#include #include #include "trick/MessageTCDevice.hh" #include "trick/message_type.h" #include "trick/montecarlo_c_intf.h" #include "trick/tc_proto.h" Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::MessageTCDeviceListenThread(MessageTCDevice * in_mtcd) : Trick::ThreadBase("MessageListen"), mtcd(in_mtcd) , listen_dev() { /* And a TCDevice for message server @e listen_device is configured. */ listen_dev.disabled = TC_COMM_FALSE ; listen_dev.disable_handshaking = TC_COMM_TRUE ; listen_dev.blockio_limit = 0.0 ; listen_dev.blockio_type = TC_COMM_BLOCKIO ; listen_dev.client_id = 0 ; listen_dev.port = 0 ; strcpy(listen_dev.client_tag, "") ; listen_dev.error_handler = (TrickErrorHndlr *) calloc(1, (int)sizeof(TrickErrorHndlr)); listen_dev.error_handler->report_level = TRICK_ERROR_CAUTION; } Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::~MessageTCDeviceListenThread() { free(listen_dev.error_handler) ; if ( listen_dev.hostname ) { free((char*)listen_dev.hostname) ; } close(listen_dev.socket) ; } int Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::get_port() { return listen_dev.port ; } int Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::init_listen_device() { return tc_init(&listen_dev); } int Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::restart() { struct sockaddr_in s_in; int s_in_size = sizeof(s_in) ; getsockname( listen_dev.socket , (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, (socklen_t *)&s_in_size) ; printf("restart message port = %d\n" , ntohs(s_in.sin_port)) ; return 0; } void * Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::thread_body() { /** @par Design Details: */ int status ; fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout_time = { 2, 0 }; TCDevice * new_connection ; pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); /** @li If a proper port is found, make a new connection to the message server that is listening if possible. * Once the connection is established, the new connection is added to the subscriber connection list. */ while (1) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(listen_dev.socket, &rfds); timeout_time.tv_sec = 2 ; select(listen_dev.socket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout_time); if (FD_ISSET(listen_dev.socket, &rfds)) { new_connection = new TCDevice() ; new_connection->disabled = TC_COMM_FALSE ; new_connection->disable_handshaking = TC_COMM_TRUE ; new_connection->blockio_limit = 0.0 ; new_connection->blockio_type = TC_COMM_BLOCKIO ; new_connection->client_id = 0 ; strcpy(new_connection->client_tag, "") ; new_connection->error_handler = (TrickErrorHndlr *) calloc(1, (int)sizeof(TrickErrorHndlr)); new_connection->error_handler->report_level = TRICK_ERROR_CAUTION; status = tc_accept(&listen_dev, new_connection); if (status == TC_SUCCESS) { mtcd->add_connection(new_connection) ; } } } return NULL ; } void Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread::dump( std::ostream & oss ) { oss << "Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread (" << name << ")\n"; oss << " port = " << get_port() << std::endl ; Trick::ThreadBase::dump(oss) ; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Trick::MessageTCDevice::MessageTCDevice() : listen_thread(this) { combined_message = new char[20480] ; name = "tcdevice" ; return ; } // DESTRUCTOR Trick::MessageTCDevice::~MessageTCDevice() { delete[] combined_message ; } Trick::MessageTCDeviceListenThread & Trick::MessageTCDevice::get_listen_thread() { return listen_thread ; } void Trick::MessageTCDevice::add_connection( TCDevice * new_conn ) { connections.push_back(new_conn) ; } int Trick::MessageTCDevice::shutdown() { listen_thread.cancel_thread() ; return 0 ; } int Trick::MessageTCDevice::default_data() { int ret ; if ( mc_is_slave() ) { enabled = false ; } /** @par Design Details: */ /** @li Reserve a listen socket */ if ( enabled ) { ret = listen_thread.init_listen_device() ; if ( ret == TC_SUCCESS ) { port = listen_thread.get_port() ; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create listen port for message server. Aborting.\n"); return (-1); } } return(0) ; } /** @details -# If this subscriber is enabled, creates a thread for a new socket connection */ int Trick::MessageTCDevice::init() { if ( enabled ) { listen_thread.create_thread() ; } return(0) ; } /** @details -# Call the listen thread restart routine -# Get the port number from the listen thread -# If the listen thread has not been created, call the listen thread create thread method */ int Trick::MessageTCDevice::restart() { if ( enabled ) { listen_thread.restart() ; port = listen_thread.get_port() ; if ( listen_thread.get_pthread_id() == 0 ) { listen_thread.create_thread() ; } } return 0 ; } // MEMBER FUNCTION void Trick::MessageTCDevice::update( unsigned int level , std::string header , std::string message ) { std::vector < TCDevice *>::iterator it ; int nbytes ; int length ; std::string color_code ; /** @par Design Details: */ switch (level) { case MSG_NORMAL : color_code = "\033[00m" ; // normal break ; case MSG_INFO : color_code = "\033[32m" ; // green break ; case MSG_WARNING : color_code = "\033[33m" ; // yellow break ; case MSG_ERROR : color_code = "\033[31m" ; // red break ; case MSG_DEBUG : color_code = "\033[36m" ; // cyan break ; default : color_code = "\033[00m" ; // normal break ; } /** @li If this subscriber is not enabled, do nothing. Otherwise, it gets the update. */ if ( enabled && level < 100 ) { /** @li The message is composed as message header + message text */ if ( color ) { snprintf( combined_message , 20480 , "%s%s%s\033[00m" , header.c_str() , color_code.c_str() , message.c_str()) ; } else { snprintf( combined_message , 20480 , "%s%s" , header.c_str() , message.c_str()) ; } length = (int)strlen(combined_message) ; /** @li The message is broadcast to all socket connection this subscriber has. */ it = connections.begin() ; while ( it != connections.end() ) { nbytes = tc_write( *it, combined_message, length) ; /** @li All those connections that can not receive the message get disconnected. */ if ( nbytes != length ) { tc_disconnect(*it) ; it = connections.erase(it) ; } else { it++ ; } } } return ; }