/** @page LEVEL2 Trick Environment @anchor Trick_Environment A very important part of building %Trick simulations is understanding the environment and how to manipulate it. %Trick maintains a list of variables. Each variable has a default value that may be overridden by setting the value in the environment. %Trick resolves these variables by a call to a function called "gte". You can type in "${TRICK_HOME}/bin/gte" on the command line to see what the "Trick environment" is. A %Trick simulation may run with no UNIX environment. However, for simulation development, there is a set of UNIX variables that may be in your UNIX environment. For instance, you may have TRICK_CFLAGS defined. The user’s environment is very important to building a correct simulation and it can be complex at times. If you have questions, please contact a %Trick representative. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_CFLAGS and TRICK_CXXFLAGS The contents of TRICK_CFLAGS is included on the command line with each C file compilation. Similiarly, TRICK_CXXFLAGS is included for each C++ file. Each contain header file search directories, macro define variables, and compiler flags. For building a simulation, a user must be proficient at tweaking TRICK_CFLAGS and TRICK_CXXFLAGS. There are a several ways to do this. TRICK_CXXFLAGS works exactly like TRICK_CFLAGS. Example 1: Add "-I/user/mooo/trick_models" to the environment variable. TRICK_CFLAGS is currently... UNIX Prompt> echo $TRICK_CFLAGS
-Wall Now we need to edit the shell startup file where TRICK_CFLAGS is defined. Add the following line for bash. TRICK_CFLAGS="$TRICK_CFLAGS -I/user/mooo/trick_models" Add the following line for [t]csh. setenv TRICK_CFLAGS "$TRICK_CFLAGS -I/user/mooo/trick_models" Now source your shell startup file and voila!... For bash:
UNIX Prompt> . ~/.bash_profile
-Wall -I/user/mooo/trick_models For [t]csh:
UNIX Prompt> source ~/.cshrc
-Wall -I/user/mooo/trick_models Example 2: Add "-I/user/mooo/trick_models" through the simulation S_overrides.mk file ~e need to edit the S_overrides.mk file in the simulation to be built. Add the following line. TRICK_CFLAGS="$TRICK_CFLAGS -I/user/mooo/trick_models" This will not show up in the current shell environment, but will be set for each command that the makefile executtes. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_CONVERT_SWIG_FLAGS TRICK_CONVERT_SWIG_FLAGS contains flags sent to the convert_swig utility. Currently the flags only support "-s" which allows convert_swig to process STLs. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_EDITOR TRICK_EDITOR defaults to an empty string. With TRICK_EDITOR is set, when CP encounters an error it brings up the S_define file automatically using the TRICK_EDITOR command. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_EXCLUDE A colon separated list of directories to skip when processing files. It is possible to instruct all CP functions to skip entire directories using the environment variable TRICK_EXCLUDE. Set this variable to a colon separated list of directories which you wish CP to bypass. All header files found in TRICK_EXCLUDE will not be processed. All source code files found in TRICK_EXCLDUE will not be compiled or linked into the simulation. This feature is useful to bring in packages as a library. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_FORCE_32BIT To force %Trick to compile in 32-bit on 64-bit systems, set the TRICK_FORCE_32BIT environment variable to 1. Setting this variable appends "-m32" automatically to TRICK_CFLAGS and TRICK_CXXFLAGS. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_HOST_CPU %Trick determines a system specific suffix to append to object code directory names. By default this is determined automatically by %Trick. The user may override this by setting the TRICK_HOST_CPU environment variable. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_HOST_TYPE %Trick determines the current OS type. The user may override this by setting the TRICK_HOST_TYPE. It is rare to set this variable. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE A colon separated list of directories to skip when processing header files. It is possible to instruct ICG to skip entire directories using the environment variable TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE. Set this variable to a colon separated list of directories which you wish ICG to bypass. This is useful when there is code which you do not wish %Trick to have any knowledge of (i.e. you don’t need any of the parameters recorded or input processable). @section LEVEL3 TRICK_LDFLAGS TRICK_LDFLAGS include linker flags. TRICK_LDFLAGS is used when linking the simulation executable. It is rare to set this variable. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_MAKE This variable has been deprecated. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_SFLAGS TRICK_SFLAGS includes header file search directories and macro define variables. TRICK_SFLAGS is used when parsing the S_define file. @section LEVEL3 TRICK_USER_LINK_LIBS Additional library and library directories to include when linking a simulation. An example of adding a library search path, a library to be searched for, and a full path library. bash
export TRICK_USER_LINK_LIBS="-L/full/path/to/libs -lfile1 /another/path/to/a/libfile2.a" [t]csh
setenv TRICK_USER_LINK_LIBS "-L/full/path/to/libs -lfile1 /another/path/to/a/libfile2.a" @section LEVEL3 MAKEFLAGS MAKEFLAGS is not a %Trick environment variable. It is used with the GNU make utility. Invoking make with the -j flag allows make to compile more than one file simultaneously. Dramatic speedups in compiling can be achieved when using multiple processors. UNIX Prompt> setenv MAKEFLAGS –j10 (circa 2007?) We have used the parallel make to build %Trick on an 8 core system in a gee-whiz time of only 25 seconds! In the year 2016, or thereabouts, %Trick will be compiled in 1 second. Imagine that!!! Of course, we are assuming that there will be such a thing as %Trick... By then, hopefully, %Trick will be written in a language that needs no compilation. So really, make will be a thing of the past... And this section will not exist in the User’s Guide! Assuming of course that the editor, at that time, actually reads the thing. */