/* * $Id: BC635Clock_test.cpp 6601 2013-06-24 (Lindsay Landry) */ /******************NOTES********************************************** * The BC635 clock requires special hardware to work. These tests * ensure that the TPRO class properly handles cases in which no * hardware is in use. * * Listed requirements are under requirement Trick-153 ( * Real-time control shall be able to use an external clock source *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "sim_services/Clock/include/Clock.hh" #include "sim_services/Clock/include/clock_proto.h" #include "sim_services/Clock/include/GetTimeOfDayClock.hh" #include "sim_services/Clock/include/TPROCTEClock.hh" #include "sim_services/Clock/include/BC635Clock.hh" #include "sim_services/SimObject/include/JobData.hh" #include "trick_utils/reqs/include/RequirementScribe.hh" namespace Trick { class BC635ClockTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: Trick::BC635Clock bcclk; BC635ClockTest() {} ~BC635ClockTest() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} Trick::RequirementScribe req; } ; //std::map< std::string , unsigned int > Trick::Requirements::num_reqs; /* Ensure clock initializes correctly */ TEST_F(BC635ClockTest, Initialize) { req.add_requirement("BC635_clock"); // "The BC635 clock shall initialize reference time of 0, and all ratios set to 1."); /* General expected clock initialization */ EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.get_rt_clock_ratio() , 1.0); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.sim_tic_ratio, 1.0); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.ref_time_tics, 0); /* BC635 clock initialization tests */ EXPECT_STREQ(bcclk.get_name() , "BC635"); } /* Run tests for when no hardware is available */ #ifndef _BC635 TEST_F(BC635ClockTest, ErrorMessages) { req.add_requirement("BC635_clock"); //"The BC635 clock shall display error messages when attempting to use its functions with no hardware."); /* curr_time = 0 always */ long long req_time = rand(); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.clock_init(), -1); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.wall_clock_time(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.clock_spin(req_time), req_time); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.clock_stop(), 0); bcclk.set_reference(req_time); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.clock_time(), -req_time); bcclk.adjust_ref_time(req_time); EXPECT_EQ(bcclk.clock_time(), -2*req_time); } /* Ensure generic clock functions still work when no hardware is available */ TEST_F(BC635ClockTest, TestRefTimes) { req.add_requirement("BC635_clock"); //"The BC635 clock shall provide the ability to adjust the reference time"); long long secs_remainder; int tics_per_s = 1000000000; double align_tics_mult = 1.5; int clock_unit = int((tics_per_s * align_tics_mult)/(bcclk.rt_clock_ratio * bcclk.sim_tic_ratio)); bcclk.sync_to_wall_clock(align_tics_mult, tics_per_s); secs_remainder = bcclk.ref_time_tics% clock_unit; EXPECT_EQ(secs_remainder, 0); } #endif }