mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 15:33:58 +00:00
933 lines
34 KiB
933 lines
34 KiB
package parse_s_define ;
use Exporter ();
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(parse_s_define handle_sim_object handle_integ_loop handle_collects
handle_user_code handle_user_header handle_user_inline) ;
use Cwd ;
use File::Basename ;
use strict ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use IPC::Open3 ;
use lib $ENV{"TRICK_HOME"} . "/bin/pm" ;
use ICG ;
use edit ;
use find_module ;
use gte ;
use trick_print ;
use trick_version ;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed);
use html ;
my ($integ_loop_def , $collect_def , $vcollect_def);
my ($job_class_order_def ) ;
my ($sim_class_def , $sim_class_job_def , $instantiation_def , $create_connections_def) ;
my ($compiler_directive_def ) ;
my ($other_tag_def , $comment_def ) ;
my ($user_code_def ) ;
my ($user_header_def ) ;
my ($user_inline_def ) ;
my ($line_tag_def) ;
my $s_define_file ;
# IntegLoop statements
$integ_loop_def = qr/
(?:IntegLoop|integrate) # IntegLoop keyword
(?:[CcSs][\d]*\s+)? # child spec
(?:[\w_]+) # IntegLoopSimObject name
\( # Entry timing spec
(?:[\d\.]+) # cycle
|(?:[\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\d\.]+) # OR cycle,cycle
|(?:[\w_\.]+) # OR class
|(?:[\d\.]+\s*,\s*[\w_\.]+) # OR float,class
\) # close timing spec
(?:.*?) # name list
\s*; # terminating semicolon
/sx ;
# Collect statements
$collect_def = qr/
collect # Collect keyword
(?:[\w_\.\[\]]*) # Collect name
= # Equals sign
{ # entry
(?:.*?) # collect params
}\s*; # end args
/sx ;
# Vector collect statements
$vcollect_def = qr/
vcollect # Vcollect keyword
(?:[\w_\.\[\]]+) # Container name
(?:.*?) # Optional constructor
{\s* # entry
(?:.*?) # item list
\s*}\s*; # end args
/sx ;
$compiler_directive_def = qr/
\#\#[^\n]+ # compiler directive
/sx ;
$sim_class_def = qr/
class # the keyword class
[^{]+ # everything up to opening parenthesis
/sx ;
$sim_class_job_def = qr/
(?:[Cc][\w\.\-\>]+) | # child spec
(?:[Pp][\w\.\-\>]+) | # phase spec
\s*(?:[\w.]+)\s* # cycle time
(?:,\s*(?:[\w.]+)\s*)? # start time
(?:,\s*(?:[\w.]+)\s*)? # stop time
(?:,\s*(?:"?\w+"?)\s*) # class
\s*(?:"?\w+"?)\s* # class (by itself)
(?:,\s*(&?[\w\.\-\>]+)\s*)? # integration object
) | # timing spec
\{(?:[\w_.,\s]+)\} # job tag
(?:[A-Za-z_][\w\.\-\>]*\s*=)?\s* # optional return assignment variable
(?:[A-Za-z_]+[\w\.\:\-\>\[\]]*) # job name
\( # entry point
(?:.*?)\s* # arg list
\)\s*; # end arg list
/sx ;
$instantiation_def = qr/
(?:[A-Za-z_]+[\w_:\*]*(?:<[^>]+>)?)\s+ # type
(?:[A-Za-z_]+[\w_]*)\s* # name
(?:\(.*?;|\s*;) # arguments
/sx ;
#(?:\([^{\)]*\))?\s*; # arguments
$create_connections_def = qr/
void\s+create_connections # create_connections declaration
[^{]+ # everything up to opening parenthesis
/sx ;
$job_class_order_def = qr/
job_class_order # the word sim_object
(?:.*? # everything
})\s*; # to end of obj def
/sx ;
$user_code_def = qr/
/sx ;
$user_header_def = qr/
/sx ;
$user_inline_def = qr/
/sx ;
$other_tag_def = qr/\#(?:ident|pragma)?.*?\n/s ;
$comment_def = qr/ZZZYYYXXX\d+ZZZYYYXXX/s ;
$line_tag_def = qr/\#(?:line)?\s+\d+.*?(?:\n|$)/s ;
sub parse_s_define ($) {
my ($sim_ref) = @_ ;
my ($temp) ;
my ($CC, $contents) ;
my (@prescan_job_class_order) ;
my ($version, $thread, $year) ;
my @defines ;
my @comments ;
my @preprocess_output;
# Get Include Paths From $TRICK_CFLAGS
@{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /-I\s*(\S+)/g ;
push @{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} , ("$ENV{\"TRICK_HOME\"}/trick_source" , "../include") ;
my @valid_inc_paths ;
foreach (@{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}}) {
push @valid_inc_paths , $_ if ( -e $_ ) ;
@{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} = @valid_inc_paths ;
foreach ( @valid_inc_paths ) {
$_ = abs_path($_) ;
foreach ( @{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}} ) {
s/\/+$// ;
s/\/+/\// ;
$_ = quotemeta (abs_path(dirname($_)) . "/" . basename($_)) ;
$s_define_file = "S_define" ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} = 1 ;
# Run S_define through C PreProcessor to handle #defines
$CC = gte("TRICK_CC") ;
chomp $CC ;
if (-e $s_define_file) {
my $cmd;
$cmd = "$CC -C -E -xc $ENV{TRICK_SFLAGS} $s_define_file";
#print "$cmd\n" ;
@preprocess_output = `$cmd`;
# The commented out code is what I would like to use, but it hangs on Macs (Alex 6/13/11)
# my($wtr, $rdr, $err);
# my($pid , @error_msg);
# use Symbol 'gensym'; $err = gensym;
# $pid = open3($wtr, $rdr, $err, $cmd);
# waitpid( $pid , 0 ) ;
# @preprocess_output = <$rdr> ;
if (($? >> 8) != 0) {
trick_print( $$sim_ref{fh}, "\nError in $s_define_file. Exit!\n\n", "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v} );
# my(@error_msg);
# @error_msg = <$err> ;
# trick_print( $$sim_ref{fh}, "@error_msg\n\n", "normal_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v} );
exit -1 ;
} else {
die "Couldn't find file: $s_define_file\n";
foreach my $each_item (@preprocess_output) {
$contents .= $each_item;
@comments = $contents =~ m/((?:\/\*(?:.*?)\*\/)|(?:\/\/(?:.*?)\n))/sg ;
foreach my $i (@comments) {
my %header ;
my @lib_list ;
%header = extract_trick_header("S_define", $i, 0, 0);
push @{$$sim_ref{default_data}} , $header{default_data} ;
$header{libdep} =~ s/\s+//sg ;
$header{libdep} =~ s/\(\(/\(/ ;
$header{libdep} =~ s/\)\)/\)/ ;
@lib_list = $header{libdep} =~ m/\((.+?)\)/sg ;
foreach my $object_file (@lib_list) {
#print "[33m look for object $object_file[00m\n" ;
if ( $object_file =~ /^\// ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{mis_entry_files}}, $object_file ;
} elsif ( $object_file =~ /^sim_lib(\S+)/i ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{sim_libraries}}, $1 ;
#print "found a sim_library $1\n" ;
} else {
my $found = 0 ;
foreach my $inc_path ( @valid_inc_paths ) {
if ( -f "$inc_path/$object_file" ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{mis_entry_files}}, "$inc_path/$object_file" ;
$found = 1 ;
last ;
if ( $found == 0 ) {
trick_print( $$sim_ref{fh}, "\nCould not find S_define LIBRARY_DEPENDENCY $object_file\n\n",
"title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v} );
my $i = 0 ;
$contents =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*?)(\n)/"ZZZYYYXXX" . $i++ . "ZZZYYYXXX" . ((defined $3) ? $3 : "")/esg ;
# substitue in environment variables in the S_define file.
# Do that with 1 line in C! This comment is longer than the code it took!
$contents =~ s/\$[({]\s*([\w_]+)\s*[)}]/$ENV{$1}/eg ;
#strip trailing spaces
$contents =~ s/\s*$// ;
#rip out define comments left by gcc 2.96
$contents =~ s/\/\*.*?\*+\///sg ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{"Trick::SimObject"} = 0 ;
# set the default job class order
@{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} = qw(automatic random environment sensor sensor_emitter
sensor_reflector sensor_receiver scheduled effector
effector_emitter effector_receiver automatic_last logging
data_record system_checkpoint system_advance_sim_time
system_moding integ_loop) ;
# search and use a user class order
@prescan_job_class_order = $contents =~ m/($job_class_order_def)/sg ;
preparse_job_class_order( \@prescan_job_class_order , $sim_ref ) ;
while ($contents =~ s/^(\s*)(?:($sim_class_def)|
($user_code_def) |
($user_header_def) |
($user_inline_def) |
)//sx ) {
if ( defined $1 and $1 ne "" ) {
$temp = $1 ;
#trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, $temp, "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($temp =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
if ( defined $2 and $2 ne "" ) { handle_sim_class($2, \$contents, $sim_ref, \@comments) ; }
if ( defined $3 and $3 ne "" ) { handle_integ_loop($3, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $4 and $4 ne "" ) { handle_collects($4, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $5 and $5 ne "" ) { handle_user_code($5, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $6 and $6 ne "" ) { handle_user_header($6, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $7 and $7 ne "" ) { handle_user_inline($7, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $8 and $8 ne "" ) { handle_line_tag($8, $sim_ref) ; } #line tag
if ( defined $9 and $9 ne "" ) { } #job class order... preparsed
if ( defined $10 and $10 ne "" ) { handle_vcollects($10, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $11 and $11 ne "" ) { handle_create_connections($11, \$contents, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $12 and $12 ne "" ) { handle_instantiation($12, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $13 and $13 ne "" ) { handle_compiler_directive($13, $sim_ref) ; }
if ( defined $14 and $14 ne "" ) { } #ignore these lines
$contents =~ s/\cZ$//sx ;
$contents =~ s/^(\s*)//sx ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} += (($temp = $1) =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
if ( $contents ne "" ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Syntax error in $$sim_ref{last_file}\n", "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
my @temp_array = split /\n/ , $contents ;
my $temp = join "\n" , (splice ( @temp_array , 0 , 10 )) ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Last 10 lines read:\n$temp\n", "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
edit_and_exit("CP" , "$s_define_file" , $$sim_ref{line_num} ) ;
# Handle Integration Loop Statements
sub handle_integ_loop ($$) {
my ($integ_loop, $sim_ref) = @_ ;
my ($child_spec, $name, $cycle, $name_list ) ;
my %integ_loop_info ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "IntegLoop: $integ_loop\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
# remove all comments
$integ_loop =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
( $child_spec, $name, $cycle, $name_list ) = $integ_loop =~ /
(?:IntegLoop|integrate) # IntegLoop keyword
(?:[CcSs]([\d])*\s+)? # child spec
([\w_]+) # IntegLoopSimObject name
\( # Entry timing spec
([\d\.]+) # cycle
\) # close timing spec
(.*?) # name list
\s*; # terminating semicolon
/sx ;
$integ_loop_info{name} = $name ;
$integ_loop_info{cycle} = $cycle ;
$child_spec = 0 if ( $child_spec eq "" ) ;
$integ_loop_info{child} = $child_spec ;
# @{$integ_loop_info{name_list}} = split(/\s*,\s*/, $name_list );
$integ_loop_info{name_list} = $name_list ;
$integ_loop_info{line_num} = $$sim_ref{line_num} ;
push @{$$sim_ref{integ_loop}}, \%integ_loop_info ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($integ_loop =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
# Handle Collect Statements
sub handle_collects ($$) {
my ( $collect , $sim_ref ) = @_ ;
my ( $collect_name, $collect_params ) ;
my %collect_info ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Collect: $collect\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
( $collect_name, $collect_params ) = $collect =~ /
collect # Collect keyword
([\w_\.\[\]]*) # Collect name
= # Equals sign
{\s* # entry
(.*?) # collect params
}\s*; # end args
/sx ;
# Setup collect params for a split (take out newlines and lead/trail space)
$collect_params =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
$collect_params =~ s,\n|^\s*|\s*$,,g ;
$collect_info{name} = $collect_name ;
@{$collect_info{params}} = split(/\s*,\s*/ , $collect_params ) ;
$collect_info{num_params} = $#{$collect_info{params}} + 1 ;
push @{$$sim_ref{collect}} , \%collect_info ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($collect =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
# Handle Vcollect Statements
sub handle_vcollects ($$) {
my ( $vcollect , $sim_ref ) = @_ ;
my ( $container_name, $constructor, $item_list );
my %collect_info ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Vcollect: $vcollect\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$vcollect =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
( $container_name, $constructor, $item_list ) = $vcollect =~ /
vcollect # Vcollect keyword
([\w_\.\[\]]+) # Container name
(.*?) # Optional constructor
{\s* # entry
(.*?) # item list
\s*}\s* # end args
/sx ;
# Setup collect params for a split (take out newlines and lead/trail spaces)
$item_list =~ s,\n|^\s*|\s*$,,g ;
$collect_info{name} = $container_name ;
$collect_info{constructor} = $constructor ;
@{$collect_info{items}} = split(/\s*, \s*/ , $item_list) ;
push @{$$sim_ref{vcollect}} , \%collect_info ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($vcollect =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
# Handle User code on Statements
sub handle_user_code ($$) {
my ($u, $sim_ref) = @_ ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "User code: $u\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($u =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
$u =~ s/^##/#/mg ;
$u =~ /%{(.*?)%}/s ;
$u = $1 ;
$u =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
$$sim_ref{user_code} .= $u ;
sub handle_user_header ($$) {
my ($u, $sim_ref) = @_ ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "User header: $u\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($u =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
$u =~ s/^##/#/mg ;
$u =~ /%\s*header\s*{(.*?)%}/s ;
$u = $1 ;
$u =~ s/^#\s+(\d+)\s+"S_define"\n//mg ;
$u =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//esg ;
$$sim_ref{user_header} .= $u ;
sub handle_user_inline ($$) {
my ($u, $sim_ref) = @_ ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Inline code: $u\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
$$sim_ref{line_num} += ($u =~ s/\n/\n/g) ;
$u =~ s/^##/#/mg ;
$u =~ /%\s*inline\s*{(.*?)%}/s ;
$u = $1 ;
$u =~ s/^#\s+(\d+)\s+"S_define"\n//mg ;
$u =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//esg ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= $u ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= "\n" ;
sub handle_sim_class ($$$$) {
my ($s, $file_contents, $sim_ref, $comments_ref) = @_;
my ($full_template_args, $template_args) ;
my ($class_contents , $constructor_contents) ;
my ($class_name , $inherit_class, $inherit_constructor) ;
my $final_contents ;
my $int_call_functions ;
my $double_call_functions ;
my $constructor_found = 0 ;
my $job ;
#my ($start_index, $ii) ;
my ($constructor_declare, $temp_content) ;
my ($job_push , $job_call, $is_dynamic_event) ;
# grab the class name and the name of the class we are inheriting from
($full_template_args) = $s =~ /template\s+<([^>]+)>/ ;
($class_name, $inherit_class) = $s =~ /class\s+(\S+)\s*:\s*public\s*(.*\S)/ ;
$template_args = $full_template_args ;
$template_args =~ s/class|typename//g ;
$template_args =~ s/\s//g ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "Processing sim_class $class_name\n" , "normal white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
# grab the entire contents of the class out of the S_define file.
($class_contents, $$file_contents) = extract_bracketed($$file_contents,"{}");
$class_contents =~ s/$line_tag_def//g ;
$$file_contents =~ s/^\s*;\s*//s ;
#final_contents contains the processed class. Start if off with the incoming class name
$final_contents = $s ;
my ($unparameterized_name) = $inherit_class =~ /([^<]+)/ ;
# if this class is not a SimObject pass it whole to S_Source.cpp
if ( $inherit_class eq "" or !exists $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$unparameterized_name} ) {
$class_contents =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX/@$comments_ref[$1]/g ;
$final_contents .= "$class_contents ;\n\n" ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= $final_contents ;
return ;
if ( $full_template_args eq "" ) {
$int_call_functions = "int ${class_name}" ;
} else {
$int_call_functions = "template <$full_template_args> int $class_name<$template_args>" ;
$int_call_functions .= "::call_function ( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) {\n\n int trick_ret = 0 ;\n" ;
$int_call_functions .= " if ( curr_job->disabled ) return (trick_ret) ;\n\n" ;
$int_call_functions .= " switch ( curr_job->id ) {\n" ;
if ( $full_template_args eq "" ) {
$double_call_functions = "double ${class_name}" ;
} else {
$double_call_functions = "template <$full_template_args> double $class_name<$template_args>" ;
$double_call_functions .= "::call_function_double ( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) {\n\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " double trick_ret = 0.0 ;\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " if ( curr_job->disabled ) return (trick_ret) ;\n\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " switch ( curr_job->id ) {\n" ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name} = $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$unparameterized_name} ;
# look for constructor
while ( $class_contents =~ /^(.*?)$class_name\s*\([^;]*{/s ) {
my (@int_job_calls, @double_job_calls) ;
$constructor_found = 1 ;
$class_contents =~ s/^(.*?$class_name[^{]+)//s ;
$temp_content = $1 ;
$final_contents .= $temp_content ;
($constructor_contents, $class_contents) = extract_bracketed($class_contents,"{}");
$constructor_contents =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " Constructor found\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
$constructor_contents =~ s/\{(\s+)/\{\n Trick::JobData * job __attribute__((unused)) ;\n/ ;
#$constructor_contents =~ s/\{(\s+)/\{$1int ii __attribute__ ((unused)) = $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name} ;\n/ ;
while ($constructor_contents =~ s/^(.*?)($sim_class_job_def)//s ) {
$final_contents .= $1 ;
$job = $2 ;
# check to see if what we matched is actually a placement new statement.
if ( $final_contents !~ /new\s*$/ ) {
# Not a placement new statement.
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, " Job found $job\n" , "debug_white" , $$sim_ref{args}{v});
($job_push , $job_call , $is_dynamic_event) = handle_sim_class_job($job, $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name}, $sim_ref ) ;
$final_contents .= "\n $job_push" ;
if ( $is_dynamic_event == 1 ) {
push @double_job_calls , $job_call ;
$double_call_functions .= " case $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name}:\n trick_ret = $job_call ;\n break ;\n" ;
} else {
push @int_job_calls , $job_call ;
$int_call_functions .= " case $$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name}:\n $job_call ;\n break ;\n" ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_index}{$class_name}++ ;
} else {
# Is a placement new statement. Just copy contents to final_contents.
$final_contents .= $job ;
$final_contents .= $constructor_contents ;
if ( $constructor_found == 1 ) {
# if there is an inherited base class then the job id may reside in the base class
if ( $inherit_class eq "Trick::SimObject" or $inherit_class eq "SimObject" ) {
$int_call_functions .= " default:\n trick_ret = -1 ;\n break ;\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " default:\n trick_ret = 0.0 ;\n break ;\n" ;
} else {
$int_call_functions .= " default:\n trick_ret = ${inherit_class}::call_function( curr_job ) ;\n break ;\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " default:\n trick_ret = ${inherit_class}::call_function_double( curr_job ) ;\n break ;\n" ;
$int_call_functions .= " }\n\n return(trick_ret) ;\n}\n\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= " }\n\n return(trick_ret) ;\n}\n\n" ;
#TODO: This section should probably go into s_source.pm
$final_contents .= "\n\n public:\n" ;
$final_contents .= " virtual int call_function( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) ;\n" ;
$final_contents .= " virtual double call_function_double( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) ;\n" ;
$final_contents .= "$class_contents ;\n\n" ;
#print "[32m$final_contents[00m\n" ;
$final_contents =~ s/^##/#/mg ;
#$contents =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*?)(\n)/"" . $i++ . " " . ((defined $3) ? $3 : "")/esg ;
$final_contents =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX/@$comments_ref[$1]/esg ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= $final_contents ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_call_functions} .= $int_call_functions . $double_call_functions ;
} else {
$s =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX/@$comments_ref[$1]/esg ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= $s ;
$class_contents =~ s/}\s*$// ;
$class_contents .= "\n\n public:\n" ;
$class_contents .= " virtual int call_function( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) ;\n" ;
$class_contents .= " virtual double call_function_double( Trick::JobData * curr_job ) ;\n" ;
$class_contents .= "} ;\n\n" ;
$class_contents =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX/@$comments_ref[$1]/esg ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_code} .= $class_contents ;
if ( $full_template_args eq "" ) {
$int_call_functions = "int ${class_name}" ;
$double_call_functions = "double ${class_name}" ;
} else {
$int_call_functions = "template <$full_template_args> int ${class_name}<$template_args>" ;
$double_call_functions = "template <$full_template_args> double ${class_name}<$template_args>" ;
$int_call_functions .= "::call_function ( Trick::JobData * curr_job __attribute__ ((unused)) ) {return 0;}\n" ;
$double_call_functions .= "::call_function_double ( Trick::JobData * curr_job __attribute__ ((unused)) ) {return 0.0;}\n" ;
$$sim_ref{sim_class_call_functions} .= $int_call_functions . $double_call_functions ;
sub handle_sim_class_job($$$) {
my ($in_job, $job_id, $sim_ref) = @_ ;
my ($job_push, $is_dynamic_event) ;
my ( $child, $phase, $cycle, $start, $stop, $ov_class ,
$ov_class_self, $sup_class_data, $tag, $job_call, $job_ret, $job_name, $args , $class ) ;
my (@tags) ;
($child, $phase, $cycle, $start, $stop,
$ov_class , $ov_class_self , $sup_class_data, $tag, $job_call, $job_ret, $job_name, $args) = $in_job =~ /
([Cc][\w\.\-\>]+) | # child spec
([Pp][\w\.\-\>]+) | # phase spec
\s*([\w.]+)\s* # cycle time
(?:,\s*([\w.]+)\s*)? # start time
(?:,\s*([\w.]+)\s*)? # stop time
(?:,\s*("?\w+"?)\s*) # class
\s*("?\w+"?)\s* # class (by itself)
(?:,\s*(&?[\w\.\-\>]+)\s*)? # integration object
) | # timing spec
\{([\w_.,\s]+)\} # job tag
( # job call
([A-Za-z_][\w\.\-\>]*\s*=)?\s* # optional return assignment variable
([A-Za-z_][\w\.\:\-\>\[\]]*)\s* # job name
\((.*?)\s*\) # arg list
)\s*; # end job call
/sx ;
$child = 0 if ( $child eq "" ) ;
$child =~ s/^C// ;
$cycle = 1.0 if ( $cycle eq "" ) ;
if ( $ov_class ne "" ) {
$class = $ov_class ;
} else {
$class = $ov_class_self ;
if ($sup_class_data eq "") {
$sup_class_data = "NULL";
if ( $class =~ /dynamic_event/ ) {
$is_dynamic_event = 1 ;
} else {
$is_dynamic_event = 0 ;
if ( $tag ne "" ) {
$tag =~ s/\s+//g ;
@tags = split /,/ , $tag ;
$job_push = "job = add_job($child, $job_id, $class, $sup_class_data, $cycle, \"$job_name\", \"\"" ;
if ( $class =~ /^integration$/ ) {
if ($job_ret !~ /trick_ret/ ) {
$job_call = "trick_ret = " . $job_call ;
if ( $phase ne "" ) {
$phase =~ s/^P// ;
$job_push .= ", $phase" ;
} else {
$job_push .= ", 60000" ;
if ( $start ne "" ) {
$job_push .= ", $start" ;
if ( $stop ne "" ) {
$job_push .= ", $stop" ;
$job_push .= ") ;" ;
foreach my $t ( @tags ) {
$job_push .= "\n " ;
$job_push .= "job->add_tag(\"$t\") ;" ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}," Job deconstruction:
Job_id: $job_id
Child: $child
Phase: $phase
Tag: $tag
Class: $class
Supplemental data: $sup_class_data
Cycle: $cycle
Start: $start
Stop: $stop
Job name: $job_name\n", "debug_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
return $job_push , $job_call , $is_dynamic_event ;
sub handle_instantiation ($$) {
my ($s, $sim_ref) = @_;
my ($type , $name) ;
$s =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
#print "instance $s\n" ;
($type , $name) = $s =~ /([A-Za-z_]+[\w_:\*]*(?:<[^>]+>)?)\s+([A-Za-z_]+[\w_]*)/s ;
#print "instance type = $type , name = $name\n" ;
push @{$$sim_ref{instances}} , $name ;
$$sim_ref{instances_type}{$name} = $type ;
$$sim_ref{instance_declarations} .= "$s\n" ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Instantiation: $s\n", "debug_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
# remove constructor parameters
$s =~ s/\(.*/;/s ;
if ($type =~ /<[^>]+>/) {
$$sim_ref{template_instance_declarations} .= "$s\n" ;
$$sim_ref{extern_instance_declarations} .= "extern $s\n" ;
sub handle_create_connections($$$) {
my ($s, $file_contents, $sim_ref) = @_;
my ($cc_code) ;
($cc_code, $$file_contents) = extract_bracketed($$file_contents,"{}");
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Create connections code: $cc_code\n", "debug_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$cc_code =~ s/^{//s ;
$cc_code =~ s/}$//s ;
$cc_code =~ s/ZZZYYYXXX(\d+)ZZZYYYXXX//g ;
$$sim_ref{create_connections} .= $cc_code ;
#print $$sim_ref{create_connections} ;
sub handle_line_tag($$) {
my ($s, $sim_ref) = @_;
my ($line_num , $file_name) = $s =~ /(\d+)\s*\"(.*?)\"/;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Line: $s\n", "debug_yellow", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
if ( $file_name !~ /^\</ and $file_name ne $$sim_ref{last_file} ) {
if ( exists $$sim_ref{files_visited}{$file_name} ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Continuing $file_name\n", "normal_cyan", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
} else {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Processing $file_name\n", "normal_cyan", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$$sim_ref{files_visited}{$file_name} = 1 ;
$$sim_ref{last_file} = $file_name ;
$$sim_ref{line_num} = $line_num ;
sub handle_compiler_directive($$) {
my ($s, $sim_ref) = @_;
my ($rel_file_name) ;
my ($file_name) ;
$s =~ s/^#// ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"Compiler directive: $s\n", "debug_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
# system header
if ( $s =~ /^\#include\s+\</ ) {
$$sim_ref{system_headers} .= "$s\n" ;
} else {
#push @{$$sim_ref{sim_class_includes}} , $s ;
if ( $s =~ s/^\#include \"(\/.*)\"/$1/ ) {
$$sim_ref{headers_full_path}{$s} = $s ;
push @{$$sim_ref{sim_class_includes}} , $s ;
elsif ( $s =~ /include\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/ ) {
($rel_file_name) = $1 ;
$file_name = find_header_file($rel_file_name , \@{$$sim_ref{inc_paths}}) ;
if ( $file_name eq "" ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "could not find $rel_file_name\n" , "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v});
exit -1 ;
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}," Found include: $file_name\n", "debug_white", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$$sim_ref{headers_full_path}{$rel_file_name} = $file_name ;
push @{$$sim_ref{sim_class_includes}} , $file_name ;
my $suffix ;
if ( $file_name =~ /\.h$/ ) {
# Try and determine language.
# extract the Trick header
my %header ;
local $/ = undef ;
open TEXT, '<', $file_name ;
my $file_contents = <TEXT> ;
%header = extract_trick_header( $file_name, $file_contents, 0 , 0 );
# set the language if an override in the header is found
if ( $header{language} eq "CPP" ) {
$suffix = "cpp" ;
else {
$suffix = "c" ;
} else {
$suffix = "cpp" ;
# save off suffix for make_makefile
$$sim_ref{headers_lang}{$file_name} = $suffix ;
} else {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh},"ERROR: S_define:$$sim_ref{line_num}: ##include expects \"FILENAME\" (double quotes for FILENAME) \n", "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
sub preparse_job_class_order($$) {
my ( $job_class_order_structs , $sim_ref ) = @_ ;
my $class_text ;
my @class_list ;
my %temp_hash ;
if ( scalar @{$job_class_order_structs} > 1 ) {
edit_and_exit("Multiple job order constructs found" , "$s_define_file" , 1 ) ;
} elsif ( scalar @{$job_class_order_structs} == 0 ) {
return ;
# get a list of classes
($class_text) = @{$job_class_order_structs}[0] =~ /{(.*?)}/sx ;
$class_text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs ;
@class_list = split /\s*,\s*/ , $class_text ;
# check to make sure the class names are not duplicated
foreach my $c ( @class_list ) {
if ( exists $temp_hash{$c} ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "\nCP ERROR:\n Job class \"$c\" duplicated in new order.\n" , "title_red" , $$sim_ref{args}{v} ) ;
edit_and_exit("CP bad job class order" , "$s_define_file" , 1 ) ;
$temp_hash{$c}++ ;
# save the new order
@{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} = @class_list ;
# push on the advance_sim_time class last if not specified
if ( !exists $temp_hash{data_record} ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} , "data_record" ;
if ( !exists $temp_hash{system_checkpoint} ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} , "system_checkpoint" ;
if ( !exists $temp_hash{system_advance_sim_time} ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} , "system_advance_sim_time" ;
if ( !exists $temp_hash{system_moding} ) {
push @{$$sim_ref{user_class_order}} , "system_moding" ;