#include #include "trick/MTV.hh" #include "trick/VariableServer.hh" #include "trick/EventManager_c_intf.hh" Trick::MTV * the_mtv ; Trick::MTV::MTV() : mtv_list(NULL), mtv_count(0) { the_mtv = this ; } /** @details Adds an event to mtv list. -# Check to see if the event is already in the mtv list, return if it is. -# Increment the number of events in the mtv list. -# Reallocate the mtv_list to accomodate the new event. -# Assign the last element of mtv_list to the incoming event. -# Increment the update ticker so mtv knows something changed. */ int Trick::MTV::add_event( Trick::IPPythonEvent * in_event ) { for ( unsigned int ii = 0 ; ii < mtv_count ; ii++ ) { if (in_event == mtv_list[ii]) { return (0) ; } } mtv_count++; if (mtv_count == 1) { mtv_list = (Trick::IPPythonEvent **)TMM_declare_var_s("Trick::IPPythonEvent* mtv_list[1]"); } else { mtv_list = (Trick::IPPythonEvent **)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(mtv_list, mtv_count); } mtv_list[mtv_count-1] = in_event ; mtv_update_ticker++; return 0 ; } /** @details Delete an event from mtv list. -# If the event is in the mtv list -# Set the event to a dummy event. -# Increment the update ticker so mtv knows something changed. */ int Trick::MTV::delete_event( Trick::IPPythonEvent * in_event ) { unsigned int ii ; /* Remove it from mtv's event list. */ for ( ii = 0 ; ii < mtv_count ; ii++ ) { if (in_event == mtv_list[ii]) { mtv_list[ii] = &dummy_event; mtv_update_ticker++; break ; } } return 0 ; } /** @details Find an event in the mtv list. -# If the event is in the mtv list return it */ Trick::IPPythonEvent * Trick::MTV::get_event(std::string event_name) { unsigned int ii ; Trick::IPPythonEvent* ret = NULL; for ( ii = 0 ; ii < mtv_count ; ii++ ) { if ( ! mtv_list[ii]->get_name().compare(event_name) ) { ret = mtv_list[ii]; break ; } } return(ret) ; } /** @details Send mtv event data through the variable server. -# For each event in the mtv_list -# call var_add() for all the event information -# Send the size of list of variables we've added -# Send the data -# Clear the var_add list. */ int Trick::MTV::send_event_data() { char varname[80]; const char *mtv_name = "trick_ip.mtv.mtv_list"; unsigned int ii ; int jj; for (ii=0; ii < mtv_count; ii++) { sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].name", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].active", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].added", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].condition_count", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].action_count", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].before_after", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); for (jj=0; jj< mtv_list[ii]->condition_count; jj++) { sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].cond[%d].comment", mtv_name,ii,jj); var_add(varname); } for (jj=0; jj< mtv_list[ii]->action_count; jj++) { sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].act[%d].comment", mtv_name,ii,jj); var_add(varname); } if (mtv_list[ii]->get_before_after() > 0) { sprintf(varname, "%s[%u][0].target_name", mtv_name,ii); var_add(varname); } } var_send_list_size() ; var_send() ; var_clear() ; return 0 ; }