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2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
package make_swig_makefile ;
use Exporter ();
use trick_version ;
use File::Path ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(make_swig_makefile);
use lib $ENV{"TRICK_HOME"} . "/bin/pm" ;
use File::Basename ;
use gte ;
use trick_print ;
use Cwd ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
use strict ;
sub make_swig_makefile($$$) {
my ($h_ref , $sim_ref , $make_cwd ) = @_ ;
my ($n , $f , $k , $i , $j, $m);
my (%all_icg_depends) = %{$$sim_ref{all_icg_depends}} ;
my %temp_hash ;
my @all_h_files ;
my (@temp_array , @temp_array2) ;
my ($ii) ;
my ($swig_sim_dir, $swig_src_dir) ;
my (%py_module_map) ;
my @exclude_dirs ;
my @swig_exclude_dirs ;
my (@include_paths) ;
my (@s_inc_paths) ;
my (@defines) ;
my ($version, $thread, $year) ;
my ($swig_module_i, $swig_module_source, $py_wrappers) ;
my $s_source_full_path = abs_path("S_source.hh") ;
my $s_source_md5 = md5_hex($s_source_full_path) ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
my $s_library_swig = ".S_library_swig" ;
my $s_library_swig_ext = ".S_library_swig_ext" ;
($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
($year) = $version =~ /^(\d+)/ ;
(my $cc = gte("TRICK_CC")) =~ s/\n// ;
@include_paths = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /(-I\s*\S+)/g ; # get include paths from TRICK_CFLAGS
push @include_paths , ("-I".$ENV{"TRICK_HOME"}."/trick_source" , "-I../include") ;
@exclude_dirs = split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_EXCLUDE"};
# See if there are any elements in the exclude_dirs array
if (scalar @exclude_dirs) {
@exclude_dirs = sort(@exclude_dirs );
# Error check - delete any element that is null
# (note: sort forced all blank names to front of array
@exclude_dirs = map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ; $_ } @exclude_dirs ;
while ( not length @exclude_dirs[0] ) {
# Delete an element from the left side of an array (element zero)
shift @exclude_dirs ;
@exclude_dirs = map { (-e $_) ? abs_path($_) : $_ } @exclude_dirs ;
@swig_exclude_dirs = split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE"};
# See if there are any elements in the swig_exclude_dirs array
if (scalar @swig_exclude_dirs) {
@swig_exclude_dirs = sort(@swig_exclude_dirs );
# Error check - delete any element that is null
# (note: sort forced all blank names to front of array
@swig_exclude_dirs = map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ; $_ } @swig_exclude_dirs ;
while ( not length @swig_exclude_dirs[0] ) {
# Delete an element from the left side of an array (element zero)
shift @swig_exclude_dirs ;
@swig_exclude_dirs = map { (-e $_) ? abs_path($_) : $_ } @swig_exclude_dirs ;
# If there were no directories listed in TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE then copy the ones from ICG_EXCLUDE.
if ( scalar @swig_exclude_dirs == 0 ) {
@swig_exclude_dirs = split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE"};
# See if there are any elements in the swig_exclude_dirs array
if (scalar @swig_exclude_dirs) {
@swig_exclude_dirs = sort(@swig_exclude_dirs );
# Error check - delete any element that is null
# (note: sort forced all blank names to front of array
@swig_exclude_dirs = map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ; $_ } @swig_exclude_dirs ;
while ( not length @swig_exclude_dirs[0] ) {
# Delete an element from the left side of an array (element zero)
shift @swig_exclude_dirs ;
@swig_exclude_dirs = map { (-e $_) ? abs_path($_) : $_ } @swig_exclude_dirs ;
@defines = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /(-D\S+)/g ; # get defines from TRICK_CFLAGS
push @defines , "-DTRICK_VER=$year" ;
push @defines , "-DSWIG" ;
@s_inc_paths = $ENV{"TRICK_SFLAGS"} =~ /-I\s*(\S+)/g ; # get include paths from TRICK_CFLAGS
# The sim_libraries are full paths at this point
if ( exists $$sim_ref{sim_libraries} ) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar @{$$sim_ref{sim_libraries}} ; $i++ ) {
open SLIB , "@{$$sim_ref{sim_libraries}}[$i]/$s_library_swig" ;
while ( <SLIB> ) {
chomp ;
$$sim_ref{sim_lib_swig_files}{$_} = 1 ;
open SLIB_EXT, ">$s_library_swig_ext" ;
foreach my $f ( sort keys %{$$sim_ref{sim_lib_swig_files}} ) {
print SLIB_EXT "$f\n" ;
close SLIB_EXT ;
# make a list of all the header files required by this sim
foreach $n ( @$h_ref ) {
push @all_h_files , $n ;
foreach $k ( keys %{$all_icg_depends{$n}} ) {
push @all_h_files , $k ;
push @all_h_files , @{$all_icg_depends{$n}{$k}} ;
# remove duplicate elements
undef %temp_hash ;
@all_h_files = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @all_h_files ;
@all_h_files = sort (grep !/trick_source/ , @all_h_files) ;
$swig_sim_dir = abs_path("trick") ;
if ( ! -e $swig_sim_dir ) {
mkdir $swig_sim_dir, 0775 ;
$swig_src_dir = abs_path("swig") ;
if ( ! -e $swig_src_dir ) {
mkdir $swig_src_dir, 0775 ;
undef @temp_array2 ;
foreach $n (sort @$h_ref) {
if ( $n !~ /trick_source/ ) {
undef @temp_array ;
if ( !exists $all_icg_depends{$n}{$n} ) {
@temp_array = ($n) ;
push @temp_array , keys %{$all_icg_depends{$n}} ;
@temp_array = grep !/\/trick_source\// , @temp_array ;
@temp_array = grep !/C$/ , @temp_array ;
# check to see if the parent directory of each file is writable.
# If it isn't, then don't add it to the list of files to requiring ICG
foreach my $f ( @temp_array ) {
$f = abs_path(dirname($f)) . "/" . basename($f) ;
if (exists $$sim_ref{icg_no}{$f}) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "CP(swig) skipping $f (ICG No found)\n" , "normal_yellow" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
next ;
my ($continue) = 1 ;
foreach my $ie ( @swig_exclude_dirs ) {
# if file location begins with $ie (an IGC exclude dir)
if ( $f =~ /^\Q$ie/ ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "CP(swig) skipping $f (ICG exclude dir $ie)\n" , "normal_yellow" , $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
$continue = 0 ;
last ; # break out of loop
next if ( $continue == 0 ) ;
my $temp_str ;
$temp_str = dirname($f) ;
$temp_str =~ s/\/include$// ;
if ( -w $temp_str ) {
push @temp_array2 , $f ;
undef %temp_hash ;
@temp_array2 = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @temp_array2 ;
# Get the list header files from the compiler to compare to what get_headers processed.
open FILE_LIST, "$cc -MM -DSWIG @include_paths @defines S_source.hh |" ;
my $dir ;
$dir = dirname($s_source_full_path) ;
while ( <FILE_LIST> ) {
next if ( /^#/ or /^\s+\\/ ) ;
my $word ;
foreach $word ( split ) {
next if ( $word eq "\\" or $word =~ /o:/ ) ;
if ( $word !~ /^\// and $dir ne "\/" ) {
$word = "$dir/$word" ;
$word = abs_path(dirname($word)) . "/" . basename($word) ;
# filter out system headers that are missed by the compiler -MM flag
next if ( $word =~ /^\/usr\/include/) ;
#print "gcc found $word\n" ;
$$sim_ref{gcc_all_includes}{$word} = 1 ;
# Only use header files that the compiler says are included.
undef %temp_hash ;
foreach my $k ( @temp_array2 ) {
if ( exists $$sim_ref{gcc_all_includes}{$k} and
$k !~ /$ENV{TRICK_HOME}\/trick_source/ ) {
$temp_hash{$k} = 1 ;
@temp_array2 = sort keys %temp_hash ;
#print map { "$_\n" } @temp_array2 ;
open MAKEFILE , ">Makefile_swig" or return ;
print MAKEFILE "# SWIG rules\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "SWIG_CFLAGS := -I../include \${PYTHON_INCLUDES} -Wno-shadow -Wno-missing-field-initializers\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "ifeq (\$(IS_CC_CLANG), 1)\n" ;
print MAKEFILE " SWIG_CFLAGS += -Wno-self-assign -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "endif\n" ;
for ( $ii = 0 ; $ii < scalar @temp_array2 ; $ii++ ) {
my ($continue) = 1 ;
foreach my $ie ( @exclude_dirs ) {
# if file location begins with $ie (an IGC exclude dir)
if ( @temp_array2[$ii] =~ /^\Q$ie/ ) {
$continue = 0 ;
last ; # break out of loop
next if ( $continue == 0 ) ;
if ( ! exists $$sim_ref{sim_lib_swig_files}{@temp_array2[$ii]} ) {
if ( @temp_array2[$ii] !~ /S_source/ ) {
print MAKEFILE "\\\n\t\$(LIB_DIR)/p${ii}.o" ;
print MAKEFILE "\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(OBJECT_DIR)/init_swig_modules.o\\\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(OBJECT_DIR)/py_S_source.o\\\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(OBJECT_DIR)/py_top.o\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(SIM_SWIG_OBJECTS)\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\$(ALL_SWIG_OBJECTS) : | \$(LIB_DIR) \$(OBJECT_DIR)\n\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print MAKEFILE "# SWIG_PY_OBJECTS is a convienince list to modify rules for compilation\n" ;
foreach my $f ( @temp_array2 ) {
my ($continue) = 1 ;
foreach my $ie ( @exclude_dirs ) {
# if file location begins with $ie (an IGC exclude dir)
if ( $f =~ /^\Q$ie/ ) {
$continue = 0 ;
$ii++ ;
last ; # break out of loop
next if ( $continue == 0 ) ;
my ($swig_dir, $swig_object_dir , $swig_module_dir , $swig_file_only) ;
my ($swig_f) = $f ;
$swig_f =~ s/(?:include\/)?([^\/]*)(?:\.h|\.H|\.hh|\.h\+\+|\.hxx)$/swig\/$1/ ;
$swig_dir = dirname($swig_f) ;
($swig_object_dir = $swig_dir) =~ s/swig$/object_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/ ;
$swig_file_only = basename($swig_f) ;
print MAKEFILE" \\\n\t$swig_object_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.o" ;
print MAKEFILE"\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "convert_swig:\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\${TRICK_HOME}/bin/convert_swig \${TRICK_CONVERT_SWIG_FLAGS} S_source.hh\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\n\n" ;
my %swig_dirs ;
my %python_modules ;
$ii = 0 ;
foreach my $f ( @temp_array2 ) {
my ($continue) = 1 ;
foreach my $ie ( @exclude_dirs ) {
# if file location begins with $ie (an IGC exclude dir)
if ( $f =~ /^\Q$ie/ ) {
$continue = 0 ;
$ii++ ;
last ; # break out of loop
next if ( $continue == 0 ) ;
my ($swig_dir, $swig_object_dir , $swig_module_dir , $swig_file_only) ;
my ($swig_f) = $f ;
if ( $$sim_ref{python_module}{$f} ne "" ) {
#print "python module for $f = $$sim_ref{python_module}{$f}\n" ;
my ($temp_str) = $$sim_ref{python_module}{$f} ;
$temp_str =~ s/\./\//g ;
$swig_module_dir = "$temp_str/" ;
$temp_str =~ $$sim_ref{python_module}{$f} ;
$temp_str =~ s/\\/\./g ;
push @{$python_modules{$temp_str}} , $f ;
} else {
$swig_module_dir = "" ;
push @{$python_modules{"root"}} , $f ;
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
# check if .sm file was accidentally ##included instead of #included
if ( rindex($swig_f,".sm") != -1 ) {
trick_print($$sim_ref{fh}, "\nError: $swig_f should be in a #include not a ##include \n\n", "title_red", $$sim_ref{args}{v}) ;
exit -1 ;
$swig_f =~ s/(?:include\/)?([^\/]*)(?:\.h|\.H|\.hh|\.h\+\+|\.hxx)$/swig\/$1.i/ ;
$swig_dir = dirname($swig_f) ;
($swig_object_dir = $swig_dir) =~ s/swig$/object_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/ ;
$swig_file_only = basename($swig_f) ;
$swig_file_only =~ s/\.i$// ;
$swig_dirs{$swig_dir} = 1 ;
$swig_module_i .= "\\\n $swig_f" ;
$swig_module_source .= "\\\n $swig_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.cpp\\\n $swig_dir/m${md5_sum}.py" ;
$py_wrappers .= " \\\n $swig_sim_dir/${swig_module_dir}m${md5_sum}.py" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
if ( ! exists $$sim_ref{sim_lib_swig_files}{$f} ) {
print MAKEFILE "$swig_object_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.o : $swig_f\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(SWIG) \$(TRICK_INCLUDE) \$(TRICK_DEFINES) \$(TRICK_VERSIONS) -c++ -python -includeall -ignoremissing -w201,303,362,389,401,451 -outdir $swig_dir -o $swig_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.cpp $swig_f\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(TRICK_CPPC) \$(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) \$(TRICK_IO_CXXFLAGS) \$(SWIG_CFLAGS) -c $swig_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.cpp -o \$@\n\n" ;
if ( @temp_array2[$ii] !~ /S_source/ ) {
print MAKEFILE "\$(LIB_DIR)/p${ii}.o : $swig_object_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.o\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\tln -s -f \$< \$@\n\n" ;
if ( $swig_module_dir ne "" ) {
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/${swig_module_dir}m${md5_sum}.py : | $swig_sim_dir/$swig_module_dir\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
if ( ! exists $$sim_ref{sim_lib_swig_files}{$f} ) {
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/${swig_module_dir}m${md5_sum}.py : | $swig_object_dir/py_${swig_file_only}.o\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
} else {
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/${swig_module_dir}m${md5_sum}.py :\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp $swig_dir/m${md5_sum}.py \$@\n\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
$ii++ ;
foreach $m ( keys %python_modules ) {
next if ( $m eq "root") ;
my ($temp_str) = $m ;
$temp_str =~ s/\./\//g ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/$m:\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\tmkdir -p \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "PY_WRAPPERS = $py_wrappers\n\n" ;
my $wd = abs_path(cwd()) ;
my $sim_dir_name = basename($wd) ;
$sim_dir_name =~ s/SIM_// ;
print MAKEFILE "
SWIG_SRC_FILES = \$(addprefix $swig_src_dir/,\$(notdir \$(subst .o,.cpp,\$(ALL_SWIG_OBJECTS))))
\$(ALL_SWIG_OBJECTS) : TRICK_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-redundant-decls
\$(SWIG_SRC_FILES): | $swig_src_dir
.PHONY: swig_objects
\$(S_MAIN) : \$(OBJECT_DIR)/py_top.o \$(OBJECT_DIR)/init_swig_modules.o \$(OBJECT_DIR)/py_S_source.o\n
\$(LIB_DIR)/lib_${sim_dir_name}.a : \$(SWIG_MODULE_OBJECTS)
#\$(LIB_DIR)/lib_${sim_dir_name}.a : \$(SWIG_MODULE_SOURCE) \$(ALL_SWIG_OBJECTS)
#\$(LIB_DIR)/lib_${sim_dir_name}.so : \$(SWIG_MODULE_SOURCE) \$(ALL_SWIG_OBJECTS)\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_src_dir/py_top.cpp : $swig_src_dir/top.i\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(SWIG) \$(TRICK_INCLUDE) \$(TRICK_DEFINES) \$(TRICK_VERSIONS) -c++ -python -includeall -ignoremissing -w201,303,362,389,401,451 -outdir $swig_sim_dir -o \$@ $swig_src_dir/top.i\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\$(OBJECT_DIR)/py_top.o : $swig_src_dir/py_top.cpp | \$(OBJECT_DIR)\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(TRICK_CPPC) \$(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) \$(SWIG_CFLAGS) -c \$< -o \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\$(OBJECT_DIR)/init_swig_modules.o : $swig_src_dir/init_swig_modules.cpp | \$(OBJECT_DIR)\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t\$(TRICK_CPPC) \$(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) \$(SWIG_CFLAGS) -c \$< -o \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "TRICK_FIXED_PYTHON = $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/ $swig_sim_dir/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/swig_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/swig_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/swig_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/swig_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "$swig_sim_dir/ : \${TRICK_HOME}/trick_source/trick_swig/\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\t/bin/cp \$< \$@\n\n" ;
foreach (keys %swig_dirs) {
print MAKEFILE "$_:\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\tmkdir -p $_\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "
tidy: tidy_swig
\t -rm -rf Makefile_swig $swig_src_dir trick $s_library_swig
clean: clean_swig
clean_swig:\n" ;
foreach (keys %swig_dirs) {
print MAKEFILE "\t-rm -rf $_\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\n" ;
close MAKEFILE ;
open SWIGLIB , ">$s_library_swig" or return ;
foreach my $f ( @temp_array2 ) {
print SWIGLIB "$f\n" ;
close SWIGLIB ;
open TOPFILE , ">$swig_src_dir/top.i" or return ;
print TOPFILE "\%module top\n\n" ;
print TOPFILE "\%{\n#include \"../S_source.hh\"\n\n" ;
foreach my $inst ( @{$$sim_ref{instances}} ) {
print TOPFILE "extern $$sim_ref{instances_type}{$inst} $inst ;\n" ;
foreach my $integ_loop ( @{$$sim_ref{integ_loop}} ) {
print TOPFILE "extern IntegLoopSimObject $$integ_loop{name} ;" ;
print TOPFILE "\n\%}\n\n" ;
print TOPFILE "\%import \"S_source.i\"\n\n" ;
foreach my $inst ( @{$$sim_ref{instances}} ) {
print TOPFILE "$$sim_ref{instances_type}{$inst} $inst ;\n" ;
foreach my $integ_loop ( @{$$sim_ref{integ_loop}} ) {
print TOPFILE "IntegLoopSimObject $$integ_loop{name} ;" ;
close TOPFILE ;
open INITSWIGFILE , ">$swig_src_dir/init_swig_modules.cpp" or return ;
print INITSWIGFILE "extern \"C\" {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @temp_array2 ) {
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_m${md5_sum}(void) ; /* $f */\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_sim_services(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_top(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_double(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_int(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_ref(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "\nvoid init_swig_modules(void) {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @temp_array2 ) {
next if ( $f =~ /S_source.hh/ ) ;
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_m${md5_sum}() ;\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITSWIGFILE " init_m${s_source_md5}() ;\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITSWIGFILE " init_sim_services() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_top() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_double() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_int() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_ref() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " return ;\n}\n\n}\n" ;
open INITFILE , ">$swig_sim_dir/" or return ;
print INITFILE "import sys\n" ;
print INITFILE "import os\n" ;
print INITFILE "sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + \"/trick\")\n" ;
foreach $m ( keys %python_modules ) {
next if ( $m eq "root") ;
my ($temp_str) = $m ;
$temp_str =~ s/\./\//g ;
print INITFILE "sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + \"/trick/$temp_str\")\n" ;
print INITFILE "\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _sim_services\n" ;
print INITFILE "from sim_services import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "# create \"all_cvars\" to hold all global/static vars\n" ;
print INITFILE "all_cvars = new_cvar_list()\n" ;
print INITFILE "combine_cvars(all_cvars, cvar)\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = None\n\n" ;
foreach $m ( keys %python_modules ) {
next if ( $m eq "root") ;
my ($temp_str) = $m ;
$temp_str =~ s/\//\./g ;
print INITFILE "import $temp_str\n" ;
print INITFILE "\n" ;
foreach $f ( @{$python_modules{"root"}} ) {
next if ( $f =~ /S_source.hh/ ) ;
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITFILE "# $f\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _m${md5_sum}\n" ;
print INITFILE "from m${md5_sum} import *\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITFILE "combine_cvars(all_cvars, cvar)\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = None\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "# S_source.hh\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _m${s_source_md5}\n" ;
print INITFILE "from m${s_source_md5} import *\n\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITFILE "import _top\n" ;
print INITFILE "import top\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_double\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_double\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_int\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_int\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_ref\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_ref\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "from shortcuts import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "from exception import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = all_cvars\n\n" ;
close INITFILE ;
foreach $m ( keys %python_modules ) {
next if ( $m eq "root") ;
my ($temp_str) = $m ;
$temp_str =~ s/\./\//g ;
if ( ! -e "$swig_sim_dir/$temp_str" ) {
#make_path("$swig_sim_dir/$temp_str", {mode=>0775}) ;
mkpath("$swig_sim_dir/$temp_str", {mode=>0775}) ;
open INITFILE , ">$swig_sim_dir/$temp_str/" or return ;
foreach $f ( @{$python_modules{$m}} ) {
next if ( $f =~ /S_source.hh/ ) ;
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
print INITFILE "# $f\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _m${md5_sum}\n" ;
print INITFILE "from m${md5_sum} import *\n\n" ;
2015-02-26 09:02:31 -06:00
close INITFILE ;
while ( $temp_str =~ s/\/.*?$// ) {
open INITFILE , ">$swig_sim_dir/$temp_str/" or return ;
close INITFILE ;
return ;