#include #include #include "ClassValues.hh" #include "FieldDescription.hh" ClassValues::ClassValues(bool in_inherit, bool in_virtual_inherit) : inherited(in_inherit) , virtual_inherited(in_virtual_inherit) , has_init_attr_friend(false) , is_pod(false) , is_abstract(false) , has_default_constructor(false) , has_public_destructor(false) {} ClassValues::~ClassValues() { std::vector::iterator fdit ; for ( fdit = field_descripts.begin() ; fdit != field_descripts.end() ; fdit++ ) { delete (*fdit) ; } std::vector::iterator cvit ; for ( cvit = inherited_classes.begin() ; cvit != inherited_classes.end() ; cvit++ ) { delete (*cvit) ; } } void ClassValues::addFieldDescription(FieldDescription * in_fdes) { field_descripts.push_back(in_fdes) ; // Test to see if the new field overloads a field of the same name. If it does // then fully qualify the name of the inherited field (the one already in field_name_to_info). std::map< std::string , FieldDescription * >::iterator mit = field_name_to_info_map.find(in_fdes->getName()) ; if ( mit != field_name_to_info_map.end() ) { // If the matched variable is inherited, qualify it with its container class name. if ( (*mit).second->isInherited() ) { (*mit).second->setName( (*mit).second->getContainerClass() + "::" + (*mit).second->getName() ) ; field_name_to_info_map[(*mit).second->getName()] = (*mit).second ; field_name_to_info_map.erase(mit) ; } } field_name_to_info_map[in_fdes->getName()] = in_fdes ; } void ClassValues::addInheritedFieldDescriptions(std::vector in_fdes) { // Make a copy of all of the FieldDescription variables. field_descripts.insert(field_descripts.end(), in_fdes.begin() , in_fdes.end()) ; std::vector::iterator fdit ; // Loop through the incoming inherited variable names for ( fdit = in_fdes.begin() ; fdit != in_fdes.end() ; fdit++ ) { std::string in_name = (*fdit)->getName() ; // search existing names for incoming inherited variable name. std::map< std::string , FieldDescription * >::iterator mit = field_name_to_info_map.find(in_name) ; // if the variable name already exists we have overloaded variable names. if ( mit != field_name_to_info_map.end() ) { // the incoming variable is known to be inherited. Qualify it with its container class name. (*fdit)->setName( (*fdit)->getContainerClass() + "::" + (*fdit)->getName() ) ; field_name_to_info_map[(*fdit)->getName()] = *fdit ; // If the matched variable is also inherited, qualify it with its container class name. if ( (*mit).second->isInherited() ) { (*mit).second->setName( (*mit).second->getContainerClass() + "::" + (*mit).second->getName() ) ; field_name_to_info_map[(*mit).second->getName()] = (*mit).second ; field_name_to_info_map.erase(mit) ; // Mark this name is one that we always have to qualify. field_names_to_qualify.insert(in_name) ; } } else { // incoming name did not match an existing variable name. // Test to see if there variables of this name need to be qualified. if ( field_names_to_qualify.find(in_name) == field_names_to_qualify.end() ) { // The name is not overloaded (yet), add the unqualified inherited name straight into map. field_name_to_info_map[in_name] = *fdit ; // Upgrade the inherited variable's container class to the current class. //(*fdit)->setContainerClass( name ) ; } else { // The name is overloaded by other inherited variables... qualify the name. (*fdit)->setName( (*fdit)->getContainerClass() + "::" + (*fdit)->getName() ) ; field_name_to_info_map[(*fdit)->getName()] = *fdit ; } } } } void ClassValues::saveInheritAncestry( ClassValues * in_cv ) { std::map< std::string , unsigned int >::iterator mit ; for ( mit = in_cv->all_inherited_class_names_map.begin() ; mit != in_cv->all_inherited_class_names_map.end() ; mit++ ) { all_inherited_class_names_map[(*mit).first] += (*mit).second ; } all_inherited_class_names_map[in_cv->getName()]++ ; } void ClassValues::setContainerClassForFields() { std::vector::iterator fdit ; // Loop through all fields for ( fdit = field_descripts.begin() ; fdit != field_descripts.end() ; fdit++ ) { // Prepend the field container class with the current class name. (*fdit)->setContainerClass( name + "::" + (*fdit)->getContainerClass() ) ; } } void ClassValues::clearAmbiguousVariables() { std::map< std::string , unsigned int >::iterator mit ; std::vector::iterator fdit ; for ( mit = all_inherited_class_names_map.begin() ; mit != all_inherited_class_names_map.end() ; mit++ ) { // If a class in inherited more than once we have a diamond. We'll need to modify variables that were // inherited from that class. if ( (*mit).second > 1 ) { std::string str = (*mit).first + "::" ; // Loop through all fields testing for the diamond inherited class in the name. for ( fdit = field_descripts.begin() ; fdit != field_descripts.end() ; fdit++ ) { std::string fdit_name = (*fdit)->getName() ; size_t f = fdit_name.find(str) ; // If the variable contains the diamond class string, remove the diamond class qualification. if ( f != std::string::npos ) { fdit_name.replace(f , str.length() , "") ; (*fdit)->setName(fdit_name) ; } } } } // Removing diamond class qualifications possibly leaves fields with duplicate names. // We want to remove the duplicated names. std::set< std::string > field_names ; fdit = field_descripts.begin() ; while ( fdit != field_descripts.end() ) { // test if the current field is in the list of field names processed. if ( field_names.find( (*fdit)->getName() ) == field_names.end() ) { // This name is new. // Add the field to the test set field_names.insert( (*fdit)->getName() ) ; fdit++ ; } else { // This name was already present // Free the field's memory. delete (*fdit) ; // Erase the field from the list. Move iterator to next field. fdit = field_descripts.erase(fdit) ; } } } std::vector ClassValues::getFieldDescription() { return field_descripts ; } void ClassValues::clearFieldDescription() { field_descripts.clear() ; } void ClassValues::addInheritedClass(ClassValues * in_cv) { inherited_classes.push_back(in_cv) ; } void ClassValues::clearInheritedClass() { inherited_classes.clear() ; } void ClassValues::setInherited(bool in_inh) { inherited = in_inh ; } bool ClassValues::isInherited() { return inherited ; } void ClassValues::setVirtualInherited(bool in_inh) { virtual_inherited = in_inh ; } bool ClassValues::isVirtualInherited() { return virtual_inherited ; } void ClassValues::setHasInitAttrFriend(bool in_val) { has_init_attr_friend = in_val ; } bool ClassValues::getHasInitAttrFriend() { return has_init_attr_friend ; } void ClassValues::setPOD(bool in_val) { is_pod = in_val ; } bool ClassValues::isPOD() { return is_pod ; } void ClassValues::setAbstract(bool in_val) { is_abstract = in_val ; } bool ClassValues::isAbstract() { return is_abstract ; } void ClassValues::setHasDefaultConstructor(bool in_val) { has_default_constructor = in_val ; } bool ClassValues::getHasDefaultConstructor() { return has_default_constructor ; } void ClassValues::setHasPublicDestructor(bool in_val) { has_public_destructor = in_val ; } bool ClassValues::getHasPublicDestructor() { return has_public_destructor ; } void ClassValues::setMangledTypeName( std::string in_val ) { mangled_type_name = in_val ; } std::string ClassValues::getMangledTypeName() { if ( mangled_type_name.empty() ) { return name ; } return mangled_type_name ; } std::string ClassValues::getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName() { std::ostringstream oss ; NamespaceIterator ni ; for ( ni = namespace_begin() ; ni != namespace_end() ; ni++ ) { oss << (*ni) << "::" ; } for ( ni = container_class_begin() ; ni != container_class_end() ; ni++ ) { oss << (*ni) << "::" ; } oss << getMangledTypeName() ; return oss.str() ; } void ClassValues::print_namespaces(std::ostream & os, const char * delimiter) { unsigned int ii ; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < namespaces.size() ; ii++ ) { os << namespaces[ii] << delimiter ; } } std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os , ClassValues & cv ) { os << " name = " << cv.name << std::endl ; os << " mangled_name = " << cv.mangled_type_name << std::endl ; os << " file_name = " << cv.file_name << std::endl ; os << " namespaces =" ; ConstructValues::NamespaceIterator it ; for ( it = cv.namespace_begin() ; it != cv.namespace_end() ; it++ ) { os << " " << *it ; } os << std::endl ; os << " parent classes =" ; for ( it = cv.container_class_begin() ; it != cv.container_class_end() ; it++ ) { os << " " << *it ; } os << std::endl ; os << " has_init_attr_friend = " << cv.has_init_attr_friend << std::endl ; os << " is_pod = " << cv.is_pod << std::endl ; os << " is_abstract = " << cv.is_abstract << std::endl ; os << " has_default_constructor = " << cv.has_default_constructor << std::endl ; os << " has_public_destructor = " << cv.has_public_destructor << std::endl ; ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ; for ( fit = cv.field_begin() ; fit != cv.field_end() ; fit++ ) { os << **fit << std::endl ; } return os ; }