Spell out a fuzz test for the four input-reading code paths

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fischer 2016-02-02 12:21:19 -08:00
parent f5ea5974ee
commit dfaba5a3e6

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@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ test: tippecanoe tippecanoe-decode $(addsuffix .check,$(TESTS))
cmp $(patsubst %.check,%,$@) $@.out
rm $@.out $@.mbtiles
mkdir -p tests/parallel
perl -e 'for ($$i = 0; $$i < 300000; $$i++) { $$lon = rand(360) - 180; $$lat = rand(180) - 90; print "{ \"type\": \"Feature\", \"properties\": { }, \"geometry\": { \"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [ $$lon, $$lat ] } }\n"; }' > tests/parallel/in.json
./tippecanoe -z5 -f -pi -l test -n test -o tests/parallel/linear-file.mbtiles tests/parallel/in.json
./tippecanoe -z5 -f -pi -l test -n test -P -o tests/parallel/parallel-file.mbtiles tests/parallel/in.json
cat tests/parallel/in.json | ./tippecanoe -z5 -f -pi -l test -n test -o tests/parallel/linear-pipe.mbtiles
cat tests/parallel/in.json | ./tippecanoe -z5 -f -pi -l test -n test -P -o tests/parallel/parallel-pipe.mbtiles
./tippecanoe-decode tests/parallel/linear-file.mbtiles > tests/parallel/linear-file.json
./tippecanoe-decode tests/parallel/parallel-file.mbtiles > tests/parallel/parallel-file.json
./tippecanoe-decode tests/parallel/linear-pipe.mbtiles > tests/parallel/linear-pipe.json
./tippecanoe-decode tests/parallel/parallel-pipe.mbtiles > tests/parallel/parallel-pipe.json
cmp tests/parallel/linear-file.json tests/parallel/parallel-file.json
cmp tests/parallel/linear-file.json tests/parallel/linear-pipe.json
cmp tests/parallel/linear-file.json tests/parallel/parallel-pipe.json
rm tests/parallel/*.mbtiles tests/parallel/*.json
# Use this target to regenerate the standards that the tests are compared against
# after making a change that legitimately changes their output