#!/usr/bin/perl # trick_dp that determines trick_home based on execution location of this script. use File::Basename ; use Cwd 'abs_path'; if ( ! exists $ENV{TRICK_HOME} ) { $trick_bin = dirname(abs_path($0)) ; $trick_home = dirname($trick_bin) ; # set TRICK_HOME based on the value of trick_home $ENV{TRICK_HOME} = $trick_home ; } if ( $^O eq "darwin" ) { $command = "java -classpath $ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/dist/*:$ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/lib/*:$ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/lib/ \\ -Xdock:name=\"Stripchart\" \\ -Xdock:icon=$ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/resources/trick_icon.png \\ trick.stripchart.StripchartApplication "; } else { $command = "java -cp $ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/dist/*:$ENV{TRICK_HOME}/libexec/trick/java/lib/* trick.stripchart.StripchartApplication "; } # to preserve the quotes if the option value has spaces in it foreach (@ARGV) { if ( $_ =~ /\s/ ) { $command = "$command \"$_\""; } else { $command = "$command $_"; } } system $command; exit $? >> 8;