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[ 13.535156, 45.490946 ], [ 13.754883, 45.490946 ], [ 13.798828, 45.429299 ], [ 13.886719, 45.429299 ], [ 13.974609, 45.490946 ], [ 13.930664, 45.521744 ], [ 14.370117, 45.490946 ], [ 14.458008, 45.614037 ], [ 14.589844, 45.675482 ], [ 14.633789, 45.552525 ], [ 14.765625, 45.521744 ], [ 14.809570, 45.460131 ], [ 14.941406, 45.521744 ], [ 15.161133, 45.429299 ], [ 15.336914, 45.490946 ], [ 15.249023, 45.552525 ], [ 15.249023, 45.644768 ], [ 15.336914, 45.675482 ], [ 15.249023, 45.736860 ], [ 15.424805, 45.828799 ], [ 15.644531, 45.828799 ], [ 15.688477, 46.042736 ], [ 15.556641, 46.134170 ], [ 15.600586, 46.225453 ], [ 15.996094, 46.316584 ], [ 16.040039, 46.407564 ], [ 16.259766, 46.377254 ], [ 16.215820, 46.498392 ], [ 16.303711, 46.558860 ], [ 16.479492, 46.528635 ], [ 16.611328, 46.498392 ], [ 16.699219, 46.407564 ], [ 16.787109, 46.407564 ], [ 17.006836, 46.164614 ], [ 17.182617, 46.134170 ], [ 17.270508, 46.012224 ], [ 17.270508, 45.981695 ], [ 17.490234, 45.981695 ], [ 17.622070, 45.920587 ], [ 17.622070, 45.859412 ], [ 17.841797, 45.798170 ], [ 18.237305, 45.767523 ], [ 18.413086, 45.767523 ], [ 18.632812, 45.920587 ], [ 18.764648, 45.890008 ], [ 18.852539, 45.920587 ] ], [ [ 14.985352, 44.590467 ], [ 15.073242, 44.496505 ], [ 14.897461, 44.559163 ], [ 15.029297, 44.465151 ], [ 15.249023, 44.370987 ], [ 15.161133, 44.370987 ], [ 15.161133, 44.308127 ], [ 15.205078, 44.276671 ], [ 15.249023, 44.276671 ], [ 15.249023, 44.308127 ], [ 15.292969, 44.339565 ], [ 15.380859, 44.276671 ], [ 15.512695, 44.276671 ], [ 14.985352, 44.590467 ] ] ], [ [ [ 15.205078, 44.308127 ], [ 15.249023, 44.308127 ], [ 15.205078, 44.276671 ], [ 15.205078, 44.308127 ] ] ], [ [ [ 17.006836, 43.004647 ], [ 17.182617, 42.940339 ], [ 16.831055, 42.908160 ], [ 16.611328, 42.940339 ], [ 16.699219, 42.972502 ], [ 16.655273, 43.004647 ], [ 17.006836, 43.004647 ] ] ], [ [ [ 14.589844, 45.243953 ], [ 14.633789, 45.089036 ], [ 14.721680, 45.089036 ], [ 14.809570, 44.995883 ], [ 14.677734, 44.964798 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44.933696 ], [ 14.370117, 44.995883 ], [ 14.370117, 45.026950 ] ] ], [ [ [ 15.380859, 43.834527 ], [ 15.380859, 43.771094 ], [ 15.292969, 43.771094 ], [ 15.292969, 43.834527 ], [ 15.380859, 43.834527 ] ] ], [ [ [ 18.193359, 42.650122 ], [ 18.413086, 42.585444 ], [ 18.413086, 42.488302 ], [ 18.193359, 42.585444 ], [ 18.193359, 42.650122 ] ] ], [ [ [ 14.985352, 44.056012 ], [ 15.205078, 43.929550 ], [ 15.161133, 43.897892 ], [ 15.117188, 43.929550 ], [ 15.073242, 43.929550 ], [ 14.985352, 44.056012 ] ] ], [ [ [ 15.249023, 44.119142 ], [ 15.249023, 44.056012 ], [ 15.161133, 44.056012 ], [ 15.161133, 44.119142 ], [ 15.249023, 44.119142 ] ] ], [ [ [ 17.402344, 42.940339 ], [ 17.446289, 42.940339 ], [ 17.534180, 42.940339 ], [ 17.578125, 42.908160 ], [ 17.622070, 42.908160 ], [ 17.622070, 42.875964 ], [ 17.666016, 42.875964 ], [ 17.709961, 42.875964 ], [ 17.666016, 42.843751 ], [ 17.402344, 42.875964 ], [ 17.402344, 42.940339 ] ] ], [ [ [ 14.853516, 44.402392 ], [ 14.853516, 44.339565 ], [ 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