#include #include #include #include "trick/UnitsMap.hh" // Class static pointer initialization Trick::UnitsMap * Trick::UnitsMap::pInstance = NULL ; // Memeber Function Trick::UnitsMap * Trick::UnitsMap::units_map() { if ( pInstance == NULL ) { pInstance = new Trick::UnitsMap() ; } return(pInstance) ; } ; // Destructor Trick::UnitsMap::~UnitsMap() { std::map::iterator pit ; for ( pit = param_units.begin() ; pit != param_units.end() ; ++pit ) { free((*pit).second) ; } param_units.clear() ; } // Member Function int Trick::UnitsMap::add_param(std::string param , const char * units) { /** * @par Design Details: * @li Adds a variable with specified units to the map. The key is the name of a variable and the value is the units of the variable. */ param_units[param] = strdup(units) ; return(0) ; } // Memeber Function std::string Trick::UnitsMap::get_units( std::string param ) { /** * @par Design Details: * @li Finds the specified variable in the map and returns the units of the found variable. * If the variable can not be found, returns "1" (unitless). */ if ( param_units.find(param) != param_units.end() ) { return(std::string(param_units[param])) ; } else { return(std::string("1")) ; } }