#include #include "trick/Unit.hh" #include //#include "trick_utils/reqs/include/RequirementScribe.hh" /*********************FIXME********************************************************************************** * 1. The behavior of the conversion between composite units containing * temperature (an offest) is defined arbitrarily in the source code, namely, that conversion * between units of temperature occurs first within a product containing * temperature, and the offset of the temperature conversion is ignored * within a ratio containing temperature. * This presents a problem for a user who wants to use a behavior which differs * from that described above. Realisitically, the impact of this * problem is minimal since the use of temperature in composite units rarely occurs * in application. * * 2. The use of Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR as the only exception for unit is misleading. * Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR is thrown during invalid unit conversions, but also when * initializing invalid units. Possible solutions include a broader reaching name * or the inclusion of another exception. * * 3. The use of multiplication in denominator of a ratio violates order of operations * kg*m/s*s = kg*m/s/s. It is misleading since multiplication seems to equate to division. * A possible solution would be to allow the multiplication in the denominator within parentheses. * * 4. Within the units_conv.c file in the table of units and conversion factors at line 463 * The conversion of ounces to newtons is given as 0.27801385. This conversion can be obtained with more * precision by using the conversion from pound(force) to Newton and dividing by 16. That is the conversion * of ounces to newtons can be written as 4.4482216152605/16 = 0.27801385095378. Note * that only 14 significant figures are given in 4.4482216152605 and only 14 are used in the result. * After revision of the conversion rate, the tolerance used in the test (around line 348) can * be lowered to reflect the increase in precision. * * 5. Within the units_conv.c file at line 428 the conversion rate of arcseconds to radians is given as 4.848136811095362e-6 * The conversion rate should be pi/(180*60*60). When doing this division with 20 digits of pi, then the result * is 4.8481368110953599...e-6. To double floating point precision that is 4.848136811095360e-6. After correction, * then the tolerance can be lowered to reflect the increase in precision. * * --Taylor Dowlen * **********************************************************************************************************/ #define TOL 1e-7 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 namespace Trick { double tolerance(int exp) { return pow(10, exp); } /*********************WARNING****************************************** * 1. Conversion_to allocates memory for a UCFn object using new * Use clean_up_UCFn() to deallocate the memory and set the pointer to NULL * * 2. Do not call clean_up_UCFn() on unitialized pointers! * Initialize/Define pointers at declaration * Declared pointers that don't point to a valid address or NULL will * cause an error **********************************************************************/ #if 0 void units_requirements(bool isThrow) { Trick::RequirementScribe req; if (isThrow) { req.add_requirement("3321868560"); } else { req.add_requirement("1724238641"); } } #endif void clean_up_UCFn(UCFn** ptr) { if(*ptr != (UCFn*) NULL) { delete *ptr; } else { std::cerr << "WARNING: Call to clean_up_UCFn() on a NULL pointer" << std::endl << "Calling function should check for non-NULL value of pointer" << std::endl << "before calling clean_up_UCFn()" << std::endl; } *ptr = (UCFn*) NULL; } void test_conversion_no_throw(std::string unitString1, std::string unitString2, double expected_offset, double expected_scale, double tolerance = TOL) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str())); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str())); Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str()); Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str()); UCFn *cf = (UCFn*) NULL; ASSERT_NO_THROW(cf = unit1.Conversion_to(&unit2)); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_offset, cf->C[0], tolerance ); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_scale, cf->C[1], tolerance ); clean_up_UCFn(&cf); ASSERT_EQ((UCFn*) NULL, cf); //units_requirements(false); } void test_conversion_no_expect(std::string unitString1, std::string unitString2) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str())); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str())); Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str()); Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str()); UCFn *cf = (UCFn*) NULL; ASSERT_NO_THROW(cf = unit1.Conversion_to(&unit2)); clean_up_UCFn(&cf); ASSERT_EQ((UCFn*) NULL, cf); } void test_temperature_conversion(std::string unitString, double temperature, double expected_Celsius = 0.0, double expected_Kelvin = 0.0, double expected_Fahrenheit = 0.0, double expected_Rankine = 0.0, double tolerance = TOL) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit(unitString.c_str())); Unit unit(unitString.c_str()); double temp_Celsius = unit.Convert_to(temperature, "C"); double temp_Fahrenheit = unit.Convert_to(temperature, "F"); double temp_Kelvin = unit.Convert_to(temperature, "K"); double temp_Rankine = unit.Convert_to(temperature, "R"); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_Celsius, temp_Celsius, tolerance); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_Fahrenheit, temp_Fahrenheit, tolerance); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_Kelvin, temp_Kelvin, tolerance); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_Rankine, temp_Rankine, tolerance); } void test_conversion_throw(std::string unitString1, std::string unitString2) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str())); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str())); Unit unit1(unitString1.c_str()); Unit unit2(unitString2.c_str()); UCFn* cf = (UCFn*) NULL; std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(cf = unit1.Conversion_to(&unit2), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); if(cf!= (UCFn*) NULL) { clean_up_UCFn(&cf); } ASSERT_EQ((UCFn*) NULL, cf); //units_requirements(true); } class UnitConversion : public ::testing::Test { protected: //Trick::RequirementScribe testReq; UnitConversion() {} ~UnitConversion() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} }; // Time Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, SecondToSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("s", "s", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, SecondToMinute) { test_conversion_no_throw("s", "min", 0.0, (1.0/60.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, SecondToHour) { test_conversion_no_throw("s", "hr", 0.0, (1.0/(60.0*60.0)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, SecondToDay) { test_conversion_no_throw("s", "day", 0.0, (1.0/(60.0*60.0*24.0)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MinuteToSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("min", "s", 0.0, 60.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, HourToSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("hr", "s", 0.0, (60.0*60.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, DayToSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("day", "s", 0.0, (60.0*60.0*24.0), TOL); } //Length Conversion TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToMeter) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "m", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToFeet) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "ft", 0.0, (1.0/0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToInch) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "in", 0.0, (12.0/0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToMilli) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "mm", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToCenti) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "cm", 0.0, 100.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToKilometer) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "km", 0.0, (1.0/1000.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToYard) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "yd", 0.0, (1.0/(0.3048*3.0)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToMile) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "mi", 0.0, (1.0/(0.3048*5280.0)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToNautMile) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "n.m.", 0.0, (1.0/1852.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MeterToKilofoot) { test_conversion_no_throw("m", "kft", 0.0, (1.0/(1000.0*0.3048)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FootToInch) { test_conversion_no_throw("ft", "in", 0.0, 12.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, YardToFoot) { test_conversion_no_throw("yd", "ft", 0.0, 3.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, YardToInch) { test_conversion_no_throw("yd", "in", 0.0, (3.0*12.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MileToFeet) { test_conversion_no_throw("mi", "ft", 0.0, 5280.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, NautMileToFeet) { test_conversion_no_throw("n.m.", "ft", 0.0, (1852.0/0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilofootToFeet) { test_conversion_no_throw("kft", "ft", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } //Angle Conversion TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToRad) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "r", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToDeg) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "d", 0.0, (180.0/PI), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToArcSec) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "as", 0.0, (180.0*60.0*60.0/PI), tolerance(-9)); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToArcMin) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "am", 0.0, (180.0*60.0/PI), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToRev) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "rev", 0.0, (1.0/(2.0*PI)), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadToMilliRad) { test_conversion_no_throw("r", "mr", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RevToDeg) { test_conversion_no_throw("rev", "d", 0.0, 360.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RevToRad) { test_conversion_no_throw("rev", "r", 0.0, 2*PI, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, ArcMinToDeg) { test_conversion_no_throw("am", "d", 0.0, (1.0/60.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, ArcSecToDeg) { test_conversion_no_throw("as", "d", 0.0, (1.0/(60.0*60.0)), TOL); } //Mass Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramToKilogram) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg", "kg", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramToSlug) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg", "sl", 0.0, (1.0/14.59390), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramToPoundMass) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg", "lbm", 0.0, (1.0/0.45359237), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramToGram) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg", "g", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramToMetricTon) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg", "mt", 0.0, (1.0/1000.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MetricTonToKilogram) { test_conversion_no_throw("mt", "kg", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } //Force Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, NewtonToNewton) { test_conversion_no_throw("N", "N", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, NewtonToKiloNewton) { test_conversion_no_throw("N", "kN", 0.0, (1.0/1000.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, NewtonToOunce) { test_conversion_no_throw("N", "oz", 0.0, 3.596944, tolerance(-5)); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, NewtonToPoundForce) { test_conversion_no_throw("N", "lbf", 0.0, 0.224809, TOL); } //Voltage Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, VoltToVolt) { test_conversion_no_throw("v", "v", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, VoltToKiloVolt) { test_conversion_no_throw("v", "kv", 0.0, (1.0/1000.0), TOL); } //Current Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, AmpToAmp) { test_conversion_no_throw("amp", "amp", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, AmpToMilliAmp) { test_conversion_no_throw("amp", "mamp", 0.0, 1000.0, TOL); } //Unitless Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, DoubleDashToDoubleDash) { test_conversion_no_throw("--", "--", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, DoubleDashToCount) { test_conversion_no_throw("--", "cnt", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, DoubleDashToOne) { test_conversion_no_throw("--", "one", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } //Frequency Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, HertzToHertz) { test_conversion_no_throw("Hz", "Hz", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, HertzToMegaHertz) { test_conversion_no_throw("Hz", "MHz", 0.0, (1.0/1000000.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, HertzToGigaHertz) { test_conversion_no_throw("Hz", "GHz", 0.0, (1.0/1000000000.0), TOL); } //Temperature Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusToKelvin) { test_conversion_no_throw("C", "K", 273.15, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusToFahrenheit) { test_conversion_no_throw("C", "F", 32.0, 1.8, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusToRankine) { test_conversion_no_throw("C", "R", (1.8*273.15), 1.8, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KelvinToCelsius) { test_conversion_no_throw("K", "C", -273.15, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KelvinToFahrenheit) { test_conversion_no_throw("K", "F", (-273.15*1.8+32), 1.8, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KelvinToRankine) { test_conversion_no_throw("K", "R", 0.0, 1.8, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RankineToCelsius) { test_conversion_no_throw("R", "C", -273.15, (5.0/9.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RankineToKelvin) { test_conversion_no_throw("R", "K", 0.0, (5.0/9.0), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RankineToFahrenheit) { test_conversion_no_throw("R", "F", (-273.15*1.8+32), 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusZero) { test_temperature_conversion("C", 0.0, 0.0, 273.15, 32.0, 491.67, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KelvinZero) { test_temperature_conversion("K", 0.0, -273.15, 0.0, -459.67, 0.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitZero) { test_temperature_conversion("F", 0.0, (-160.0/9.0), ((-160.0/9.0)+273.15), 0.0, 459.67); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RankineZero) { test_temperature_conversion("R", 0.0, -273.15, 0.0, -459.67, 0.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusBodyTemp) { test_temperature_conversion("C", 36.8, 36.8, 309.95, 98.24, 557.91, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KelvinBodyTemp) { test_temperature_conversion("K", 310.0, 36.85, 310.0, 98.33, 558.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitBodyTemp) { test_temperature_conversion("F", 98.2, (331.0/9.0), (2789.35/9.0), 98.2, 557.87, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RankineBodyTemp) { test_temperature_conversion("R", 557.9, (331.15/9.0), (2789.5/9.0), 98.23, 557.9, TOL); } //Inverted Units TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvSecondsToInvMinutes) { test_conversion_no_throw("1/s", "1/min", 0.0, 60.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvMinutesToInvSeconds) { test_conversion_no_throw("1/min", "1/s", 0.0, (1.0/60.0), TOL); } //Due to the arbitrary definition of the behavior of converstions of //composite units with temperature, no assertions are given as to the value of //the conversion function for such conversions. The tests only validate that //conversions are valid and throw no exeption. //Products Containing Temperature Pimitives TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusSecondToFahrenheitMinute) { test_conversion_no_expect("C*s", "F*min"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitMinuteToCelsiusSecond) { test_conversion_no_expect("F*min", "C*s"); } //Products of a temperature primitive TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitSquaredToFahrenheitSquared) { test_conversion_no_throw("F2", "F2", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusFahrenheitToCelsiusFahrenheit) { test_conversion_no_throw("C*F", "C*F", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitSquaredToCelsiusSquared) { test_conversion_throw("F2", "C2"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusSquaredToFahrenheitSquared) { test_conversion_throw("C2", "F2"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitSquaredToCelsiusFahrenheit) { test_conversion_throw("F2", "C*F"); } //Ratios containing a temperature primitive TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusPerSecondToFahrenheitPerSecond) { test_conversion_no_expect("C/s", "F/s"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitPerSecondToCelsiusPerSecond) { test_conversion_no_expect("F/s", "C/s"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FahrenheitPerSecondToCelsiusPerMinute) { test_conversion_no_expect("F/s", "C/min"); } //Complex Conversions TEST_F(UnitConversion, CompositeNewtonToCompositePoundForce) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s2", "lbm*ft/s*s", 0.0, (1/(0.45359237*0.3048)) , TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CompositePoundForceToCompositeNewton) { test_conversion_no_throw("lbm*ft/s2", "kg*m/s*s", 0.0, (0.45359237*0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FootPoundsToNewtonMeters) { test_conversion_no_throw("lbf*ft", "N*m", 0.0, (4.4482216152605*0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, FootPoundsToNewtonMetersWithConvertTo) { //testReq.add_requirement("2060756805"); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit NewtonMeter("N*m")); Unit NewtonMeter("N*m"); ASSERT_NO_THROW(NewtonMeter.Convert_to(1, "lbf*ft")); double result = NewtonMeter.Convert_to(1, "lbf*ft"); ASSERT_NEAR(1.0/(4.4482216152605*0.3048), result, TOL); } //Communtativity of factors TEST_F(UnitConversion, CompositePoundForceToCompositeNewtonCommutative) { test_conversion_no_throw("lbm*ft/s*s", "m*kg/s2", 0.0, (0.45359237*0.3048), TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CompositeNewtonToCompositePoundForceCommutative) { test_conversion_no_throw("m*kg/s2", "lbm*ft/s*s", 0.0, (1/(0.45359237*0.3048)), TOL); } //Collection of Denominators TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondSquaredToPerSecondTimesSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s2", "kg*m/s*s", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondSquaredToPerSecondPerSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s2", "kg*m/s/s", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondTimesSecondToPerSecondPerSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s*s", "kg*m/s/s", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondTimesSecondToPerSecondSquared) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s*s", "kg*m/s2", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondPerSecondToPerSecondTimesSecond) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s/s", "kg*m/s*s", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, PerSecondPerSecondToPerSecondSquared) { test_conversion_no_throw("kg*m/s/s", "kg*m/s2", 0.0, 1.0, TOL); } //Test getUnitName() TEST_F(UnitConversion, GetUnitName) { //testReq.add_requirement(""); Unit meter_per_second_squared("m/s2"); std::string unit = "m/s2"; ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(unit.c_str(), meter_per_second_squared.getUnitName()); } //Testing setUnitName() TEST_F(UnitConversion, SetUnitName) { //testReq.add_requirement(""); Unit meter_per_second_squared("m/s2"); Unit copy; UCFn *cf = (UCFn*) NULL; copy.setUnitName("m/s2"); ASSERT_NO_THROW(cf = meter_per_second_squared.Conversion_to(©)); EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, cf->C[0], TOL); EXPECT_NEAR(1.0, cf->C[1], TOL); clean_up_UCFn(&cf); ASSERT_EQ((UCFn*) NULL, cf); } //Syntax Error TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvalidUnit) { //testReq.add_requirement("2743423356"); std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(Unit u("foo"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MissingProduct) { std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(Unit u("C**m"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvalidExponent) { //testReq.add_requirement("2743423356"); std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(Unit u("m4"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); ASSERT_NO_THROW(Unit u("m3")); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvalidRatio) { //testReq.add_requirement("2743423356"); std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(Unit u("/C"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, InvalidFootPound) { //testReq.add_requirement("2743423356"); std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(Unit u("lbfft"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); } //Invalid Conversion Tests //Should throw an exception (exeption = PASS) TEST_F(UnitConversion, NewtonMeterToInvalidFootPound) { //testReq.add_requirement("2743423356"); Unit unit1("N*m"); std::cerr << "The purpose of this test is to throw to an exception. Error messages are expected." << std::endl; ASSERT_THROW(unit1.Convert_to(1.0, "lbfft"), Unit::CONVERSION_ERROR); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, CelsiusToMeter) { test_conversion_throw("C", "m"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, MilliAmpsToKilogram) { test_conversion_throw("mamp", "kg"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, VoltsToMegaHertz) { test_conversion_throw("v", "MHz"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, RadianToDoubleDash) { test_conversion_throw("r", "--"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, DoubleDashToMeterPerSecondSquared) { test_conversion_throw("--", "m/s2"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, SecondToMeterPerSecond) { test_conversion_throw("s", "m/s"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramMeterPerSecondToCount) { test_conversion_throw("kg*m/s", "cnt"); } TEST_F(UnitConversion, KilogramMeterPerSecondToMeterSquared) { test_conversion_throw("kg*m/s", "m2"); } }