/************************TRICK HEADER************************* PURPOSE: (This comment lists out the other object files that are not included from c++ headers) LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES: ( ) *************************************************************/ #include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm" ##include <math.h> ##include "sim_services/Message/include/message_proto.h" ##include "sim_services/Integrator/include/Integrator.hh" ##include "sim_services/Integrator/include/integrator_c_intf.h" /* base ball... get it? :) */ class ballSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: double mass; double input_position[2]; double speed; double elevation; double output_position[2]; double output_velocity[2]; double output_acceleration[2]; double output_external_force[2]; double origin[2]; double input_force; double output_force[2]; int force_default_data () { origin[0] = 0.0 ; origin[1] = 2.0 ; input_force = 8.0 ; return(0) ; } ; int state_default_data () { mass = 10.0 ; speed = 3.5 ; elevation = 0.785398163 ; input_position[0] = 5.0 ; input_position[1] = 5.0 ; return(0) ; } ; int state_init() { /* TRANSFER INPUT POSITION STATES TO OUTPUT POSITION STATES */ output_position[0] = input_position[0]; /* X state */ output_position[1] = input_position[1]; /* Y state */ /* TRANSFER INPUT SPEED AND ELEVATION INTO THE VELOCITY VECTOR */ output_velocity[0] = speed * cos( elevation ); /* X velocity */ output_velocity[1] = speed * sin( elevation ); /* Y velocity */ return(0) ; } ; int force_field() { /* LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS */ double mag; double rel_pos[2]; double unit[2]; /* GET RELATIVE VECTOR FROM BALL TO FORCE ORIGIN */ rel_pos[0] = origin[0] - output_position[0]; rel_pos[1] = origin[1] - output_position[1]; /* GET UNIT VECTOR AND POSITION MAGNITUDE FROM BALL TO FORCE ORIGIN */ /* Note sigularity when ball position = force origin. */ mag = sqrt( rel_pos[0]*rel_pos[0] + rel_pos[1]*rel_pos[1] ); unit[0] = rel_pos[0] / mag; unit[1] = rel_pos[1] / mag; /* COMPUTE EXTERNAL FORCE ON BALL IN THE DIRECTION OF THE UNIT VECTOR */ output_force[0] = input_force * (unit[0]); output_force[1] = input_force * (unit[1]); return(0) ; } ; int state_deriv() { output_external_force[0] = output_force[0] ; output_external_force[1] = output_force[1] ; /* SOLVE FOR THE X AND Y ACCELERATIONS OF THE BALL */ output_acceleration[0] = output_external_force[0] / mass; output_acceleration[1] = output_external_force[1] / mass; return(0) ; }; int state_integ() { int ipass; /* LOAD THE POSITION AND VELOCITY STATES */ load_state( &output_position[0] , &output_position[1] , &output_velocity[0] , &output_velocity[1] , NULL ); /* LOAD THE POSITION AND VELOCITY STATE DERIVATIVES */ load_deriv( &output_velocity[0] , &output_velocity[1] , &output_acceleration[0] , &output_acceleration[1] , NULL ); /* CALL THE TRICK INTEGRATION SERVICE */ ipass = integrate(); /* UNLOAD THE NEW POSITION AND VELOCITY STATES */ unload_state( &output_position[0] , &output_position[1] , &output_velocity[0] , &output_velocity[1] , NULL ); /* RETURN */ return( ipass ); } ; int state_print() { message_publish(8, "time = %f , position = %f , %f\n" , exec_get_sim_time() , output_position[0] , output_position[1]) ; return 0 ; } ; ballSimObject() { ("default_data") force_default_data() ; ("default_data") state_default_data() ; ("initialization") state_init() ; ("derivative") force_field() ; ("derivative") state_deriv() ; ("integration") trick_ret = state_integ() ; (10.0, "scheduled") trick_ret = state_print() ; ("freeze") state_print() ; } } ; // Instantiations ballSimObject ball ; IntegLoop my_integ_loop (0.01) ball; // Connect objects void create_connections() { // Set the default termination time exec_set_terminate_time(300.0) ; exec_set_freeze_frame(0.10) ; my_integ_loop.getIntegrator(Runge_Kutta_2, 4); }