#ifdef MTRACE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jsonpull/jsonpull.h" #include "pool.hpp" #include "projection.hpp" #include "memfile.hpp" #include "main.hpp" #include "mbtiles.hpp" #include "geojson.hpp" #include "geometry.hpp" #include "options.hpp" #include "serial.hpp" #include "text.hpp" #include "read_json.hpp" #include "mvt.hpp" int serialize_geojson_feature(struct serialization_state *sst, json_object *geometry, json_object *properties, json_object *id, int layer, json_object *tippecanoe, json_object *feature, std::string layername) { json_object *geometry_type = json_hash_get(geometry, "type"); if (geometry_type == NULL) { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: null geometry (additional not reported)\n", sst->fname, sst->line); json_context(feature); warned = 1; } return 0; } if (geometry_type->type != JSON_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: geometry type is not a string\n", sst->fname, sst->line); json_context(feature); return 0; } json_object *coordinates = json_hash_get(geometry, "coordinates"); if (coordinates == NULL || coordinates->type != JSON_ARRAY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: feature without coordinates array\n", sst->fname, sst->line); json_context(feature); return 0; } int t; for (t = 0; t < GEOM_TYPES; t++) { if (strcmp(geometry_type->string, geometry_names[t]) == 0) { break; } } if (t >= GEOM_TYPES) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Can't handle geometry type %s\n", sst->fname, sst->line, geometry_type->string); json_context(feature); return 0; } int tippecanoe_minzoom = -1; int tippecanoe_maxzoom = -1; std::string tippecanoe_layername; if (tippecanoe != NULL) { json_object *min = json_hash_get(tippecanoe, "minzoom"); if (min != NULL && min->type == JSON_NUMBER) { tippecanoe_minzoom = min->number; } if (min != NULL && min->type == JSON_STRING) { tippecanoe_minzoom = atoi(min->string); } json_object *max = json_hash_get(tippecanoe, "maxzoom"); if (max != NULL && max->type == JSON_NUMBER) { tippecanoe_maxzoom = max->number; } if (max != NULL && max->type == JSON_STRING) { tippecanoe_maxzoom = atoi(max->string); } json_object *ln = json_hash_get(tippecanoe, "layer"); if (ln != NULL && (ln->type == JSON_STRING || ln->type == JSON_NUMBER)) { tippecanoe_layername = std::string(ln->string); } } bool has_id = false; unsigned long long id_value = 0; if (id != NULL) { if (id->type == JSON_NUMBER) { if (id->number >= 0) { char *err = NULL; id_value = strtoull(id->string, &err, 10); if (err != NULL && *err != '\0') { static bool warned_frac = false; if (!warned_frac) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Can't represent non-integer feature ID %s\n", id->string); warned_frac = true; } } else { has_id = true; } } else { static bool warned_neg = false; if (!warned_neg) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Can't represent negative feature ID %s\n", id->string); warned_neg = true; } } } else { static bool warned_nan = false; if (!warned_nan) { char *s = json_stringify(id); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Can't represent non-numeric feature ID %s\n", s); free(s); // stringify warned_nan = true; } } } size_t nprop = 0; if (properties != NULL && properties->type == JSON_HASH) { nprop = properties->length; } std::vector metakey; metakey.resize(nprop); std::vector metaval; metaval.resize(nprop); std::vector metatype; metatype.resize(nprop); size_t m = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nprop; i++) { if (properties->keys[i]->type == JSON_STRING) { std::string s(properties->keys[i]->string); int type = -1; std::string val; stringify_value(properties->values[i], type, val, sst->fname, sst->line, feature); if (type >= 0) { metakey[m] = properties->keys[i]->string; metatype[m] = type; metaval[m] = val; m++; } else { metakey[m] = properties->keys[i]->string; metatype[m] = mvt_null; metaval[m] = "null"; m++; } } } drawvec dv; parse_geometry(t, coordinates, dv, VT_MOVETO, sst->fname, sst->line, feature); serial_feature sf; sf.layer = layer; sf.segment = sst->segment; sf.t = mb_geometry[t]; sf.has_id = has_id; sf.id = id_value; sf.has_tippecanoe_minzoom = (tippecanoe_minzoom != -1); sf.tippecanoe_minzoom = tippecanoe_minzoom; sf.has_tippecanoe_maxzoom = (tippecanoe_maxzoom != -1); sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom = tippecanoe_maxzoom; sf.geometry = dv; sf.m = m; sf.feature_minzoom = 0; // Will be filled in during index merging sf.seq = *(sst->layer_seq); if (tippecanoe_layername.size() != 0) { sf.layername = tippecanoe_layername; } else { sf.layername = layername; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) { sf.full_keys.push_back(metakey[i]); serial_val sv; sv.type = metatype[i]; sv.s = metaval[i]; sf.full_values.push_back(sv); } return serialize_feature(sst, sf); } void check_crs(json_object *j, const char *reading) { json_object *crs = json_hash_get(j, "crs"); if (crs != NULL) { json_object *properties = json_hash_get(crs, "properties"); if (properties != NULL) { json_object *name = json_hash_get(properties, "name"); if (name->type == JSON_STRING) { if (strcmp(name->string, projection->alias) != 0) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: GeoJSON specified projection \"%s\", not the expected \"%s\".\n", reading, name->string, projection->alias); fprintf(stderr, "%s: If \"%s\" is not the expected projection, use -s to specify the right one.\n", reading, projection->alias); } } } } } } void parse_json(struct serialization_state *sst, json_pull *jp, int layer, std::string layername) { long long found_hashes = 0; long long found_features = 0; long long found_geometries = 0; while (1) { json_object *j = json_read(jp); if (j == NULL) { if (jp->error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", sst->fname, jp->line, jp->error); if (jp->root != NULL) { json_context(jp->root); } } json_free(jp->root); break; } if (j->type == JSON_HASH) { found_hashes++; if (found_hashes == 50 && found_features == 0 && found_geometries == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Warning: not finding any GeoJSON features or geometries in input yet after 50 objects.\n", sst->fname, jp->line); } } json_object *type = json_hash_get(j, "type"); if (type == NULL || type->type != JSON_STRING) { continue; } if (found_features == 0) { int i; int is_geometry = 0; for (i = 0; i < GEOM_TYPES; i++) { if (strcmp(type->string, geometry_names[i]) == 0) { is_geometry = 1; break; } } if (is_geometry) { if (j->parent != NULL) { if (j->parent->type == JSON_ARRAY) { if (j->parent->parent->type == JSON_HASH) { json_object *geometries = json_hash_get(j->parent->parent, "geometries"); if (geometries != NULL) { // Parent of Parent must be a GeometryCollection is_geometry = 0; } } } else if (j->parent->type == JSON_HASH) { json_object *geometry = json_hash_get(j->parent, "geometry"); if (geometry != NULL) { // Parent must be a Feature is_geometry = 0; } } } } if (is_geometry) { if (found_features != 0 && found_geometries == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Warning: found a mixture of features and bare geometries\n", sst->fname, jp->line); } found_geometries++; serialize_geojson_feature(sst, j, NULL, NULL, layer, NULL, j, layername); json_free(j); continue; } } if (strcmp(type->string, "Feature") != 0) { if (strcmp(type->string, "FeatureCollection") == 0) { check_crs(j, sst->fname); json_free(j); } continue; } if (found_features == 0 && found_geometries != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Warning: found a mixture of features and bare geometries\n", sst->fname, jp->line); } found_features++; json_object *geometry = json_hash_get(j, "geometry"); if (geometry == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: feature with no geometry\n", sst->fname, jp->line); json_context(j); json_free(j); continue; } json_object *properties = json_hash_get(j, "properties"); if (properties == NULL || (properties->type != JSON_HASH && properties->type != JSON_NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: feature without properties hash\n", sst->fname, jp->line); json_context(j); json_free(j); continue; } json_object *tippecanoe = json_hash_get(j, "tippecanoe"); json_object *id = json_hash_get(j, "id"); json_object *geometries = json_hash_get(geometry, "geometries"); if (geometries != NULL) { size_t g; for (g = 0; g < geometries->length; g++) { serialize_geojson_feature(sst, geometries->array[g], properties, id, layer, tippecanoe, j, layername); } } else { serialize_geojson_feature(sst, geometry, properties, id, layer, tippecanoe, j, layername); } json_free(j); /* XXX check for any non-features in the outer object */ } } void *run_parse_json(void *v) { struct parse_json_args *pja = (struct parse_json_args *) v; parse_json(pja->sst, pja->jp, pja->layer, *pja->layername); return NULL; } struct jsonmap { char *map; unsigned long long off; unsigned long long end; }; ssize_t json_map_read(struct json_pull *jp, char *buffer, size_t n) { struct jsonmap *jm = (struct jsonmap *) jp->source; if (jm->off + n >= jm->end) { n = jm->end - jm->off; } memcpy(buffer, jm->map + jm->off, n); jm->off += n; return n; } struct json_pull *json_begin_map(char *map, long long len) { struct jsonmap *jm = new jsonmap; if (jm == NULL) { perror("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } jm->map = map; jm->off = 0; jm->end = len; return json_begin(json_map_read, jm); } void json_end_map(struct json_pull *jp) { delete (struct jsonmap *) jp->source; json_end(jp); }