/* PURPOSE: ( Python input processor ) REFERENCE: ( Trick Simulation Environment ) ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: ( None ) CLASS: ( N/A ) LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: ( None ) PROGRAMMERS: ( Alex Lin NASA 2009 ) */ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include "trick/EventManager.hh" #include "trick/EventInstrument.hh" #include "trick/memorymanager_c_intf.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.hh" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" Trick::EventManager * the_em ; Trick::EventManager::EventManager() { the_em = this ; } //Command to get the event object given the event's name Trick::Event * Trick::EventManager::get_event(std::string event_name) { unsigned int ii ; Trick::Event* ret = NULL; /* Find the event name in the active event list and return the pointer to that event */ for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) { if ( ! active_events[ii]->get_name().compare(event_name) ) { ret = active_events[ii]; break ; } } return(ret) ; } //Add user's event to the active event list. int Trick::EventManager::add_to_active_events(Trick::Event * in_event) { for ( unsigned int ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) { if (in_event == active_events[ii]) { return (0) ; } } num_active_events++; if (num_active_events == 1) { active_events = (Trick::Event **)TMM_declare_var_s("Trick::Event* [1]"); } else { active_events = (Trick::Event **)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(active_events, num_active_events); } active_events[num_active_events-1] = in_event ; return (0) ; } //Command to insert a user's input file event into the input processor's list of events to process. int Trick::EventManager::add_event(Trick::Event * in_event) { int ret = 0 ; add_to_active_events(in_event) ; if (in_event->get_thread() < event_processors.size() ) { event_processors[in_event->get_thread()]->add_event(in_event) ; in_event->add() ; } else { message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event thread number is not in range: thread %d requested, only %d child threads in simulation.\n", in_event->get_thread() , event_processors.size() - 1) ; ret = -1 ; } return ret ; } /** @details Command to insert an instrument job (containing in_event) into job queue before target job. -# Find the target job. -# If the target job exists -# Save the target job information to the event. -# Create an EventInstrument with the event and target job information -# Add the event instrument to the target job -# call the event's add routine if it needs to do anything once it is activated. -# else print a warning that the target job does not exist. -# Add the event to the list of active events. */ int Trick::EventManager::add_event_before(Trick::Event * in_event, std::string target_name, unsigned int target_inst) { Trick::JobData * target_job ; target_job = exec_get_job( target_name.c_str() , target_inst ) ; if (target_job != NULL ) { in_event->set_before_after(Trick::EVENT_BEFORETARGET) ; in_event->set_target_name(target_name) ; in_event->set_target_inst(target_inst) ; Trick::EventInstrument * instru_job = new Trick::EventInstrument(in_event , target_job) ; target_job->add_inst_before(instru_job) ; events_instrumented.push_back(instru_job) ; in_event->add() ; } else { message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event not added before job: %s does not exist.\n", target_name.c_str()) ; return (0); } /* Add in_event to list of active events. */ add_to_active_events(in_event) ; return(0); } /** @details Command to insert an instrument job (containing in_event) into job queue after target job. -# Find the target job. -# If the target job exists -# Save the target job information to the event. -# Create an EventInstrument with the event and target job information -# Add the event instrument to the target job -# call the event's add routine if it needs to do anything once it is activated. -# else print a warning that the target job does not exist. -# Add the event to the list of active events. */ int Trick::EventManager::add_event_after(Trick::Event * in_event, std::string target_name, unsigned int target_inst) { Trick::JobData * target_job ; target_job = exec_get_job( target_name.c_str() , target_inst ) ; if (target_job != NULL ) { in_event->set_before_after(Trick::EVENT_AFTERTARGET) ; in_event->set_target_name(target_name) ; in_event->set_target_inst(target_inst) ; Trick::EventInstrument * instru_job = new Trick::EventInstrument(in_event , target_job) ; target_job->add_inst_after(instru_job) ; events_instrumented.push_back(instru_job) ; in_event->add() ; } else { message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event not added before job: %s does not exist.\n", target_name.c_str()) ; return (0); } /* Add in_event to list of active events. */ add_to_active_events(in_event) ; return(0); } // Find the event by name and activate it. int Trick::EventManager::activate_event(const char * event_name) { Trick::Event* ret = NULL; ret = get_event(event_name) ; if (ret != NULL) { ret->activate() ; } return 0 ; } // Find the event by name and deactivate it. int Trick::EventManager::deactivate_event(const char * event_name) { Trick::Event* ret = NULL; ret = get_event(event_name) ; if (ret != NULL) { ret->deactivate() ; } return 0 ; } //Command to remove an event from everywhere it was added (it can still be added back again). int Trick::EventManager::remove_event(Trick::Event * in_event) { unsigned int ii , jj ; if ( in_event->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_NOTARGET ) { /* If the event is cyclic, remove the event from the event processor on the event's thread */ event_processors[in_event->get_thread()]->remove_event(in_event) ; } else { std::vector< Trick::EventInstrument * >::iterator ei_it ; for ( ei_it = events_instrumented.begin() ; ei_it != events_instrumented.end() ; ) { if ( (*ei_it)->get_event() == in_event ) { /* If the event is tied to a job, call the target jobs remove instrument routine */ Trick::EventInstrument * found_event_instru = *ei_it ; ei_it = events_instrumented.erase(ei_it) ; found_event_instru->get_target_job()->remove_inst(found_event_instru->name) ; delete found_event_instru ; } else { ei_it++ ; } } } in_event->remove() ; /* Remove it from active event list. */ for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) { if (in_event == active_events[ii]) { for ( jj = ii + 1 ; jj < num_active_events ; jj++ ) { active_events[jj - 1] = active_events[jj] ; } num_active_events-- ; break ; } } if (num_active_events == 0) { TMM_delete_var_a(active_events); active_events = NULL; } else { active_events = (Trick::Event **)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(active_events, num_active_events); } if ( in_event->get_free_on_removal() ) { TMM_delete_var_a(in_event) ; } return 0 ; } /** @details This is called from the S_define file. There will be one event processor assigned to each thread. -# Add the incoming input processor to the list of known processors. */ void Trick::EventManager::add_event_processor(Trick::EventProcessor * in_ep) { event_processors.push_back(in_ep) ; } //Executive time_tic changed. Update all event times int Trick::EventManager::time_tic_changed() { int old_tt ; int tt ; unsigned int ii ; old_tt = exec_get_old_time_tic_value() ; tt = exec_get_time_tic_value() ; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) { active_events[ii]->set_next_tics((long long)round((active_events[ii]->get_next_tics() / old_tt) * tt)) ; } return 0 ; } // Remove all events attached to jobs before a checkpoint is reloaded. int Trick::EventManager::preload_checkpoint() { std::vector< Trick::EventInstrument * >::iterator ei_it ; for ( ei_it = events_instrumented.begin() ; ei_it != events_instrumented.end() ; ) { Trick::EventInstrument * found_event_instru = *ei_it ; ei_it = events_instrumented.erase(ei_it) ; found_event_instru->get_target_job()->remove_inst(found_event_instru->name) ; delete found_event_instru ; } return 0 ; } //Restart job that reloads event_list from checkpointable structures int Trick::EventManager::restart() { unsigned int ii ; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) { // rebuild the event_list of all events that were "added" /* call the event restart routine to reset anything the event needs to do. */ active_events[ii]->restart() ; if ( active_events[ii]->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_BEFORETARGET ) { /* Update event list and insert an instrument job (containing in_event) target job's "before" queue. */ add_event_before( active_events[ii] , active_events[ii]->get_target_name() , active_events[ii]->get_target_inst() ) ; } else if ( active_events[ii]->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_AFTERTARGET ) { /* Update event list and insert an instrument job (containing in_event) target job's "after" queue. */ add_event_after( active_events[ii] , active_events[ii]->get_target_name() , active_events[ii]->get_target_inst() ) ; } else { /* Update event list for normal user events and read events. */ add_event(active_events[ii]); } } return (0); }