/* * $Id: S_define 2249 2012-03-20 15:36:01Z alin $ */ /************************TRICK HEADER************************* PURPOSE: (This comment lists out the other object files that are not included from c++ headers) LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES: ( ) *************************************************************/ #include "sim_objects/default_trick_sys.sm" ##include "test_ip/include/Ball_test.hh" /* base ball... get it? :) */ class ballSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: Ball_alex obj ; TEST_STRUCT t ; my_ns::AA ns_test ; ballSimObject() { ("default_data") obj.force.default_data() ; ("default_data") obj.state.default_data() ; ("initialization") obj.state_init() ; ("derivative") obj.force_field() ; ("derivative") obj.state_deriv() ; ("integration") trick_ret = obj.state_integ() ; (10.0, "scheduled") trick_ret = obj.state_print() ; ("freeze") obj.state_print() ; } private: ballSimObject (const ballSimObject &); ballSimObject & operator= (const ballSimObject &); } ; class disabledSimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: void print_me() { message_publish( 7 , "\033[31mThis statement in disabledSimObject should not print because the sim object is disabled!!!\033[0m\n" ) ; add_test_result( "IPtest" , "Disable sim_object" , "job not disabled\n") ; } disabledSimObject() { ("initialization") print_me() ; (10.0 , "scheduled") print_me() ; } } ; class emptySimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: Ball_alex obj ; private: emptySimObject (const emptySimObject &); emptySimObject & operator= (const emptySimObject &); } ; class reallyemptySimObject : public Trick::SimObject { public: int ii ; } ; class plainClass { public: double d ; float f ; plainClass() : d() , f() {} ; } // Instantiations ballSimObject ball ; disabledSimObject disabled_obj ; // This collect can now be done in create_connections or the input file. //collect ball.obj.state.work.external_force = {ball.obj.force.output.force[0]}; IntegLoop my_integ_loop (0.01) ball; // Connect objects void create_connections() { // Set the default termination time trick_sys.sched.set_terminate_time(300.0) ; trick_sys.sched.set_freeze_frame(0.10) ; my_integ_loop.getIntegrator( Runge_Kutta_2, 4 ); // Example of adding a collect in create_connections. ball.obj.state.add_external_force( ball.obj.force.output.force ) ; }