#define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mvt.hpp" #include "projection.hpp" #include "pool.hpp" #include "mbtiles.hpp" #include "geometry.hpp" #include "dirtiles.hpp" #include "evaluator.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "jsonpull/jsonpull.h" #include "milo/dtoa_milo.h" std::string dequote(std::string s); int pk = false; int pC = false; int pg = false; size_t CPUS; int quiet = false; int maxzoom = 32; int minzoom = 0; std::map renames; struct stats { int minzoom; int maxzoom; double midlat, midlon; double minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon; }; void handle(std::string message, int z, unsigned x, unsigned y, std::map &layermap, std::vector &header, std::map> &mapping, std::set &exclude, std::set &keep_layers, std::set &remove_layers, int ifmatched, mvt_tile &outtile, json_object *filter) { mvt_tile tile; int features_added = 0; bool was_compressed; if (!tile.decode(message, was_compressed)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't decompress tile %d/%u/%u\n", z, x, y); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (size_t l = 0; l < tile.layers.size(); l++) { mvt_layer &layer = tile.layers[l]; auto found = renames.find(layer.name); if (found != renames.end()) { layer.name = found->second; } if (keep_layers.size() > 0 && keep_layers.count(layer.name) == 0) { continue; } if (remove_layers.count(layer.name) != 0) { continue; } size_t ol; for (ol = 0; ol < outtile.layers.size(); ol++) { if (tile.layers[l].name == outtile.layers[ol].name) { break; } } if (ol == outtile.layers.size()) { outtile.layers.push_back(mvt_layer()); outtile.layers[ol].name = layer.name; outtile.layers[ol].version = layer.version; outtile.layers[ol].extent = layer.extent; } mvt_layer &outlayer = outtile.layers[ol]; if (layer.extent != outlayer.extent) { if (layer.extent > outlayer.extent) { for (size_t i = 0; i < outlayer.features.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < outlayer.features[i].geometry.size(); j++) { outlayer.features[i].geometry[j].x = outlayer.features[i].geometry[j].x * layer.extent / outlayer.extent; outlayer.features[i].geometry[j].y = outlayer.features[i].geometry[j].y * layer.extent / outlayer.extent; } } outlayer.extent = layer.extent; } } auto file_keys = layermap.find(layer.name); for (size_t f = 0; f < layer.features.size(); f++) { mvt_feature feat = layer.features[f]; if (filter != NULL) { std::map attributes; for (size_t t = 0; t + 1 < feat.tags.size(); t += 2) { std::string key = layer.keys[feat.tags[t]]; mvt_value &val = layer.values[feat.tags[t + 1]]; attributes.insert(std::pair(key, val)); } if (feat.has_id) { mvt_value v; v.type = mvt_uint; v.numeric_value.uint_value = feat.id; attributes.insert(std::pair("$id", v)); } mvt_value v; v.type = mvt_string; if (feat.type == mvt_point) { v.string_value = "Point"; } else if (feat.type == mvt_linestring) { v.string_value = "LineString"; } else if (feat.type == mvt_polygon) { v.string_value = "Polygon"; } attributes.insert(std::pair("$type", v)); if (!evaluate(attributes, layer.name, filter)) { continue; } } mvt_feature outfeature; int matched = 0; if (feat.has_id) { outfeature.has_id = true; outfeature.id = feat.id; } std::map> attributes; std::vector key_order; for (size_t t = 0; t + 1 < feat.tags.size(); t += 2) { const char *key = layer.keys[feat.tags[t]].c_str(); mvt_value &val = layer.values[feat.tags[t + 1]]; std::string value; int type = -1; if (val.type == mvt_string) { value = val.string_value; type = mvt_string; } else if (val.type == mvt_int) { aprintf(&value, "%lld", (long long) val.numeric_value.int_value); type = mvt_double; } else if (val.type == mvt_double) { aprintf(&value, "%s", milo::dtoa_milo(val.numeric_value.double_value).c_str()); type = mvt_double; } else if (val.type == mvt_float) { aprintf(&value, "%s", milo::dtoa_milo(val.numeric_value.float_value).c_str()); type = mvt_double; } else if (val.type == mvt_bool) { aprintf(&value, "%s", val.numeric_value.bool_value ? "true" : "false"); type = mvt_bool; } else if (val.type == mvt_sint) { aprintf(&value, "%lld", (long long) val.numeric_value.sint_value); type = mvt_double; } else if (val.type == mvt_uint) { aprintf(&value, "%llu", (long long) val.numeric_value.uint_value); type = mvt_double; } else { continue; } if (type < 0) { continue; } if (exclude.count(std::string(key)) == 0) { type_and_string tas; tas.type = type; tas.string = value; attributes.insert(std::pair>(key, std::pair(val, tas))); key_order.push_back(key); } if (header.size() > 0 && strcmp(key, header[0].c_str()) == 0) { std::map>::iterator ii = mapping.find(value); if (ii != mapping.end()) { std::vector fields = ii->second; matched = 1; for (size_t i = 1; i < fields.size(); i++) { std::string joinkey = header[i]; std::string joinval = fields[i]; int attr_type = mvt_string; if (joinval.size() > 0) { if (joinval[0] == '"') { joinval = dequote(joinval); } else if ((joinval[0] >= '0' && joinval[0] <= '9') || joinval[0] == '-') { attr_type = mvt_double; } } const char *sjoinkey = joinkey.c_str(); if (exclude.count(joinkey) == 0) { mvt_value outval; if (attr_type == mvt_string) { outval.type = mvt_string; outval.string_value = joinval; } else { outval.type = mvt_double; outval.numeric_value.double_value = atof(joinval.c_str()); } auto fa = attributes.find(sjoinkey); if (fa != attributes.end()) { attributes.erase(fa); } type_and_string tas; tas.type = outval.type; tas.string = joinval; // Convert from double to int if the joined attribute is an integer outval = stringified_to_mvt_value(outval.type, joinval.c_str()); attributes.insert(std::pair>(joinkey, std::pair(outval, tas))); key_order.push_back(joinkey); } } } } } if (matched || !ifmatched) { if (file_keys == layermap.end()) { layermap.insert(std::pair(layer.name, layermap_entry(layermap.size()))); file_keys = layermap.find(layer.name); file_keys->second.minzoom = z; file_keys->second.maxzoom = z; } // To keep attributes in their original order instead of alphabetical for (auto k : key_order) { auto fa = attributes.find(k); if (fa != attributes.end()) { outlayer.tag(outfeature, k, fa->second.first); add_to_file_keys(file_keys->second.file_keys, k, fa->second.second); attributes.erase(fa); } } outfeature.type = feat.type; outfeature.geometry = feat.geometry; if (layer.extent != outlayer.extent) { for (size_t i = 0; i < outfeature.geometry.size(); i++) { outfeature.geometry[i].x = outfeature.geometry[i].x * outlayer.extent / layer.extent; outfeature.geometry[i].y = outfeature.geometry[i].y * outlayer.extent / layer.extent; } } features_added++; outlayer.features.push_back(outfeature); if (z < file_keys->second.minzoom) { file_keys->second.minzoom = z; } if (z > file_keys->second.maxzoom) { file_keys->second.maxzoom = z; } if (feat.type == mvt_point) { file_keys->second.points++; } else if (feat.type == mvt_linestring) { file_keys->second.lines++; } else if (feat.type == mvt_polygon) { file_keys->second.polygons++; } } } } if (features_added == 0) { return; } } double min(double a, double b) { if (a < b) { return a; } else { return b; } } double max(double a, double b) { if (a > b) { return a; } else { return b; } } struct reader { long long zoom; long long x; long long sorty; long long y; int pbf_count; int z_flag; std::string data; std::vector pbf_path; std::vector large_zoom; sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct reader *next; bool operator<(const struct reader &r) const { if (zoom < r.zoom) { return true; } if (zoom > r.zoom) { return false; } if (x < r.x) { return true; } if (x > r.x) { return false; } if (sorty < r.sorty) { return true; } if (sorty > r.sorty) { return false; } if (data < r.data) { return true; } return false; } }; std::vector split_slash(std::string pbf_path) { std::vector path_parts; std::string path(pbf_path); std::istringstream iss(path); std::string token; while (std::getline(iss, token, '/')) { path_parts.push_back(token); } return path_parts; } int filter(const struct dirent *dir) { if (strcmp(dir->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dir->d_name, "..") == 0 || strcmp(dir->d_name, ".DS_Store") == 0 || strcmp(dir->d_name, "metadata.json") == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } // Recursively walk through a specified directory and its subdirectories, // using alphasort function and integer variable zoom_range to handle input in numerical order. // Store the path of all pbf files in a pbf_path vector member of reader struct, // with the help of a large_zoom vector and two integer members pbf_count and z_flag // to ensure the tiles order in pbf_path to be the same as in mbtiles. struct reader *read_dir(struct reader *readers, const char *name, int level, int zoom_range) { struct dirent **namelist; struct stat buf; std::string path; int i = 0; int n = scandir(name, &namelist, filter, alphasort); std::vector path_parts1, path_parts2; readers->pbf_count = 0; if (n > 0) { while (i < n) { path = std::string(name) + "/" + std::string(namelist[i]->d_name); if (stat(path.c_str(), &buf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { if (level == 0) { if (std::stoi(namelist[i]->d_name) <= 9) { zoom_range = 0; } else { zoom_range = 1; } if (readers->pbf_count > 0) { if (readers->z_flag == 0) { std::sort(readers->pbf_path.end() - (readers->pbf_count + 1), readers->pbf_path.end(), std::greater()); } else { std::sort(readers->large_zoom.end() - (readers->pbf_count + 1), readers->large_zoom.end(), std::greater()); } readers->pbf_count = 0; } } if (level == 1 && readers->pbf_count > 0) { if (zoom_range == 0) { std::sort(readers->pbf_path.end() - (readers->pbf_count + 1), readers->pbf_path.end(), std::greater()); } else { std::sort(readers->large_zoom.end() - (readers->pbf_count + 1), readers->large_zoom.end(), std::greater()); } readers->pbf_count = 0; } read_dir(readers, path.c_str(), level + 1, zoom_range); } else { if (level == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Directory structure in '%s' should be zoom/x/y\n", name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (level == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Directory structure in '%s' should be zoom/x/y\n", split_slash(name)[0].c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (zoom_range == 0) { readers->pbf_path.push_back(path); if (readers->pbf_path.size() > 1) { path_parts1 = split_slash(readers->pbf_path[readers->pbf_path.size() - 1]); path_parts2 = split_slash(readers->pbf_path[readers->pbf_path.size() - 2]); int p1 = path_parts1.size(); int p2 = path_parts2.size(); if (std::stoll(path_parts1[p1 - 3]) == std::stoll(path_parts2[p2 - 3]) && std::stoll(path_parts1[p1 - 2]) == std::stoll(path_parts2[p2 - 2])) { readers->z_flag = 0; readers->pbf_count++; } path_parts1.clear(); path_parts2.clear(); } } else { readers->large_zoom.push_back(path); if (readers->large_zoom.size() > 1) { path_parts1 = split_slash(readers->large_zoom[readers->large_zoom.size() - 1]); path_parts2 = split_slash(readers->large_zoom[readers->large_zoom.size() - 2]); int p1 = path_parts1.size(); int p2 = path_parts2.size(); if (std::stoll(path_parts1[p1 - 3]) == std::stoll(path_parts2[p2 - 3]) && std::stoll(path_parts1[p1 - 2]) == std::stoll(path_parts2[p2 - 2])) { readers->z_flag = 1; readers->pbf_count++; } path_parts1.clear(); path_parts2.clear(); } } } free(namelist[i]); i++; } if (level == 0) { if (readers->pbf_count > 0) { std::sort(readers->pbf_path.end() - (readers->pbf_count + 1), readers->pbf_path.end(), std::greater()); } readers->pbf_path.insert(std::end(readers->pbf_path), std::begin(readers->large_zoom), std::end(readers->large_zoom)); } free(namelist); } else if (n == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Empty directory '%s'\n", name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { perror("scandir"); } return readers; } struct reader *begin_reading(char *fname) { DIR *dir; struct reader *r = new reader; if ((dir = opendir(fname)) != NULL) { r = read_dir(r, fname, 0, 0); std::vector path_parts; path_parts = split_slash(r->pbf_path[0]); int p = path_parts.size(); r->db = NULL; r->stmt = NULL; r->next = NULL; r->pbf_count = 0; r->zoom = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 3]); r->x = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 2]); r->y = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 1].substr(0, path_parts[p - 1].find_last_of("."))); r->sorty = (1LL << r->zoom) - 1 - r->y; r->data = dir_read_tile(r->pbf_path[0]); path_parts.clear(); closedir(dir); } else { sqlite3 *db; if (sqlite3_open(fname, &db) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", fname, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char *sql = "SELECT zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row, tile_data from tiles order by zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row;"; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: select failed: %s\n", fname, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } r->db = db; r->stmt = stmt; r->next = NULL; if (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { r->zoom = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); r->x = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 1); r->sorty = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 2); r->y = (1LL << r->zoom) - 1 - r->sorty; const char *data = (const char *) sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 3); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 3); r->data = std::string(data, len); } else { r->zoom = 32; } } return r; } struct zxy { long long z; long long x; long long y; zxy(long long _z, long long _x, long long _y) { z = _z; x = _x; y = _y; } bool operator<(zxy const &other) const { if (z < other.z) { return true; } if (z > other.z) { return false; } if (x < other.x) { return true; } if (x > other.x) { return false; } if (y < other.y) { return true; } return false; } }; struct arg { std::map> inputs; std::map outputs; std::map *layermap; std::vector *header; std::map> *mapping; std::set *exclude; std::set *keep_layers; std::set *remove_layers; int ifmatched; json_object *filter; }; void *join_worker(void *v) { arg *a = (arg *) v; for (auto ai = a->inputs.begin(); ai != a->inputs.end(); ++ai) { mvt_tile tile; for (size_t i = 0; i < ai->second.size(); i++) { handle(ai->second[i], ai->first.z, ai->first.x, ai->first.y, *(a->layermap), *(a->header), *(a->mapping), *(a->exclude), *(a->keep_layers), *(a->remove_layers), a->ifmatched, tile, a->filter); } ai->second.clear(); bool anything = false; mvt_tile outtile; for (size_t i = 0; i < tile.layers.size(); i++) { if (tile.layers[i].features.size() > 0) { outtile.layers.push_back(tile.layers[i]); anything = true; } } if (anything) { std::string pbf = outtile.encode(); std::string compressed; if (!pC) { compress(pbf, compressed); } else { compressed = pbf; } if (!pk && compressed.size() > 500000) { fprintf(stderr, "Tile %lld/%lld/%lld size is %lld, >500000. Skipping this tile\n.", ai->first.z, ai->first.x, ai->first.y, (long long) compressed.size()); } else { a->outputs.insert(std::pair(ai->first, compressed)); } } } return NULL; } void handle_tasks(std::map> &tasks, std::vector> &layermaps, sqlite3 *outdb, const char *outdir, std::vector &header, std::map> &mapping, std::set &exclude, int ifmatched, std::set &keep_layers, std::set &remove_layers, json_object *filter) { pthread_t pthreads[CPUS]; std::vector args; for (size_t i = 0; i < CPUS; i++) { args.push_back(arg()); args[i].layermap = &layermaps[i]; args[i].header = &header; args[i].mapping = &mapping; args[i].exclude = &exclude; args[i].keep_layers = &keep_layers; args[i].remove_layers = &remove_layers; args[i].ifmatched = ifmatched; args[i].filter = filter; } size_t count = 0; // This isn't careful about distributing tasks evenly across CPUs, // but, from testing, it actually takes a little longer to do // the proper allocation than is saved by perfectly balanced threads. for (auto ai = tasks.begin(); ai != tasks.end(); ++ai) { args[count].inputs.insert(*ai); count = (count + 1) % CPUS; if (ai == tasks.begin()) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "%lld/%lld/%lld \r", ai->first.z, ai->first.x, ai->first.y); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < CPUS; i++) { if (pthread_create(&pthreads[i], NULL, join_worker, &args[i]) != 0) { perror("pthread_create"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < CPUS; i++) { void *retval; if (pthread_join(pthreads[i], &retval) != 0) { perror("pthread_join"); } for (auto ai = args[i].outputs.begin(); ai != args[i].outputs.end(); ++ai) { if (outdb != NULL) { mbtiles_write_tile(outdb, ai->first.z, ai->first.x, ai->first.y, ai->second.data(), ai->second.size()); } else if (outdir != NULL) { dir_write_tile(outdir, ai->first.z, ai->first.x, ai->first.y, ai->second); } } } } void decode(struct reader *readers, char *map, std::map &layermap, sqlite3 *outdb, const char *outdir, struct stats *st, std::vector &header, std::map> &mapping, std::set &exclude, int ifmatched, std::string &attribution, std::string &description, std::set &keep_layers, std::set &remove_layers, std::string &name, json_object *filter) { std::vector> layermaps; for (size_t i = 0; i < CPUS; i++) { layermaps.push_back(std::map()); } std::map> tasks; double minlat = INT_MAX; double minlon = INT_MAX; double maxlat = INT_MIN; double maxlon = INT_MIN; int zoom_for_bbox = -1; while (readers != NULL && readers->zoom < 32) { reader *r = readers; readers = readers->next; r->next = NULL; if (r->zoom != zoom_for_bbox) { // Only use highest zoom for bbox calculation // to avoid z0 always covering the world minlat = minlon = INT_MAX; maxlat = maxlon = INT_MIN; zoom_for_bbox = r->zoom; } double lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2; tile2lonlat(r->x, r->y, r->zoom, &lon1, &lat1); tile2lonlat(r->x + 1, r->y + 1, r->zoom, &lon2, &lat2); minlat = min(lat2, minlat); minlon = min(lon1, minlon); maxlat = max(lat1, maxlat); maxlon = max(lon2, maxlon); if (r->zoom >= minzoom && r->zoom <= maxzoom) { zxy tile = zxy(r->zoom, r->x, r->y); if (tasks.count(tile) == 0) { tasks.insert(std::pair>(tile, std::vector())); } auto f = tasks.find(tile); f->second.push_back(r->data); } if (readers == NULL || readers->zoom != r->zoom || readers->x != r->x || readers->y != r->y) { if (tasks.size() > 100 * CPUS) { handle_tasks(tasks, layermaps, outdb, outdir, header, mapping, exclude, ifmatched, keep_layers, remove_layers, filter); tasks.clear(); } } if (r->db != NULL) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { r->zoom = sqlite3_column_int(r->stmt, 0); r->x = sqlite3_column_int(r->stmt, 1); r->sorty = sqlite3_column_int(r->stmt, 2); r->y = (1LL << r->zoom) - 1 - r->sorty; const char *data = (const char *) sqlite3_column_blob(r->stmt, 3); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(r->stmt, 3); r->data = std::string(data, len); } else { r->zoom = 32; } } else { r->pbf_count++; if (r->pbf_count != static_cast(r->pbf_path.size())) { std::vector path_parts; path_parts = split_slash(r->pbf_path[r->pbf_count]); int p = path_parts.size(); r->zoom = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 3]); r->x = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 2]); r->y = std::stoll(path_parts[p - 1].substr(0, path_parts[p - 1].find_last_of("."))); r->sorty = (1LL << r->zoom) - 1 - r->y; r->data = dir_read_tile(r->pbf_path[r->pbf_count]); path_parts.clear(); } else { r->zoom = 32; } } struct reader **rr; for (rr = &readers; *rr != NULL; rr = &((*rr)->next)) { if (*r < **rr) { break; } } r->next = *rr; *rr = r; } st->minlon = min(minlon, st->minlon); st->maxlon = max(maxlon, st->maxlon); st->minlat = min(minlat, st->minlat); st->maxlat = max(maxlat, st->maxlat); handle_tasks(tasks, layermaps, outdb, outdir, header, mapping, exclude, ifmatched, keep_layers, remove_layers, filter); layermap = merge_layermaps(layermaps); struct reader *next; for (struct reader *r = readers; r != NULL; r = next) { next = r->next; if (r->db != NULL) { sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'minzoom'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { int minz = max(sqlite3_column_int(r->stmt, 0), minzoom); st->minzoom = min(st->minzoom, minz); } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'maxzoom'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { int maxz = min(sqlite3_column_int(r->stmt, 0), maxzoom); st->maxzoom = max(st->maxzoom, maxz); } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'center'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { const unsigned char *s = sqlite3_column_text(r->stmt, 0); if (s != NULL) { sscanf((char *) s, "%lf,%lf", &st->midlon, &st->midlat); } } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'attribution'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { const unsigned char *s = sqlite3_column_text(r->stmt, 0); if (s != NULL) { attribution = std::string((char *) s); } } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'description'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { const unsigned char *s = sqlite3_column_text(r->stmt, 0); if (s != NULL) { description = std::string((char *) s); } } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'name'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { const unsigned char *s = sqlite3_column_text(r->stmt, 0); if (s != NULL) { if (name.size() == 0) { name = std::string((char *) s); } else { name += " + " + std::string((char *) s); } } } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(r->db, "SELECT value from metadata where name = 'bounds'", -1, &r->stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { if (sqlite3_step(r->stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { const unsigned char *s = sqlite3_column_text(r->stmt, 0); if (s != NULL) { if (sscanf((char *) s, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &minlon, &minlat, &maxlon, &maxlat) == 4) { st->minlon = min(minlon, st->minlon); st->maxlon = max(maxlon, st->maxlon); st->minlat = min(minlat, st->minlat); st->maxlat = max(maxlat, st->maxlat); } } } sqlite3_finalize(r->stmt); } if (sqlite3_close(r->db) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not close database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(r->db)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { std::vector path_parts; path_parts = split_slash(r->pbf_path[0]); std::string metadata_path = path_parts[0]; for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(path_parts.size()) - 3; i++) { metadata_path = metadata_path + "/" + path_parts[i]; } metadata_path += "/metadata.json"; path_parts.clear(); FILE *f = fopen(metadata_path.c_str(), "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror(metadata_path.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } json_pull *jp = json_begin_file(f); json_object *j, *k; while ((j = json_read(jp)) != NULL) { if (j->type == JSON_HASH) { if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "minzoom")) != NULL) { const std::string minzoom_tmp = k->string; int minz = max(std::stoi(minzoom_tmp), minzoom); st->minzoom = min(st->minzoom, minz); } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "maxzoom")) != NULL) { const std::string maxzoom_tmp = k->string; int maxz = min(std::stoi(maxzoom_tmp), maxzoom); st->maxzoom = max(st->maxzoom, maxz); } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "center")) != NULL) { const std::string center = k->string; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *) center.c_str(); sscanf((char *) s, "%lf,%lf", &st->midlon, &st->midlat); } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "attribution")) != NULL) { attribution = k->string; } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "description")) != NULL) { description = k->string; } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "name")) != NULL) { const std::string name_tmp = k->string; if (name.size() == 0) { name = name_tmp; } else { name += " + " + name_tmp; } } if ((k = json_hash_get(j, "bounds")) != NULL) { const std::string bounds = k->string; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *) bounds.c_str(); if (sscanf((char *) s, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &minlon, &minlat, &maxlon, &maxlat) == 4) { st->minlon = min(minlon, st->minlon); st->maxlon = max(maxlon, st->maxlon); st->minlat = min(minlat, st->minlat); st->maxlat = max(maxlat, st->maxlat); } } } } json_free(j); json_end(jp); fclose(f); } delete r; } } void usage(char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f] [-i] [-pk] [-pC] [-c joins.csv] [-x exclude ...] -o new.mbtiles source.mbtiles ...\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #define MAXLINE 10000 /* XXX */ std::vector split(char *s) { std::vector ret; while (*s && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r') { char *start = s; int within = 0; for (; *s && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r'; s++) { if (*s == '"') { within = !within; } if (*s == ',' && !within) { break; } } std::string v = std::string(start, s - start); ret.push_back(v); if (*s == ',') { s++; while (*s && isspace(*s)) { s++; } } } return ret; } std::string dequote(std::string s) { std::string out; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { if (s[i] == '"') { if (i + 1 < s.size() && s[i + 1] == '"') { out.push_back('"'); } } else { out.push_back(s[i]); } } return out; } void readcsv(char *fn, std::vector &header, std::map> &mapping) { FILE *f = fopen(fn, "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror(fn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char s[MAXLINE]; if (fgets(s, MAXLINE, f)) { header = split(s); for (size_t i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) { header[i] = dequote(header[i]); } } while (fgets(s, MAXLINE, f)) { std::vector line = split(s); if (line.size() > 0) { line[0] = dequote(line[0]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < line.size() && i < header.size(); i++) { // printf("putting %s\n", line[0].c_str()); mapping.insert(std::pair>(line[0], line)); } } if (fclose(f) != 0) { perror("fclose"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *out_mbtiles = NULL; char *out_dir = NULL; sqlite3 *outdb = NULL; char *csv = NULL; int force = 0; int ifmatched = 0; json_object *filter = NULL; CPUS = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); const char *TIPPECANOE_MAX_THREADS = getenv("TIPPECANOE_MAX_THREADS"); if (TIPPECANOE_MAX_THREADS != NULL) { CPUS = atoi(TIPPECANOE_MAX_THREADS); } if (CPUS < 1) { CPUS = 1; } std::vector header; std::map> mapping; std::set exclude; std::set keep_layers; std::set remove_layers; std::string set_name, set_description, set_attribution; struct option long_options[] = { {"output", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"output-to-directory", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"force", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"if-matched", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"attribution", required_argument, 0, 'A'}, {"name", required_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"description", required_argument, 0, 'N'}, {"prevent", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"csv", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"exclude", required_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"layer", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"exclude-layer", required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"maximum-zoom", required_argument, 0, 'z'}, {"minimum-zoom", required_argument, 0, 'Z'}, {"feature-filter-file", required_argument, 0, 'J'}, {"feature-filter", required_argument, 0, 'j'}, {"rename-layer", required_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"no-tile-size-limit", no_argument, &pk, 1}, {"no-tile-compression", no_argument, &pC, 1}, {"no-tile-stats", no_argument, &pg, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; std::string getopt_str; for (size_t lo = 0; long_options[lo].name != NULL; lo++) { if (long_options[lo].val > ' ') { getopt_str.push_back(long_options[lo].val); if (long_options[lo].has_arg == required_argument) { getopt_str.push_back(':'); } } } extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int i; while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, getopt_str.c_str(), long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (i) { case 0: break; case 'o': out_mbtiles = optarg; break; case 'e': out_dir = optarg; break; case 'f': force = 1; break; case 'i': ifmatched = 1; break; case 'A': set_attribution = optarg; break; case 'n': set_name = optarg; break; case 'N': set_description = optarg; break; case 'z': maxzoom = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Z': minzoom = atoi(optarg); break; case 'J': filter = read_filter(optarg); break; case 'j': filter = parse_filter(optarg); break; case 'p': if (strcmp(optarg, "k") == 0) { pk = true; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "C") == 0) { pC = true; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "g") == 0) { pg = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option for -p%s\n", argv[0], optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'c': if (csv != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Only one -c for now\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } csv = optarg; readcsv(csv, header, mapping); break; case 'x': exclude.insert(std::string(optarg)); break; case 'l': keep_layers.insert(std::string(optarg)); break; case 'L': remove_layers.insert(std::string(optarg)); break; case 'R': { char *cp = strchr(optarg, ':'); if (cp == NULL || cp == optarg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -R requires old:new\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::string before = std::string(optarg).substr(0, cp - optarg); std::string after = std::string(cp + 1); renames.insert(std::pair(before, after)); } break; case 'q': quiet = true; break; default: usage(argv); } } if (argc - optind < 1) { usage(argv); } if (out_mbtiles == NULL && out_dir == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: must specify -o out.mbtiles or -e directory\n", argv[0]); usage(argv); } if (out_mbtiles != NULL && out_dir != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Options -o and -e cannot be used together\n", argv[0]); usage(argv); } if (out_mbtiles != NULL) { if (force) { unlink(out_mbtiles); } outdb = mbtiles_open(out_mbtiles, argv, 0); } if (out_dir != NULL) { if (force) { check_dir(out_dir, true); } check_dir(out_dir, false); } struct stats st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); st.minzoom = st.minlat = st.minlon = INT_MAX; st.maxzoom = st.maxlat = st.maxlon = INT_MIN; std::map layermap; std::string attribution; std::string description; std::string name; struct reader *readers = NULL; for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { reader *r = begin_reading(argv[i]); struct reader **rr; for (rr = &readers; *rr != NULL; rr = &((*rr)->next)) { if (*r < **rr) { break; } } r->next = *rr; *rr = r; } decode(readers, csv, layermap, outdb, out_dir, &st, header, mapping, exclude, ifmatched, attribution, description, keep_layers, remove_layers, name, filter); if (set_attribution.size() != 0) { attribution = set_attribution; } if (set_description.size() != 0) { description = set_description; } if (set_name.size() != 0) { name = set_name; } mbtiles_write_metadata(outdb, out_dir, name.c_str(), st.minzoom, st.maxzoom, st.minlat, st.minlon, st.maxlat, st.maxlon, st.midlat, st.midlon, 0, attribution.size() != 0 ? attribution.c_str() : NULL, layermap, true, description.c_str(), !pg); if (outdb != NULL) { mbtiles_close(outdb, argv[0]); } if (filter != NULL) { json_free(filter); } return 0; }