#include #include "trick/VariableServer.hh" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" #include "trick/memorymanager_c_intf.h" #include "trick/map_trick_units_to_udunits.hh" extern Trick::VariableServer * the_vs ; Trick::VariableServerThread * get_vst() { return the_vs->get_vst(pthread_self()) ; } int var_add(std::string in_name) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_add(in_name) ; } return(0) ; } int var_add(std::string in_name, std::string in_units) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_add(in_name, in_units) ; } return(0) ; } int var_remove(std::string in_name) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_remove(in_name) ; } return(0) ; } int var_units(std::string var_name , std::string units_name) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_units(var_name , units_name) ; } return(0) ; } int var_exists(std::string in_name) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_exists(in_name) ; } return(0) ; } int var_send() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_send() ; } return(0) ; } int var_clear() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_clear() ; } return(0) ; } int var_cycle(double in_rate) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_cycle(in_rate) ; } return(0) ; } int var_pause() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->set_pause(true) ; } return(0) ; } int var_unpause() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->set_pause(false) ; } return(0) ; } int var_exit() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_exit() ; } return(0) ; } int var_validate_address(int on_off) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_validate_address((bool)on_off) ; } return(0) ; } int var_debug(int level) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_debug(level) ; } return(0) ; } int var_ascii() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_ascii() ; } return(0) ; } int var_binary() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_binary() ; } return(0) ; } int var_retry_bad_ref() { message_publish(MSG_WARNING,"var_retry_bad_ref has been deprecated\n") ; return(0) ; } int var_binary_nonames() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_binary_nonames() ; } return(0) ; } int var_set_copy_mode(int mode) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_copy_mode(mode) ; if ( mode == VS_COPY_SCHEDULED ) { the_vs->get_next_sync_call_time() ; the_vs->get_next_freeze_call_time() ; } } return 0 ; } int var_set_write_mode(int mode) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_write_mode(mode) ; } return 0 ; } int var_set_send_stdio(int mode) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->set_send_stdio((bool)mode) ; } return 0 ; } int var_sync(int mode) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_sync(mode) ; if ( mode ) { the_vs->get_next_sync_call_time() ; the_vs->get_next_freeze_call_time() ; } } return(0) ; } int var_set_frame_multiple(unsigned int mult) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_frame_multiple(mult) ; } return 0 ; } int var_set_frame_offset(unsigned int offset) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_frame_offset(offset) ; } return 0 ; } int var_set_freeze_frame_multiple(unsigned int mult) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_freeze_frame_multiple(mult) ; } return 0 ; } int var_set_freeze_frame_offset(unsigned int offset) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_set_freeze_frame_offset(offset) ; } return 0 ; } int var_byteswap(bool on_off) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_byteswap(on_off) ; } return(0) ; } int var_signal() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_signal() ; } return(0) ; } int var_multicast(bool on_off) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->var_multicast(on_off) ; } return(0) ; } int var_write_stdio(int stream , std::string text ) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL and vst->get_send_stdio() == true) { vst->write_stdio(stream, text) ; } else { if ( stream == 1 ) { fprintf( stdout , "%s" , text.c_str() ) ; } else { fprintf( stderr , "%s" , text.c_str() ) ; } } return(0) ; } int var_set_client_tag( std::string text ) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL) { // tag char declared length is 80 if (text.length()>=80) { text.resize(79); } strcpy(vst->get_connection().client_tag, text.c_str()); #if __linux #ifdef __GNUC__ #if __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2 std::string short_str = std::string("VS_") + text.substr(0,12) ; pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), short_str.c_str()) ; #endif #endif #endif } return(0) ; } int var_send_list_size() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->send_list_size() ; } return(0) ; } int send_sie_resource() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->send_sie_resource() ; } return 0 ; } int send_sie_class() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->send_sie_class() ; } return 0 ; } int send_sie_enum() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { vst->send_sie_enum() ; } return 0 ; } int send_sie_top_level_objects() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { return vst->send_sie_top_level_objects() ; } return 0 ; } int send_file(std::string file_name) { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { return vst->send_file(file_name) ; } return 0 ; } // Command to turn on log to playback file int var_server_log_on() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { return vst->set_log_on() ; } return 0 ; } // Command to turn off log to playback file int var_server_log_off() { Trick::VariableServerThread * vst ; vst = get_vst() ; if (vst != NULL ) { return vst->set_log_off() ; } return 0 ; } Trick::VariableServer * var_server_get_var_server() { return the_vs ; } extern "C" void var_server_list_connections(void) { std::cout << *the_vs << std::endl; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::get_hostname * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::get_hostname */ extern "C" const char * var_server_get_hostname(void) { return(the_vs->get_hostname()) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::get_port * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::get_port */ extern "C" unsigned short var_server_get_port(void) { return(the_vs->get_listen_thread().get_port()) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::set_port * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::set_port */ extern "C" void var_server_set_port(unsigned short port) { the_vs->get_listen_thread().set_port(port); } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::set_listen_socket * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::set_listen_socket */ extern "C" void var_server_set_source_address(const char * source_address) { the_vs->get_listen_thread().set_source_address(source_address) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::get_user_tag * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::get_user_tag */ extern "C" const char * var_server_get_user_tag(void) { return(the_vs->get_listen_thread().get_user_tag().c_str()) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::set_user_tag * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::set_user_tag */ extern "C" void var_server_set_user_tag(const char * in_tag) { the_vs->get_listen_thread().set_user_tag(std::string(in_tag)); } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::get_enabled * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::get_enabled */ extern "C" int var_server_get_enabled(void) { return(the_vs->get_enabled()) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::set_enabled * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::set_enabled */ extern "C" void var_server_set_enabled(int on_off) { the_vs->set_enabled((bool)on_off) ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::create_udp_socket * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::create_udp_socket */ extern "C" int var_server_create_tcp_socket(const char * source_address, unsigned short port) { the_vs->create_tcp_socket(source_address, port) ; return 0 ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::create_udp_socket * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::create_udp_socket */ extern "C" int var_server_create_udp_socket(const char * source_address, unsigned short port) { the_vs->create_udp_socket(source_address, port) ; return 0 ; } /** * @relates Trick::VariableServer * @copydoc Trick::VariableServer::create_multicast_socket * C wrapper Trick::VariableServer::create_multicast_socket */ extern "C" int var_server_create_multicast_socket(const char * mcast_address, const char * source_address, unsigned short port) { return the_vs->create_multicast_socket(mcast_address, source_address, port) ; } template void var_set_value( V_DATA & v_data , T value ) ; template<> void var_set_value< double > ( V_DATA & v_data , double value ) { v_data.value.d = value ; v_data.type = TRICK_DOUBLE ; } template<> void var_set_value< long long > ( V_DATA & v_data , long long value ) { v_data.value.ll = value ; v_data.type = TRICK_LONG_LONG ; } template<> void var_set_value< const char * > ( V_DATA & v_data , const char * value ) { v_data.value.cp = (char *)value ; v_data.type = TRICK_STRING ; } template<> void var_set_value< void * > ( V_DATA & v_data , void * value ) { v_data.value.vp = value ; v_data.type = TRICK_VOID_PTR ; } template int var_set_base( const char * var , T value , const char * units ) { REF2 *ref = ref_attributes((char *)var) ; if ( ref != NULL ) { if (ref->attr->io & TRICK_VAR_INPUT) { V_TREE v_tree ; V_DATA v_data ; v_tree.v_data = &v_data ; var_set_value( v_data , value) ; if ( units != NULL ) { ref->units = (char *)(map_trick_units_to_udunits(units).c_str()) ; } else { ref->units = (char *)units ; } ref_assignment(ref , &v_tree) ; free(ref) ; } else { message_publish(MSG_WARNING,"Cannot assign to %s because io_spec does not allow input\n", var) ; } } return 0 ; } int var_set( const char * var , double value , const char * units ) { return var_set_base(var, value, units) ; } int var_set( const char * var , long long value , const char * units ) { return var_set_base(var, value, units) ; } int var_set( const char * var , const char * value , const char * units ) { return var_set_base(var, value, units) ; } int var_set( const char * var , void * value , const char * units ) { return var_set_base(var, value, units) ; }