#ifndef FIELDVISITOR_HH #define FIELDVISITOR_HH #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h" #include "PrintAttributes.hh" class CommentSaver ; class HeaderSearchDirs ; class SourceManager ; class FieldDescription ; /** This class is a recursive AST visitor that is called when a Field node inside a class is found. We are in what type the field is, what the array dimensions are, and the bitfield lengths. All information is stored in a FieldDescription object. @author Alexander S. Lin @date July 2012 */ class FieldVisitor : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor { public: FieldVisitor(clang::CompilerInstance & in_ci , HeaderSearchDirs & in_hsd , CommentSaver & cs , PrintAttributes & in_pa , std::string container_class , bool access_spec_found , bool inherited , bool virtual_inherited , unsigned int base_class_offset ) ; /* VisitDecl and VisitType are here for debug printing. */ bool VisitDecl(clang::Decl *d) ; bool VisitType(clang::Type *t) ; /* These routines are called when nodes of the corresponding types are traversed */ bool VisitBuiltinType(clang::BuiltinType *bt); bool VisitConstantArrayType(clang::ConstantArrayType *a) ; bool VisitDeclaratorDecl( clang::DeclaratorDecl *dd ) ; //bool VisitElaboratedType( clang::ElaboratedType *et ) ; bool VisitEnumType( clang::EnumType *et ) ; bool VisitFieldDecl( clang::FieldDecl *field ) ; bool VisitPointerType(clang::PointerType *p); bool VisitRecordType(clang::RecordType *rt); //bool VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType *sttpt); bool VisitTemplateSpecializationType(clang::TemplateSpecializationType *tst); //bool VisitTemplateTypeParmType(clang::TemplateTypeParmType *ttp); //bool VisitTypedefType(clang::TypedefType *tt); bool VisitVarDecl( clang::VarDecl *v ) ; /** Returns the field data */ FieldDescription * get_field_data() ; private: /** The compiler's source manager. Holds file/line info for everything. */ clang::CompilerInstance & ci ; /** Holds all comments */ CommentSaver & cs ; /** The header search directories */ HeaderSearchDirs & hsd ; /** attributes printer */ PrintAttributes & pa ; /** Holds the field information found, usually returned to caller of this visitor. */ FieldDescription * fdes ; } ; #endif