/************************TRICK HEADER************************* PURPOSE: (blah blah blah) LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES: ( ) *************************************************************/ #include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm" ##include "Ball++/L1/include/Ball.hh" /** This class is the base ball class */ class ballSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: /** The actual ball object */ Ball obj ; /** Constructor to add the jobs */ ballSimObject() { ("initialization") obj.state_init() ; ("derivative") obj.force_field() ; ("derivative") obj.state_deriv() ; ("integration") trick_ret = obj.state_integ() ; {BLUE} (10.0, "scheduled") trick_ret = obj.state_print() ; {BLUE} (1.0, "freeze_scheduled") trick_ret = obj.state_print() ; ("shutdown") obj.shutdown() ; } } ; // No instantiations made in this S_define file. They are made in the input file.