreach (@c_files) { (my $test = $_) =~ s/c$/y/ ; if ( ! -e $test ) { push @non_yacc_files , $_ ; } } @c_files = @non_yacc_files ; if ($#c_files eq -1 and $#cpp_files eq -1 ) { trick_print($sim{fh}, "No files specified or found\n" , "normal_yellow" , $sim{args}{v}); exit(0); } trick_print($sim{fh}, "MIS-ing...", "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ; trick_print($sim{fh}, "\n" , "title_white" , $sim{args}{v}) if ( $sim{args}{v} != 1 ) ; @inc_paths = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /-I\s*(\S+)/g ; push @inc_paths , ("$ENV{\"TRICK_HOME\"}/trick_source" , "../include") ; foreach (@inc_paths) { $subme = quotemeta (abs_path(dirname($_)) . "/" . basename($_)) ; } ($vt_ref, $icg_dep_ref, $mod_ref, $md_ref, $rcs_tags_ref ) = read_cache() ; %{$sim{icg_types}} = %$vt_ref ; %{$sim{all_icg_depends}} = %$icg_dep_ref ; %{$sim{module_entries}} = %$mod_ref ; %{$sim{all_mis_depends}} = %$md_ref ; %{$sim{rcs_tags}} = %$rcs_tags_ref ; push @c_files , @cpp_files ; foreach $curr_file (@c_files ) { open FILE, $curr_file or die "Couldn't find file: $curr_file\n"; seek FILE , 0 , 2 ; $size = tell FILE ; seek FILE , 0 , 0 ; read FILE , $contents , $size; mis_c($curr_file , $contents, \%sim) ; } #if ( $sim{args}{l} == 0 ) { # write_local_cat( $wd , \@inc_paths , \%sim ) ; #} if ( $sim{args}{v} == 1 ) { print " Complete\n" ; } trick_print($sim{fh}, "\nAll MIS complete\n\n" , "normal_green" , $sim{args}{v}) ; __END__ =head1 NAME MIS - Trick Module Interface Specification =head1 SYNOPSIS MIS [--debug] [-d] [-g] [-h] [--help] [-l] [--library] [-o I] [--outfile=I] [-v I] [--verbose=I] [B ...] =head1 DESCRIPTION See the Trick User's guide for B. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-d> | B<-g> | B<--debug> Set verbose level = 3 =item B<-h> | B<-?> | B<--help> This help screen =item B<-l> | B<--library> Use this option in a SIM directory. MIS will execute on all files listed in the S_library_list file =item B<-o> I | B<--outfile>=I Direct output of MIS to outfile. ( Note: Does not affect screen output ). =item B<-v> I | B<--verbose>=I et the verbose level. Valid entries are 0-3. =back =cut