#include "trick/ScheduledJobQueueInstrument.hh" #include "trick/SimObject.hh" /** @details -# Copy name from the instrumentation S_define job. -# Make a copy of the instrumentation job -# Save pointer to the target job. */ Trick::ScheduledJobQueueInstrument::ScheduledJobQueueInstrument( Trick::JobData* in_inst_job, Trick::JobData* in_targ_job ) { name = in_inst_job->name; instru_job = new JobData(*in_inst_job) ; target_job = in_targ_job; instru_job->sup_class_data = target_job ; phase = in_inst_job->phase ; } /** @details -# Delete the instru_job allocated in the constructor. */ Trick::ScheduledJobQueueInstrument::~ScheduledJobQueueInstrument() { delete instru_job ; } /** @details -# Copy the target job into the sup_class_data pointer. This is available from in the insturmentation job. -# Call the instrumentation function directly to save a bit of time */ int Trick::ScheduledJobQueueInstrument::call() { return instru_job->parent_object->call_function(instru_job) ; }