The DifferentialDriveController controls the wheelbot's two drive motors so that it moves at a desired speed and heading.
The vehicle's heading-rate (𝜓̇), and speed, or range-rate (V) are both functions of the left and right wheel speeds (radians/sec). We also need the radius of the wheels (R), and the distance between the wheels (D).
#### Allocating Wheelspeed to Forward Movement and Turning
The wheel speed limit, and equations [#1](#EQ_1_heading_rate) and [#2](EQ_2_range_rate), above mean that there's a trade off between turning rate and speed. At maximum forward speed, the wheel speeds will be the same, and we won't be able to turn. Also, the more quickly we want to turn, the more we have to slow down. So, we have to determine how we are going to "allocate" available wheel speed to turning and moving the vehicle.
#### Heading Rate Determination
First, we'll determine our desired heading rate. We'll make it proportional to the heading error (the difference between our desired heading and our actual heading), and subjected to a heading rate limit.
Given our desired heading rate ([Eq#1](#EQ_1_heading_rate)), we can determine the wheel-speed difference needed to achieve that.

Because half of the difference is above the average, and half is below, half of the difference will be "allocated" from the wheelSpeedLimit for turning, with the remainder allocated to moving:
With **availableWheelSpeedForRangeRate** determined, we can figure our range rate. Within a "slow-down distance" of a destination, we'll make it proportional to the distance error, otherwise it will be equal to our maximum available speed.
Here, wheel speed is positive forward, and negative is backwards. For the motor models positive is counter clockwise, and negative is clockwise. So, we have to change sign for the right motor:
This function generates the control command (corresponding to **cmd** in the above diagram.) for the plant. The "plant" is the thing that you are controlling.
For example, the plant could be a lunar lander. The measured value could be altitude, and the command could be motor thrust. The setpoint is the what you want the output of the plant to be. The setpoint could be an altitude of 100 feet. The measured_value is the actual output (the actual altitude) of the lander plus perhaps some noise (because sensors aren't perfect).
### References
The following videos provide some excellent instruction about PID control:
[Understanding PID Control, Part 1: What is PID Control?](
[Understanding PID Control, Part 2: Expanding Beyond a Simple Integral](
[Understanding PID Control, Part 3: Part 3: Expanding Beyond a Simple Derivative](
[Understanding PID Control, Part 4: A PID Tuning Guide](