/** @file @verbatim PURPOSE: (Ball model EOM state parameter definition.) REFERENCES: (((Bailey, R.W, and Paddock, E.J.) (Trick Simulation Environment) (NASA:JSC #37943) (JSC/Engineering Directorate/Automation, Robotics and Simulation Division) (March 1997))) ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: ((2 dimensional space) (Translational EOM only)) LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: () PROGRAMMERS: (((Robert W. Bailey) (Sweet Systems Inc) (March 1997) (Tutorial Lesson 1)) ((Edwin Z. Crues)(Titan Systems Corp.)(Jan 2002)(Crude C++ translation))) @endverbatim *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef TEMPLATETEST_HH #define TEMPLATETEST_HH template class TTT { public: TTT() { aa = 0 ; bb = 0 ; cc = NULL ; dd = NULL ; } ; A aa ; B bb ; TTT * ttt ; typedef TTT C ; C * cc ; typedef TTT D ; D * dd ; } ; class TemplateTest { friend class InputProcessor ; friend void init_attrTemplateTest() ; public: TTT< int , double > TTT_var ; }; #ifdef SWIG %struct_str(TemplateTest) #endif #endif /* _BALL_HH_ */