#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"

#include "PrintAttributes.hh"
#include "PrintFileContentsBase.hh"
#include "PrintAttributesFactory.hh"
#include "HeaderSearchDirs.hh"
#include "CommentSaver.hh"
#include "ClassValues.hh"
#include "EnumValues.hh"
#include "Utilities.hh"

PrintAttributes::PrintAttributes(int in_attr_version , HeaderSearchDirs & in_hsd ,
  CommentSaver & in_cs , clang::CompilerInstance & in_ci, bool in_force , bool in_sim_services_flag ) :
   hsd(in_hsd) ,
   cs(in_cs) ,
   ci(in_ci) ,
   force(in_force) ,
   sim_services_flag( in_sim_services_flag )
    printer = createFileContents(in_attr_version) ;


In order for us to create an io_src file for an include the header must:

1.  Reside in a user directory ( not system dirs like /usr/include
2.  Not reside in an excluded directory
3.  Not have ICG: (No) present in the Trick header

If the header file meets all of these conditions, a PrintFileContentsBase
instance is created for that file name.


bool PrintAttributes::isIOFileOutOfDate(std::string header_file_name, std::string io_file_name) {
    struct stat header_stat ;
    struct stat io_stat ;
    int ret ;

    stat( header_file_name.c_str() , &header_stat ) ;
    ret = stat( io_file_name.c_str() , &io_stat ) ;

    if ( ret == 0 ) {
        // If the force flag is true, return that the io file is out of date.
        // Otherise test if the header is newer than the io file.
        return ( force || (header_stat.st_mtime > io_stat.st_mtime) ) ;
    return true ;

bool PrintAttributes::doesIODirectoryExist(std::string io_file_name) {
    // dirname alters the string so make a temporary copy of io_file_name
    char * temp_name = strdup(io_file_name.c_str()) ;
    char * dir_name ;
    struct stat buf ;
    bool ret = true ;

    dir_name = dirname((char *)temp_name) ;

    if ( stat( dir_name , &buf ) != 0 ) {
        if ( mkdir( dir_name , 0755 ) != 0 ) {
            // dir does not exist and cannot make the directory.
            std::cout << "Unable to create " << dir_name << " for writing." << std::endl ;
            ret = false ;
    free(temp_name) ;
    return ret ;

// this is a subset of tests on the header file to determine if this file is not excluded for any reason.
bool PrintAttributes::isFileIncluded(std::string header_file_name) {
    // several tests require the real path of the header file.
    char * rp = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()) ;

    if ( rp != NULL ) {
        // Only include user directories (not system dirs like /usr/include)
        if ( hsd.isPathInUserDir(rp) ) {
            // Don't process files in excluded directories
            if ( hsd.isPathInICGExclude(rp) == false ) {
                // Only include files that do not have ICG: (No)
                // hasICGNo uses original header name, not the real path
                if ( ! cs.hasICGNo(header_file_name) ) {
                    return true ;
    return false ;

bool PrintAttributes::openIOFile(std::string header_file_name) {
    // There are a lot of conditions to be met in order to open an io_src file.  We store
    // the file names we have visited so we don't have to retest the file each time a new
    // class/enum is processed.
    if ( visited_files.find(header_file_name) == visited_files.end() ) {
        visited_files.insert(header_file_name) ;

        // several tests require the real path of the header file.
        char * rp = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()) ;

        if ( rp != NULL ) {
            // Only include user directories (not system dirs like /usr/include)
            if ( hsd.isPathInUserDir(rp) ) {
                // Don't process files in excluded directories
                if ( hsd.isPathInICGExclude(rp) == false ) {
                    // Only include files that do not have ICG: (No)
                    // hasICGNo uses original header name, not the real path
                    if ( ! cs.hasICGNo(header_file_name) ) {
                        std::string io_file_name = createIOFileName(std::string(rp)) ;
                        // Does the io_src directory exist or can we successfully mkdir it?
                        if ( doesIODirectoryExist(io_file_name) ) {
                            // Is the io_src file out of date or does not exist yet
                            if ( isIOFileOutOfDate(rp, io_file_name) ) {
                                // All conditions have been met.  Store the io_src file name in io_files.
                                io_files[header_file_name] = io_file_name ;
                                free(rp) ;
                                /* This is the first time we are visiting the file,
                                   open the file and write header information */
                                outfile.open(io_files[header_file_name].c_str()) ;
                                printer->printIOHeader(outfile, header_file_name) ;
                                if ( ! cs.hasTrickHeader(header_file_name) ) {
                                    std::cout << "No Trick header comment found in " << header_file_name << "" << std::endl ;
                                std::cout << "Writing " << io_files[header_file_name] << "" << std::endl ;
                                // Get all of the ignored types from this file.
                                ignored_types[header_file_name] = cs.getIgnoreTypes(header_file_name) ;
                                return true ;
                        } else {
                            std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (cannot create io_src dir)" << std::endl ;
                    } else {
                        std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (ICG No found)" << std::endl ;
                        icg_no_files.push_back(rp) ;
                } else {
                    std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (ICG exclude dir " <<
                     hsd.getPathInICGExclude(rp) << ")" << std::endl ;
            } else {
                //std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (not in user path) " << std::endl ;
            free(rp) ;
        } else {
            std::cout << "ICG could not resolve realpath of " << header_file_name << "" << std::endl ;
    } else {
        /* We have visited this file before, if there is a valid io_file name, append to the io_file */
        if ( io_files.find(header_file_name) != io_files.end() ) {
            outfile.open(io_files[header_file_name].c_str(), std::fstream::app) ;
            return true ;
    // No io_file was opened.
    return false ;

/** Determines the io_file_name based on the given header file name */
std::string PrintAttributes::createIOFileName(std::string header_file_name) {
    std::string dir_name ;
    std::string base_name ;
    std::string io_file_name ;
    size_t found ;
    char cwd[1024] ;
    char * temp_str = strdup(header_file_name.c_str()) ;

    base_name = std::string(basename(temp_str)) ;
    found = base_name.find_last_of(".") ;
    base_name = std::string("io_") + base_name.substr(0,found) + std::string(".cpp") ;

    dir_name = std::string(dirname(temp_str)) ;
    if ( ! dir_name.compare(".") ) {
        dir_name = std::string(getcwd(cwd, 1024)) ;
    } else if ( ! dir_name.compare(0, 1, ".") ) {
        dir_name = std::string(getcwd(cwd, 1024)) + std::string("/") + dir_name ;

    free(temp_str) ;

    if ( hsd.isPathInUserDir( dir_name ) ) {
        if ( dir_name.length() >= 8 and ! dir_name.compare(dir_name.size() - 8 , dir_name.size() , "/include" )) {
            if ( dir_name.length() < 20 or dir_name.compare(dir_name.size() - 20 , dir_name.size() , "sim_services/include" )) {
                dir_name.replace(dir_name.size() - 8 , dir_name.size() , "") ;
        io_file_name = dir_name + "/io_src/" + base_name ;
        return io_file_name ;

    return std::string() ;

void PrintAttributes::printClass( ClassValues * cv ) {
    // If the class name is not empty and the filename is not empty
    if ( (! cv->getName().empty()) and !cv->getFileName().empty() ) {
        // If we have not processed this class before
        if ( processed_classes[cv->getFileName()].find(cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName()) ==
             processed_classes[cv->getFileName()].end() ) {
            // mark the class as processed.
            processed_classes[cv->getFileName()].insert(cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName()) ;
            // If the class name is not specified as ignored in Trick header ICG_IGNORE field.
            if ( ignored_types[cv->getFileName()].find(cv->getName()) == ignored_types[cv->getFileName()].end() and
                 ignored_types[cv->getFileName()].find(cv->getFullyQualifiedName()) == ignored_types[cv->getFileName()].end() ) {
                // if we are successful in opening the io_src file
                if ( openIOFile( cv->getFileName()) ) {
                    // print the attributes
                    printer->printClass(outfile, cv) ;
                    // close the io_src file
                    outfile.close() ;

                // if we are successful in opening the map file
                if ( isFileIncluded( cv->getFileName())) {
                     printer->printClassMap(class_map_outfile, cv) ;

void PrintAttributes::printEnum( EnumValues * ev ) {
    // If the enum name is not empty and the filename is not empty
    if ( (! ev->getName().empty()) and !ev->getFileName().empty() ) {
        // If we have not processed this enum before
        if ( processed_enums[ev->getFileName()].find(ev->getFullyQualifiedName()) == processed_enums[ev->getFileName()].end() ) {
            // mark the enum as processed.
            processed_enums[ev->getFileName()].insert(ev->getFullyQualifiedName()) ;
            // If the enum name is not specified as ignored in Trick header ICG_IGNORE field.
            if ( ignored_types[ev->getFileName()].find(ev->getName()) == ignored_types[ev->getFileName()].end() and
                 ignored_types[ev->getFileName()].find(ev->getFullyQualifiedName()) == ignored_types[ev->getFileName()].end()) {
                // if we are successful in opening the io_src file
                if ( openIOFile( ev->getFileName()) ) {
                    // print the attributes and close the io_src file
                    printer->printEnum(outfile, ev) ;
                    outfile.close() ;

                // if we are successful in opening the map file
                if ( isFileIncluded( ev->getFileName())) {
                     printer->printEnumMap(enum_map_outfile, ev) ;

void PrintAttributes::removeMapFiles() {
    //remove("io_src/class_map.cpp") ;
    //remove("io_src/enum_map.cpp") ;

void PrintAttributes::createMapFiles() {
    struct stat buf ;
    std::string class_map_function_name ;
    std::string enum_map_function_name ;

    if ( sim_services_flag ) {
        map_dir = "trick_source/sim_services/include/io_src" ;
        class_map_function_name = "populate_sim_services_class_map" ;
        enum_map_function_name = "populate_sim_services_enum_map" ;
    } else {
        map_dir = "io_src" ;
        class_map_function_name = "populate_class_map" ;
        enum_map_function_name = "populate_enum_map" ;

    if ( stat( map_dir.c_str() , &buf ) != 0 ) {
        if ( mkdir( map_dir.c_str() , 0755 ) != 0 ) {
            // dir does not exist and cannot make the directory.
            std::cout << "\033[31mUnable to create " << map_dir.c_str() << " for writing.\033[00m" << std::endl ;

    // Write processed code to temporary files
    class_map_outfile.open(std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str()) ;
    printer->printClassMapHeader(class_map_outfile, class_map_function_name ) ;
    enum_map_outfile.open(std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str()) ;
    printer->printEnumMapHeader(enum_map_outfile, enum_map_function_name ) ;

void PrintAttributes::closeMapFiles() {
    printer->printClassMapFooter(class_map_outfile) ;
    class_map_outfile.close() ;

    printer->printEnumMapFooter(enum_map_outfile) ;
    enum_map_outfile.close() ;

    // If we wrote any new io_src files, move the temporary class and enum map files to new location
    if ( io_files.size() > 0 ) {
        rename( std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str(), std::string(map_dir + "/class_map.cpp").c_str()) ;
        rename( std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str(), std::string(map_dir + "/enum_map.cpp").c_str()) ;
    } else {
        remove( std::string(map_dir + "/.class_map.cpp").c_str() ) ;
        remove( std::string(map_dir + "/.enum_map.cpp").c_str() ) ;

void PrintAttributes::printEmptyFiles() {
    // this routine loops through all header files that were parsed and creates empty io_src files
    // for the headers that have no classes or enums.
    // The checks we have to do are the same as openIOFile.
    clang::SourceManager::fileinfo_iterator fi ;
    for ( fi = ci.getSourceManager().fileinfo_begin() ; fi != ci.getSourceManager().fileinfo_end() ; fi++ ) {
        const clang::FileEntry * fe = (*fi).first ;
        std::string header_file_name = fe->getName() ;
        if ( visited_files.find(header_file_name) == visited_files.end() ) {
            visited_files.insert(header_file_name) ;

            // several tests require the real path of the header file.
            char * rp = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()) ;

            if ( rp != NULL ) {
                // Only include user directories (not system dirs like /usr/include)
                if ( hsd.isPathInUserDir(rp) ) {
                    // Don't process files in excluded directories
                    if ( hsd.isPathInICGExclude(rp) == false ) {
                        // Only include files that do not have ICG: (No)
                        // hasICGNo uses original header name, not the real path
                        if ( ! cs.hasICGNo(header_file_name) ) {
                            std::string io_file_name = createIOFileName(std::string(rp)) ;
                            // Does the io_src directory exist or can we successfully mkdir it?
                            if ( doesIODirectoryExist(io_file_name) ) {
                                // Is the io_src file out of date or does not exist yet
                                if ( isIOFileOutOfDate(rp, io_file_name) ) {
                                    io_files[header_file_name] = io_file_name ;
                                    // creates an empty io_src file
                                    outfile.open(io_files[header_file_name].c_str()) ;
                                    outfile.close() ;
                                    std::cout << "Writing " << io_files[header_file_name] << "" << std::endl ;
                            } else {
                                std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (cannot create io_src dir)" << std::endl ;
                        } else {
                            std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (ICG No found)" << std::endl ;
                            icg_no_files.push_back(rp) ;
                    } else {
                        std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (ICG exclude dir " <<
                         hsd.getPathInICGExclude(rp) << ")" << std::endl ;
                } else {
                    //std::cout << "ICG skipping " << rp << " (not in user path) " << std::endl ;
                free(rp) ;
            } else {
                std::cout << "ICG could not resolve realpath of " << header_file_name << "" << std::endl ;

void PrintAttributes::printICGNoFiles() {
    if ( ! sim_services_flag ) {
        std::vector< std::string >::iterator it ;
        std::ofstream icg_no_outfile(".icg_no_found") ;
        for ( it = icg_no_files.begin() ; it != icg_no_files.end() ; it++ ) {
            icg_no_outfile << (*it) << std::endl ;
        icg_no_outfile.close() ;