#include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include "PrintFileContents10.hh" #include "FieldDescription.hh" #include "ClassValues.hh" #include "EnumValues.hh" #include "Utilities.hh" extern llvm::cl::opt< bool > global_compat15 ; PrintFileContents10::PrintFileContents10() {} /** Prints the io_src header information */ void PrintFileContents10::printIOHeader(std::ostream & ostream , std::string header_file_name) { if ( ! header_file_name.compare("S_source.hh") ) { header_file_name = "../S_source.hh" ; } else { header_file_name = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()) ; } ostream << "/**\n" << " * This file was automatically generated by the ICG based on the file:\n" << " * " << header_file_name << "\n" << " * This file contains database parameter declarations specific to the\n" << " * data structures and enumerated types declared in the above file.\n" << " * These database parameters are used by the Trick input and\n" << " * data recording processors to gain access to important simulation\n" << " * variable information.\n" << " */\n" << "\n" << "#define TRICK_IN_IOSRC\n" << "#include <stdlib.h>\n" << "#include \"trick/MemoryManager.hh\"\n" << "#include \"trick/attributes.h\"\n" << "#include \"trick/parameter_types.h\"\n" << "#include \"trick/ClassSizeCheck.hh\"\n" << "#include \"trick/UnitsMap.hh\"\n" << "#include \"trick/checkpoint_stl.hh\"\n" << "#include \"" << header_file_name << "\"\n" << "\n" ; } /** Prints enumeration attributes */ void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_attr(std::ostream & ostream , EnumValues * e ) { print_open_extern_c(ostream) ; ostream << "ENUM_ATTR enum" << e->getFullyQualifiedTypeName("__") << "[] = {\n" ; std::string name = e->getNamespacesAndContainerClasses(); for (auto& pair : e->getPairs()) { ostream << "{\"" << name << pair.first << "\", " << pair.second << ", 0x0},\n" ; } ostream << "{\"\", 0, 0x0}\n};\n" ; print_close_extern_c(ostream) ; } /** Prints attributes for a field */ void PrintFileContents10::print_field_attr(std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription & fdes ) { int array_dim ; ostream << "{\"" << fdes.getName() << "\"" // name << ", \"" << fdes.getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "\"" // type_name << ", \"" << fdes.getUnits() << "\"" // units << ", \"\", \"\"," << std::endl // alias, user_defined << " \"" << fdes.getDescription() << "\"," << std::endl // description << " " << fdes.getIO() // io << "," << fdes.getEnumString() ; // type // There are several cases when printing the size of a variable. if ( fdes.isBitField() ) { // bitfields are handled in 4 byte (32 bit) chunks ostream << ", 4" ; } else if ( fdes.isRecord() or fdes.isEnum() or fdes.getTypeName().empty() ) { // records enums use io_src_get_size. The sentinel has no typename ostream << ", 0" ; } else { // print size of the underlying type ostream << ", sizeof(" << fdes.getTypeName() << ")" ; } ostream << ", 0, 0, Language_CPP" ; // range_min, range_max, language ostream << ", " << (fdes.isStatic() << 1) + (fdes.isDashDashUnits() << 2) << "," << std::endl ; // mods if ( fdes.isBitField() ) { // For bitfields we need the offset to start on 4 byte boundaries because that is what our // insert and extract bitfield routines work with. ostream << " " << (fdes.getFieldOffset() - (fdes.getFieldOffset() % 32)) / 8 ; // offset } else { ostream << " " << (fdes.getFieldOffset() / 8) ; // offset } ostream << ", NULL" ; // attr ostream << ", " << fdes.getNumDims() ; // num_index ostream << ", {" ; if ( fdes.isBitField() ) { ostream << "{" << fdes.getBitFieldWidth() ; // size of bitfield ostream << ", " << 32 - (fdes.getFieldOffset() % 32) - fdes.getBitFieldWidth() << "}" ; // start bit } else { array_dim = fdes.getArrayDim(0) ; if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ; ostream << "{" << array_dim << ", 0}" ; // index 0 } unsigned int ii ; for ( ii = 1 ; ii < 8 ; ii++ ) { array_dim = fdes.getArrayDim(ii) ; if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ; ostream << ", {" << array_dim << ", 0}" ; // indexes 1 through 7 } ostream << "}," << std::endl ; ostream << " NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL" ; ostream << "}" ; } /** Prints class attributes */ void PrintFileContents10::print_class_attr(std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * c ) { print_open_extern_c(ostream) ; ostream << "ATTRIBUTES attr" << c->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "[] = {" << std::endl ; for (FieldDescription* fieldDescription : getPrintableFields(*c)) { print_field_attr(ostream, *fieldDescription) ; ostream << "," << std::endl ; } // Print an empty sentinel attribute at the end of the class. FieldDescription new_fdes(std::string("")) ; print_field_attr(ostream, new_fdes) ; ostream << " };" << std::endl ; print_close_extern_c(ostream) ; } /** Prints init_attr function for each class */ void PrintFileContents10::print_field_init_attr_stmts( std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv , unsigned int index ) { const std::string className = cv->getName(); const std::string mangledClassName = cv->getMangledTypeName(); const std::string fieldName = fdes->getName(); const std::string fullyQualifiedClassNameColons = cv->getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); const std::string fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameColons = cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName(); const std::string fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameUnderscores = cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__"); std::ostringstream oss; oss << " attr" << fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameUnderscores << "[" << index << "]."; const std::string prefix = oss.str(); if ( fdes->isStatic() ) { ostream << prefix << "offset = (long)(void *)&" << fullyQualifiedClassNameColons << "::" << fieldName << " ;\n" ; } else if ( global_compat15 or cv->isCompat15() ) { if ( fdes->isBitField() ) { ostream << prefix << "offset = " << fdes->getBitFieldByteOffset() << " ;\n" ; ostream << prefix << "size = sizeof(unsigned int) ;\n" ; } else if ( fdes->isVirtualInherited() ) { ostream << prefix << "offset = " << fdes->getBaseClassOffset() << " + offsetof(" << fdes->getContainerClass() << ", " << fieldName << ") ;\n" ; } else if ( mangledClassName != className ) { ostream << prefix << "offset = " << "offsetof(" << mangledClassName << ", " << fieldName << ") ;\n" ; } else { ostream << prefix << "offset = " << "offsetof(" << fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameColons << ", " << fieldName << ") ;\n" ; } } if ( fdes->isSTL() ) { auto print = [&](const std::string& field) { ostream << prefix << field << " = " << field << "_" << fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameUnderscores + "_" + sanitize(fieldName) + " ;\n"; }; if ( fdes->isCheckpointable() ) { print("checkpoint_stl"); print("post_checkpoint_stl"); } if ( fdes->isRestorable() ) { print("restore_stl"); if ( fdes->hasSTLClear() ) { print("clear_stl"); } } } if ( fdes->isRecord() or fdes->isEnum() ) { ostream << " trick_MM->add_attr_info(std::string(attr" << fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameUnderscores << "[" << index << "].type_name) , &attr" << fullyQualifiedMangledClassNameUnderscores << "[" << index << "], __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ; } } /** Prints add_attr_info statements for each inherited class */ void PrintFileContents10::print_inherited_add_attr_info( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { auto inheritedClasses = cv->getInheritedClasses(); if ( inheritedClasses.size() > 0 ) { ostream << "\n ATTRIBUTES temp_attr ;\n\n" ; } for ( auto& inheritedClass : inheritedClasses ) { ostream << " trick_MM->add_attr_info( std::string(\"" << inheritedClass << "\"), &temp_attr , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ; } } /** Prints init_attr function for each class */ void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_func( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { cv->printOpenNamespaceBlocks(ostream) ; ostream << "\nvoid init_attr" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "() {\n\n" << " static int initialized ;\n" << " if (initialized) {\n" << " return;\n" << " }\n" << " initialized = 1;\n\n" ; unsigned int ii = 0; for ( FieldDescription* field : getPrintableFields(*cv) ) { print_field_init_attr_stmts(ostream, field, cv, ii++) ; } print_inherited_add_attr_info(ostream, cv ) ; ostream << "}\n" ; cv->printCloseNamespaceBlocks(ostream) ; } /** Prints the io_src_sizeof function for enumerations */ void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_io_src_sizeof( std::ostream & ostream , EnumValues * ev ) { print_open_extern_c(ostream) ; ostream << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" << ev->getFullyQualifiedName("__") << "( void ) {\n" ; if ( ev->getHasDefinition() ) { ostream << " return sizeof(" << ev->getFullyQualifiedName() << ")" ; } else { ostream << " return sizeof(int)" ; } ostream << ";\n}\n" ; print_close_extern_c(ostream) ; } /** Prints the C linkage init_attr function */ void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_c_intf( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { ostream << "void init_attr" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "_c_intf() {\n " ; cv->printNamespaces( ostream, "::" ) ; ostream << "init_attr" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "() ;\n" << "}\n\n" ; } /** Prints the io_src_sizeof function */ void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_sizeof( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { ostream << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "() {\n" ; ostream << " return sizeof(" << cv->getFullyQualifiedNameIfEqual() << ") ;\n}\n\n" ; } /** Prints the io_src_allocate function */ void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_allocate( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { if ( cv->isPOD() or ( !cv->isAbstract() and cv->getHasDefaultConstructor()) ) { const std::string name = cv->getFullyQualifiedNameIfEqual(); ostream << "void* io_src_allocate_" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "(int num) {\n" ; ostream << " " << name << "* temp = (" << name << "*)calloc(num, sizeof(" << name << "));\n" ; if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) { ostream << " for (int ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) {\n" ; ostream << " new(&temp[ii]) " << name << "();\n }\n" ; } ostream << " return (void*)temp;\n" << "}\n\n" ; } } /** Prints the io_src_allocate function */ void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_destruct( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor() ) { ostream << "void io_src_destruct_" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "(void* address __attribute__((unused)), int num __attribute__((unused))) {\n" ; if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) { // Add a using statement so we can call the destructor without fully qualifying it. auto namespaces = cv->getNamespaces(); if (namespaces.size()) { ostream << " using namespace " ; auto last = namespaces[namespaces.size() - 1]; for (auto& name : namespaces) { ostream << name; if (name != last) { ostream << "::"; } } ostream << ";\n " ; } const std::string name = cv->getName(); const std::string qualifiedName = cv->getFullyQualifiedNameIfEqual(); ostream << qualifiedName << "* temp = (" << qualifiedName << "*)address;\n" ; if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == name ) { ostream << " for (int ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) {\n" << " temp[ii].~" << name << "();\n" << " }\n" ; } } ostream << "}\n\n" ; } } void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_delete( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor() ) { ostream << "void io_src_delete_" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "(void* address" ; if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) { ostream << ") {\n delete (" << cv->getFullyQualifiedNameIfEqual() << "*)address;\n" ; } else { ostream << " __attribute__((unused))) {" ; } ostream << "}\n" ; } } void PrintFileContents10::print_checkpoint_stl(std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) { printStlFunction("checkpoint", "void* start_address, const char* obj_name , const char* var_name", "checkpoint_stl(*stl, obj_name, var_name)", ostream, *fdes, *cv); } void PrintFileContents10::print_post_checkpoint_stl(std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) { printStlFunction("post_checkpoint", "void* start_address, const char* obj_name , const char* var_name", "delete_stl(*stl, obj_name, var_name)", ostream, *fdes, *cv); } void PrintFileContents10::print_restore_stl(std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) { printStlFunction("restore", "void* start_address, const char* obj_name , const char* var_name", "restore_stl(*stl, obj_name, var_name)",ostream, *fdes, *cv); } void PrintFileContents10::print_clear_stl(std::ostream & ostream , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) { printStlFunction("clear", "void* start_address", "stl->clear()",ostream, *fdes, *cv); } void PrintFileContents10::print_stl_helper(std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { std::vector<FieldDescription*> fieldDescriptions = getPrintableFields(*cv, 0x3 << 2); fieldDescriptions.erase(std::remove_if(fieldDescriptions.begin(), fieldDescriptions.end(), [](FieldDescription* field) {return !field->isSTL();}), fieldDescriptions.end()); if (!fieldDescriptions.size()) { return; } print_open_extern_c(ostream) ; for (FieldDescription* field : fieldDescriptions) { if (field->isCheckpointable()) { print_checkpoint_stl(ostream, field, cv) ; print_post_checkpoint_stl(ostream, field, cv) ; } if (field->isRestorable()) { print_restore_stl(ostream, field, cv) ; if (field->hasSTLClear()) { print_clear_stl(ostream, field, cv) ; } } } print_close_extern_c(ostream) ; } void PrintFileContents10::printClass( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { print_class_attr(ostream, cv) ; print_stl_helper(ostream, cv) ; print_init_attr_func(ostream, cv) ; ostream << std::endl; print_open_extern_c(ostream) ; print_init_attr_c_intf(ostream, cv) ; print_io_src_sizeof(ostream, cv) ; print_io_src_allocate(ostream, cv) ; print_io_src_destruct(ostream, cv) ; print_io_src_delete(ostream, cv) ; print_close_extern_c(ostream) ; print_units_map(ostream, cv) ; } void PrintFileContents10::printEnum( std::ostream & ostream , EnumValues * ev ) { print_enum_attr(ostream, ev) ; print_enum_io_src_sizeof(ostream, ev) ; } void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapHeader( std::ostream & ostream , std::string function_name ) { ostream << "/*\n" " * This file was automatically generated by the ICG\n" " * This file contains the map from class/struct names to attributes\n" " */\n\n" "#include <map>\n" "#include <string>\n\n" "#include \"trick/AttributesMap.hh\"\n" "#include \"trick/EnumAttributesMap.hh\"\n" "#include \"trick/attributes.h\"\n\n" "void " << function_name << "() {\n\n" " Trick::AttributesMap * class_attribute_map = Trick::AttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ; } void PrintFileContents10::printClassMap( std::ostream & ostream , ClassValues * cv ) { std::string name = cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__"); ostream << " // " << cv->getFileName() << std::endl << " extern ATTRIBUTES attr" << name << "[] ;" << std::endl << " class_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" << cv->getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName() << "\" , attr" << name << ") ;" << std::endl ; } void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapFooter( std::ostream & ostream ) { ostream << "}" << std::endl << std::endl ; } void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapHeader( std::ostream & ostream , std::string function_name ) { ostream << "void " << function_name << "() {\n" << " Trick::EnumAttributesMap* enum_attribute_map __attribute__((unused)) = Trick::EnumAttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ; } void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMap( std::ostream & ostream , EnumValues * ev ) { std::string name = ev->getFullyQualifiedTypeName("__"); ostream << " extern ENUM_ATTR enum" << name << "[];" << std::endl << " enum_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" << ev->getFullyQualifiedTypeName() << "\", enum" << name << ");" << std::endl ; } void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapFooter( std::ostream & ostream ) { ostream << "}" << std::endl << std::endl ; } void PrintFileContents10::printStlFunction(const std::string& name, const std::string& parameters, const std::string& call, std::ostream& ostream, FieldDescription& fieldDescription, ClassValues& classValues) { const std::string typeName = fieldDescription.getTypeName(); const std::string functionName = name + "_stl"; ostream << "void " << functionName << "_" << classValues.getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "_" << sanitize(fieldDescription.getName()) << "(" << parameters << ") {" << std::endl << " " << typeName << "* stl = reinterpret_cast<" << typeName << "*>(start_address);" << std::endl << " " << call << ";" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl ; }