#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mapbox { namespace geometry { namespace wagyu { template void execute_vatti(local_minimum_list& minima_list, ring_manager& manager, clip_type cliptype, fill_type subject_fill_type, fill_type clip_fill_type) { active_bound_list active_bounds; scanbeam_list scanbeam; T scanline_y = std::numeric_limits::max(); local_minimum_ptr_list minima_sorted; minima_sorted.reserve(minima_list.size()); for (auto& lm : minima_list) { minima_sorted.push_back(&lm); } std::stable_sort(minima_sorted.begin(), minima_sorted.end(), local_minimum_sorter()); local_minimum_ptr_list_itr current_lm = minima_sorted.begin(); // std::clog << output_all_edges(minima_sorted) << std::endl; setup_scanbeam(minima_list, scanbeam); manager.current_hp_itr = manager.hot_pixels.begin(); while (pop_from_scanbeam(scanline_y, scanbeam) || current_lm != minima_sorted.end()) { process_intersections(scanline_y, active_bounds, cliptype, subject_fill_type, clip_fill_type, manager); update_current_hp_itr(scanline_y, manager); // First we process bounds that has already been added to the active bound list -- // if the active bound list is empty local minima that are at this scanline_y and // have a horizontal edge at the local minima will be processed process_edges_at_top_of_scanbeam(scanline_y, active_bounds, scanbeam, minima_sorted, current_lm, manager, cliptype, subject_fill_type, clip_fill_type); // Next we will add local minima bounds to the active bounds list that are on the local // minima queue at // this current scanline_y insert_local_minima_into_ABL(scanline_y, minima_sorted, current_lm, active_bounds, manager, scanbeam, cliptype, subject_fill_type, clip_fill_type); } } } // namespace wagyu } // namespace geometry } // namespace mapbox