#include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm" class testSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: int print_time (int thread) { message_publish(1, "thread %d: time = %8.2f\n", thread, exec_get_sim_time()) ; return 0 ; } ; /* This job takes longer than 0.1 seconds to run */ int slow_print_time (int thread) { message_publish(1, "thread %d: time = %8.2f\n", thread, exec_get_sim_time()) ; usleep(100000) ; return 0 ; } ; testSimObject() { (1.0, "scheduled") print_time(0) ; C1 (0.5, "scheduled") print_time(1) ; C2 (0.1, "scheduled") slow_print_time(2) ; } } ; // Instantiations testSimObject test ; // Connect objects void create_connections() { // Set the default termination time exec_set_terminate_time(30.0) ; exec_set_freeze_frame(1.0) ; }