package MIS ; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(mis_c mis_all_c process_args); use strict ; use lib $ENV{"TRICK_HOME"} . "/bin/pm" ; use File::Basename ; use Data::Dumper ; use Cwd ; use Cwd 'abs_path' ; use html ; use mis_dep ; use trick_print ; use auto_doc ; my @includes ; my %this_dir ; my $rel_path_curr_file ; my @files_to_mis_dep ; my @class_names = qw( initialization restart derivative integration dynamic_event post_integration automatic environment asynchronous_mustfinish asynchronous random sensor sensor_emitter sensor_reflector sensor_receiver scheduled effector effector_emitter effector_receiver automatic_last malfunction malfunction_trigger logging shutdown freeze_init freeze unfreeze checkpoint pre_load_checkpoint monte_master_init monte_master_pre monte_master_post monte_master_shutdown monte_slave_init monte_slave_pre monte_slave_post monte_slave_shutdown N/A) ; sub mis_all_c($$) { my ( $all_src_files_ref , $sim_ref ) = @_ ; my ( @all_lines , $contents ) ; my ( $file_path_dir , $xml_file ) ; my ( $name , $path ) ; my ( $xml_time , $src_time ) ; foreach my $f ( @$all_src_files_ref ) { # determine the xml file name $file_path_dir = dirname($f) ; ($name, $path) = fileparse($f, ("h" , "c" , "f", "cpp" , "cxx" , "C" , "cc" , "c\\+\\+" )); $file_path_dir =~ s/\/src$// ; $xml_file = $file_path_dir . "/xml/" . $name . "xml" ; # skip this file if the xml file is newer than the source file if ( -e $xml_file ) { $xml_time = (stat $xml_file)[9] ; $src_time = (stat $f)[9] ; next if ( $xml_time > $src_time ) ; } # read in the file and MIS parse it open FILE , "$f" ; @all_lines = ; $contents = join "" , @all_lines ; mis_c( $f , $contents , $sim_ref ) ; } return ; } sub mis_c($$$) { my ($curr_file , $contents, $sim_ref) = @_ ; my ($object_file , @entry_names); my (@comments , @entries ) ; my ($num_valid_entries ,$num_args_left) ; my @all_lines ; my $nm ; my %header ; my $i ; my $entry ; my @split_args ; my $language ; trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " Processing $curr_file\n", "debug_cyan" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ; ($object_file = $curr_file) =~ s/(?:src\/)?(\w+)\.c$/object_$ENV{"TRICK_HOST_CPU"}\/$1.o/ ; ($rel_path_curr_file) = $curr_file =~ /([^\/]+)$/ ; %header = extract_trick_header($curr_file , $contents , $sim_ref , 0 ); if ( exists $header{language} ) { # if the language specified is c++ cpp cxx c then set the language as cpp if ( $header{language} =~ /c[\w\+]+/i ) { $language = "CPP" ; } else { $language = "C" ; } } elsif ($curr_file =~ /\.c$/ ) { # else if the current file ends in .c set the language to c $language = "C" ; } else { # all other extensions are cpp $language = "CPP" ; } #Pull out comments $i = 0; while ($contents =~ /(?:\/\*(.*?)\*\/)|(?:\/\/(.*?)\n)/sg) { push @comments , $+ ; } $contents =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*?)(\n)/" " . $i++ . " " . $3/esg ; @includes = $contents =~ /(#include\s*["<][^">]+[">])/g ; # The next loop finds all of the function entry points in the file. while ( $contents =~ / (?:(auto|register|static|extern)\s+)? # optional keywords = $1 (?:(enum|class|struct|const|volatile|signed|unsigned|long|unsigned\s+long)\s+)? # optional keywords = $2 (\#?[A-Za-z]\w*|(?:[A-Za-z]\w*\s*<\s+[A-Za-z]\w*\s+>)) # type name = $3 ([\*\s]+) # pointers or spaces = $4 (at least 1 space or pointer) (\w[\:\-\w]*)\s* # function name = $5 \(\s* # open paren ([^)]*) # everything to close paren = $6 \) # close paren \s*(\d+)?\s* # optional comment = $7 (?:(const|volatile)\s+)?\s* # optional const|volatile = $8 (throw\s*\(.*?\))?\s* # optional throw (?:\d+\s*)* # extra comments discarded { # open brace , balance } /sgx ) { my $return_type = $1 ; $return_type .= ( $return_type eq "" ) ? $2 : " $2" ; $return_type .= ( $return_type eq "" ) ? $3 : " $3" ; my $pointers = $4 ; if ( $pointers ne "" ) { $pointers =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ;# remove leading & trailing whitespaces $pointers = " $pointers" ; } $return_type .= $pointers ; my $name = $5 ; my $raw_args = $6 ; $raw_args .= " $7" if ( $7 ne "" ) ; # skip this entry point because it's actulally a macro next if ( $return_type =~ /\#/ ) ; if ( $name eq "if" or $name eq "for" or $name eq "while" or $name eq "switch" or $name eq "do" or $name =~ /operator[^\w]/ ) { next ; } else { push @entries , { 'return_type' => $return_type , 'name' => $name , 'file_name' => $curr_file , 'raw_args' => $raw_args , 'language' => $language } ; } } $num_valid_entries = 0 ; foreach $entry (@entries) { trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " Processing $$entry{name}\n" , "debug_cyan" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ; if ( process_args ($entry, \@comments, 6 , $sim_ref) == 0 ) { add_proto_to_cat( $entry , $sim_ref , 6 ) ; $num_valid_entries++; } } if ( $num_valid_entries eq 0 ) { trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " WARNING: No entry points found\n", "debug_yellow" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}); } else { print_xml_mis($curr_file , \@entries , \%header, \@includes) ; } } sub process_args($$$$) { my ($entry, $comments, $indent , $sim_ref) = @_ ; my ($entry_comment , $hdr_comment ) ; my @arg_list ; $hdr_comment = -1 ; $$entry{valid} = 0 ; # clear out leading spaces $$entry{raw_args} =~ s/^\s+//s ; $$entry{raw_args} =~ s/\s+(\*+)/$1 /g ; if ($$entry{raw_args} =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\s*//s ) { $entry_comment = $1 ; $hdr_comment = $entry_comment - 1 ; ($$entry{units} , $$entry{desc}) = @$comments[$entry_comment] =~ /\s*RETURN:\s*(?:((?:[-*\/\w^|\.]+)|(?:\(.*?\))))\s+\s*(.*)/six ; } else { $$entry{units} = "--" ; $$entry{desc} = "Not Specified" ; } $$entry{raw_args} =~ s/^\s*void\s*$// ; $$entry{class} = "" ; while ( $$entry{class} eq "" and $hdr_comment >= 0 ) { ($$entry{class}) = @$comments[$hdr_comment] =~ /CLASS:.*?\(\s*([\w\/]+)/si ; $hdr_comment -= 1 ; } if ( !(grep /^$$entry{class}$/ , @class_names )) { $$entry{class} = "N/A" ; } my $arg_count = 1 ; while ( $$entry{raw_args} =~ s/^(?: (?: ((?:(?:enum|class|struct|const|volatile|signed|unsigned|long|unsigned\s+long)\s+)?.*?) # argument type = $1 (<.*?>)?\s* # c++ template = $2 (\**)\s+ # argument pointers = $3 (?:(const)\s+)?\s* # c++ const keyword = $4 (\&)?\s* # c++ reference symbol = $5 (\w+)?\s* # name (optional in c++ method decl.) = $6 (\[[^,=]*\])?\s* # optional array specs = $7 (\s*=\s*[\w\.]+)?[\s,]* # optional default value = $8 ) | (\.\.\.)\s* # variable argument spec = $9 ) (\d+)?\s* # in|inout|out comment = $10 (?:\d+\s*)* # optional extra comments discarded //six ) { my %func_arg ; my $comment_index ; $func_arg{type} = $1 ; $func_arg{cpp_template} = ( $2 ne "" ) ? $2 : "" ; $func_arg{pointers} = ( $3 ne "" ) ? $3 : "" ; $func_arg{cpp_const} = $4 ; $func_arg{cpp_ref} = $5 ; $func_arg{name} = ( $6 ne "" ) ? $6 : "" ; $func_arg{array} = ( $7 ne "" ) ? $7 : "" ; $func_arg{optional} = ( $8 ne "" ) ? 1 : 0 ; $func_arg{type} = $9 if ( $9 ne "" ) ; $comment_index = $10 ; if ( $comment_index ne "" ) { ($func_arg{comment} = @$comments[$comment_index]) =~ s/(IN|INOUT|OUT):\s*// ; ( $func_arg{inout} , $func_arg{unit} , $func_arg{desc} ) = @$comments[$comment_index] =~ /^\s*(?:(IN|INOUT|OUT):)?\s* (?:((?:[-*\/\w^|\.]+)|(?:\(.*?\))))\s+ \s*(.*) /six ; } else { $func_arg{comment} = "-- Not specified" ; $func_arg{inout} = "" ; $func_arg{unit} = "--" ; $func_arg{desc} = "Not specified" ; } trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " "x($indent+3) . "Arg $arg_count\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " "x($indent+6) . "type = $func_arg{type} $func_arg{pointers} $func_arg{array}\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " "x($indent+6) . "name = $func_arg{name}\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " "x($indent+6) . "comm = $func_arg{comment}\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; $arg_count++ ; push @arg_list , \%func_arg ; } if ( $$entry{raw_args} ne "" ) { trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Could not process argument for $entry->{name}\n" , "title_red" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Last Read:\n$entry->{args_list}\n" , "title_red" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ; return -1 ; } else { # set the values to return $$entry{valid} = 1 ; @{$$entry{arg_list}} = @arg_list ; } return 0 ; } 1;