/** @defgroup Er7Utils Er7Utils The ER7 numerical utilities package. @addtogroup Er7Utils @{ /** * Namespace in which the entirety of the * ER7 numerical utilities package is embedded. */ namespace er7_utils { } @defgroup Jeod Jeod The ER7 numerical utilities side of the er7_utils/JEOD interface. @addtogroup Jeod @{ namespace er7_utils { /** * Namespace in which the er7_utils/JEOD interface is embedded. */ namespace jeod_interface { } } @} @defgroup Trick Trick The ER7 numerical utilities side of the er7_utils/Trick interface. @defgroup Interface Interface Low-level interface utilities used internally within the ER7 numerical utilities package. @defgroup Integration Integration Numerical integration techniques. @addtogroup Integration @{ @defgroup Abm4 Abm4 Fourth order Adams Bashforth Moulton integration. @defgroup Beeman Beeman Beeman's method. @defgroup Core Core Common integration infrastructure. @defgroup Euler Euler Euler's method. @defgroup Mm4 Mm4 Modified midpoint 4. @defgroup Nl2 Nl2 Nystrom-Lear 2 integration. @defgroup Rk2Heun Rk2Heun Heun's method. @defgroup Rk2Midpoint Rk2Midpoint Midpoint method. @defgroup Rk4 Rk4 Canonical fourth order Runge Kutta. @defgroup Rkf45 Rkf45 Runge Kutta Fehberg 4/5. @defgroup Rkf78 Rkf78 Runge Kutta Fehberg 7/8. @defgroup Rkg4 Rkg4 Fourth order Runge Kutta Gill. @defgroup SymplecticEuler SymplecticEuler Symplectic Euler integration, aka Euler-Cromer. @defgroup VelocityVerlet VelocityVerlet Velocity verlet method. @} @} */