/* * $Id: S_define 1141 2010-10-08 18:41:23Z lin $ */ #include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm" ##include "stl_checkpoint/include/STLCheckpoint.hh" ##include "stl_checkpoint/include/STLCompanion.hh" /* This object tests having 2 of the same type of object containing STLs in the same sim_object. The checkpoints use the name of the objects to give the STLs unique and identifiable names in the checkpoint. */ class theSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: STLCheckpoint stlc ; STLCheckpoint stlc2 ; STLCompanion gc ; /** Constructor to add the jobs */ theSimObject() : stlc(std::string("Petunia")) , stlc2() { (1.0, "scheduled") stlc.speak() ; ("checkpoint") gc.checkpoint(&stlc, name + std::string("_stlc")) ; ("checkpoint") gc.checkpoint(&stlc2, name + std::string("_stlc2")) ; ("post_checkpoint") gc.post_checkpoint(&stlc, name + std::string("_stlc")) ; ("post_checkpoint") gc.post_checkpoint(&stlc2, name + std::string("_stlc2")) ; ("restart") gc.restart(&stlc, name + std::string("_stlc")) ; ("restart") gc.restart(&stlc2, name + std::string("_stlc2")) ; } } ; // Multiple simobjects theSimObject the_object ; theSimObject the_object2 ; // Connect objects void create_connections() { // Set the default termination time trick_sys.sched.set_terminate_time(10.0) ; trick_sys.sched.set_freeze_frame(0.10) ; }