/*******************************TRICK HEADER****************************** PURPOSE: ( Base class for the MonteCarloVariable type) PROGRAMMERS: (((Gary Turner) (OSR) (October 2019) (Antares) (Initial))) (((Isaac Reaves) (NASA) (November 2022) (Integration into Trick Core))) **********************************************************************/ #include "trick/mc_variable.hh" #include "trick/message_proto.h" #include "trick/message_type.h" #include "trick/exec_proto.h" #include // ostringstream /***************************************************************************** Constructor *****************************************************************************/ MonteCarloVariable::MonteCarloVariable( const std::string & var_name) : units(), include_in_summary(true), variable_name(var_name), assignment(), command(), type(Undefined) {} /***************************************************************************** insert_units Purpose:(Provides a unit-conversion insertion into an established command) *****************************************************************************/ void MonteCarloVariable::insert_units() { // If no units specified, nothing to do here. if (units.empty()) { return; } // Unreachable code in current implementation. insert_units is only ever // called immediately after generate_command, which cannot possibly generate // an empty string. if (command.empty()) { std::string message = std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " + std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Sequencing error\nVariable " + variable_name.c_str() + " has units specified (" + units.c_str() + ") but no command generated.\nThe command must be generated before " + "applying units.Will attempt to generate the command to " "avoid terminal fault but this\nmay not be what was intended.\n"; message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str()); } // parse the command size_t pos_equ = command.find("="); if (pos_equ == std::string::npos) { // Unreachable code in current implementation. insert_units is only ever // called immediately after generate_command, and even if all else fails, // generate_command produces a command with an = symbol in it, So an = // will always be found. std::string message = std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " + std::to_string(__LINE__) + " Invalid command\nFor variable " + variable_name.c_str() + ", the command is poorly formed.\nCannot " + "apply units to this command.\n"; message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str()); exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str()); return; } // TODO: Pick a unit-conversion mechanism // Right now, the only one available is Trick: trick_units( pos_equ+1); } /***************************************************************************** trick_units Purpose:(inserts the Trick unit conversion mechanism into an established command string.) *****************************************************************************/ void MonteCarloVariable::trick_units( size_t insertion_pt) { command.insert(insertion_pt, " trick.attach_units(\"" + units + "\","); command.append(")"); } /***************************************************************************** generate_assignment_internal Purpose:() *****************************************************************************/ void MonteCarloVariable::assign_double( double value) { std::ostringstream ostring; ostring.precision(16); ostring << value; assignment = ostring.str(); generate_command(); insert_units(); } /****************************************************************************/ void MonteCarloVariable::assign_int( int value) { assignment = std::to_string(value); generate_command(); insert_units(); } /****************************************************************************/ void MonteCarloVariable::generate_command() { command = "\n" + variable_name + " = " + assignment; }