/* PURPOSE: ( Python input processor ) REFERENCE: ( Trick Simulation Environment ) ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: ( None ) CLASS: ( N/A ) LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: ( None ) PROGRAMMERS: ( Alex Lin NASA 2009 ) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trick/IPPython.hh" #include "trick/MemoryManager.hh" #include "trick/exec_proto.hh" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" Trick::IPPython * the_pip ; //Constructor Trick::IPPython::IPPython() : Trick::InputProcessor::InputProcessor() , units_conversion_msgs(true) { the_pip = this ; return ; } /** @details -# Loops through all of the memorymanager allocations testing if a name handle was given. -# If a name and a user type_name were given to the allocation -# If the user_type_name is not a Trick core class, prefixed with "Trick::" -# Create a python statement to assign the python name to an address: = trick.castAsTYPE(int(
)) -# Run the statement in the python interpreter */ void Trick::IPPython::get_TMM_named_variables() { //std::cout << "top level names at initialization" << std::endl ; Trick::ALLOC_INFO_MAP_ITER aim_it ; for ( aim_it = trick_MM->alloc_info_map_begin() ; aim_it != trick_MM->alloc_info_map_end() ; aim_it++ ) { ALLOC_INFO * alloc_info = (*aim_it).second ; if ( alloc_info->name != NULL and alloc_info->user_type_name != NULL ) { std::stringstream ss ; std::string user_type_name = alloc_info->user_type_name ; size_t start_colon ; while ( ( start_colon = user_type_name.find("::") ) != std::string::npos ) { user_type_name.replace( start_colon , 2 , "__" ) ; } // The castAs method may not exist if the class was hidden from SWIG (#ifndef SWIG). // Use a try/except block to test if the method exists or not. If it doesn't exist // don't worry about it. Also only assign python variable if it is pointing to // something python doesn't owns. Otherwise we could free the object we're trying to assign. ss << "try:" << std::endl ; ss << " if '" << alloc_info->name << "' not in globals() or " ; ss << alloc_info->name << ".thisown == False:" << std::endl ; ss << " " << alloc_info->name << " = " ; ss << "trick.castAs" << user_type_name << "(int(" << alloc_info->start << "))" << std::endl ; ss << "except AttributeError:" << std::endl ; ss << " pass" << std::endl ; PyRun_SimpleString(ss.str().c_str()) ; } } } bool Trick::IPPython::get_units_conversion_msgs() { return units_conversion_msgs ; } void Trick::IPPython::shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(bool onoff) { units_conversion_msgs = !onoff ; } //Initialize and run the Python input processor on the user input file. int Trick::IPPython::init() { /** @par Detailed Design: */ FILE *input_fp ; int ret ; std::string error_message ; pthread_mutexattr_t m_attr ; /* Initialize a mutex to protect python processing for var server and events. */ pthread_mutexattr_init(&m_attr) ; pthread_mutexattr_settype(&m_attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) ; pthread_mutex_init(&ip_mutex , &m_attr) ; // Run Py_Initialze first for python 2.x #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 Py_Initialize(); #endif /* Run the Swig generated routine in S_source_wrap.cpp. */ init_swig_modules() ; // Run Py_Initialze after init_swig_modules for python 3.x #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 Py_Initialize(); #endif /* Import simulation specific routines into interpreter. */ PyRun_SimpleString( "import sys\n" "import os\n" "import struct\n" "import binascii\n" "sys.path.append(os.getcwd())\n" "sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['TRICK_HOME'], 'share/trick/pymods'))\n" "sys.path += map(str.strip, os.environ['TRICK_PYTHON_PATH'].split(':'))\n" "import trick\n" "sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + \"/Modified_data\")\n" ) ; /* Make shortcut names for all known sim_objects. */ get_TMM_named_variables() ; /* An input file is not required, if the name is empty just return. */ if ( input_file.empty() ) { return(0) ; } if ((input_fp = fopen(input_file.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) { error_message = "No input file found named " + input_file ; exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ; } /* Read and parse the input file. */ if ( verify_input ) { ret = PyRun_SimpleString("sys.settrace(trick.traceit)") ; } if ( (ret = PyRun_SimpleFile(input_fp, input_file.c_str())) != 0 ) { exec_terminate_with_return(ret , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "Input Processor error\n" ) ; } if ( verify_input ) { exec_terminate_with_return(ret , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "Input file verification complete\n" ) ; } fclose(input_fp) ; return(0) ; } //Command to parse the given string. int Trick::IPPython::parse(std::string in_string) { int ret ; pthread_mutex_lock(&ip_mutex); in_string += "\n" ; ret = PyRun_SimpleString(in_string.c_str()) ; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ip_mutex); return ret ; } /** @details The incoming statement is assumed to be a conditional fragment, i.e. "a > b". We need to get the return value of this fragment by setting the return value of it to a known variable name in the input processor. We can then assign that return value to the incoming return_value reference. -# Lock the input processor mutex -# Create a complete statement that assigns the conditional fragment to our return value -# parse the condition -# copy the return value to the incoming cond_return_value -# Unlock the input processor mutex */ int Trick::IPPython::parse_condition(std::string in_string, int & cond_return_val ) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ip_mutex); in_string = std::string("trick_ip.ip.return_val = ") + in_string + "\n" ; // Running the simple string will set return_val. PyRun_SimpleString(in_string.c_str()) ; cond_return_val = return_val ; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ip_mutex); return 0 ; } //Restart job that reloads event_list from checkpointable structures int Trick::IPPython::restart() { /* Make shortcut names for all known sim_objects. */ get_TMM_named_variables() ; return 0 ; } int Trick::IPPython::shutdown() { if ( Py_IsInitialized() ) { Py_Finalize(); } return(0) ; } void shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger() { the_pip->shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(true) ; } void revive_the_units_conversion_messenger() { the_pip->shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(false) ; } int check_units_conversion_messenger_for_signs_of_life() { return the_pip->get_units_conversion_msgs() ; }